#device configuration information # any line starting with a # is a comment and is ignored stats ./stats # devices available - list ends with a null line or a line starting with a & # format class_name device_name driver_task_path_name # class_name MUST be one of dlt, exabyte, scsitape, sink dlt /dev/rmt/1 ./driver exabyte /dev/rmt/0 ./driver file /dev/file/0 ./driver sink /dev/null/0 ./driver & #data link configuration information - list end with a null line # format link_task_path_name ./linkTCP & #program options - list end with a null line msg_reporting_level 0x0180fff8 # use 0x0080fff8 to enable msg logging msg_logging_level 0xfff8 tapeserver_options 2 # default for following is 16Kbytes - both MUST be the same at present data_buffer_size 32 tape_block_size 32 disc_file_size 2000 # file_path_base /scratch/data & #end of information