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Message ID: 224     Entry time: Fri May 13 06:18:53 2016
Author: AE, VP, BM 
Subject: Friday May 13th 
11 am: Changed configuration of power source for AIDA PSU (see paper logbook). Now both cables with power for
USB relay are connected to the 'C' unit of the F11 power supply. They use different socket pads, and share them
with power cables for raspberry pi and NIM crates. Situation intermediate to what we have on Tuesday.

Resolution of pulser peaks improved slightly w.r.t. yesterday, but still we have the high frequency noise
(500kHz) present (attachments).

12 pm: We found the FEEs crash (loose connection/synchronization) when we enable the fast discriminators (see
attach. 1). This could be in the case when some of the discriminator channels are triggering at a fast rate
(noise above threshold). We observed the same pattern a few times.

5 pm: During all afternoon we've not been able to put AIDA in an operational state. There is always one or more
FEEs that do not synchronize or loose connection. Also the fuse of the PSU broke and we had to replace them.
Source for state of the system could be related to current configuration of PSU power, or the presence of noise
we observed in last couple of days.

6 pm: Back to configuration of PSU from yesterday:

F11 power supply 'C' ---->----> PSU relays 1-4
                          |---> NIM crates, RPI, etc

F11 power supply 'B' ----> PSU relays 5-8

Started by checking the options. Loaded Options 2016May03-20.44.33. It looks like settings of ASICs are not the
standard ones (e.g. threshold 47). Tried restore settings in Save/Restore option. It worked for all but NNAIDA25
(fri22.png), but other have proper settings (but values of #25 also look ok!).

Performed 'Check ASIC clock timestime' in systemwide checks: all failed (fri23.png)
Performed 'Check ADC calibration' in systemwide checks: all passed, except for nnaida26 (fri24.png)
Master Timestamp Control -> Perform ReSYNC: worked for all modules except nnaida26

we lost connection to 26..... (fri26.png)

Attempted ADC calibration of NNAIDA26 (FADC align and control) failed (fri27.png)

Disabled NNAIDA from Run Control, and Reset all modules. But now after reset the setup button does not appear,
just Reset one as if the action had no effect.

Tryed restore settings again. Again nnaida25 returned problem, but yet again nnaida26 is the one that actually
doesn't have proper ASIC settings. Confirmed this with 'Check ASIC control' (fri29.png). Is there an error in the
error report message of 'Restore Settings'?

We checked cable connections (HDMI, ethernet), and afterwards NNAIDA26 keeps giving problems. We give up on it,
remove it from DAQ configuration (, and system nos seems to be runing ok
without it.

8 pm: disconnected all remaining cables from MACB->other crates (only daq correlation in macb1), and went back to
yesterdays configuration of PSU power with all power from 'C'

F11 power supply 'C' ---->----> PSU relays 1-4
                     |    |
                     |    |---> PSU relays 5-8
                     |--->---> NIM crates, RPI, etc
Attachment 1: fri14_crash.png  289 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 2: fri1.png  138 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 3: fri2.png  299 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 4: fri4.png  128 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 5: fri5.png  117 kB  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 6: fri6.png  291 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 7: fri7.png  124 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 8: fri8.png  301 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 9: fri9.png  141 kB  | Show | Hide all | Show all
ELOG V3.1.4-unknown