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Entry time:
Fri Mar 28 20:47:09 2025
> Jan20-21, 2015 > > > R49_* are a set of files corresponding to an overnight background measurement, with goal of detecting alphas > from uranium decay chain contaminants. > > The settings of ASICs are attached as a screenshot. The low comparator thresholds are (see previous entry): > nnaida#11= 0x16 > nnaida#12= 0x40 > nnaida#13= 0x20 > nnaida#14= 0x16 > > For a significant fraction of the measurement, NNAIDA12 and NNAIDA13 were not generating good data. We > didn't > invest much time in solving the issue, as it's recurrent problem with NNAIDA12, but it seems some ASICS went > back to normal behavior overnight. > > Due to limited storage space, data in external drive (/media/data/TapeData/Test100/), and backued up > temporarly > in Edinburhg (/Disk/ds-sopa-personal/aestrade/data/AIDA/). > > A pulser walkthrough for this setting is available in runs R61-R65 (see next elog entry). > > > > ++ DATA ANALYSIS ++ > > A fraction of the runs (R49_1, R40_10-14) were analysed with the 'beta' version of the Root sort code for > event > reconstruction (/homes/npg/AIDAsort/). The code creates events from data bits that fall within a window of > 50usec, and included the additional requirement that the calibrated energy of each ADC hit should be E>1500 > keV. > > Output from Root sort code saved here: > > aestrade: AIDA $ pwd > /Disk/ds-sopa-personal/aestrade/rootfiles/AIDA > aestrade: AIDA $ ls R49_alpha_bckgr* > R49_alpha_bckgr_10_calib_log.txt R49_alpha_bckgr_13_calib.root > R49_alpha_bckgr_10_calib.root R49_alpha_bckgr_13_event_log.txt > R49_alpha_bckgr_10_event_log.txt R49_alpha_bckgr_13_event.root > R49_alpha_bckgr_10_event.root R49_alpha_bckgr_14_calib_log.txt > R49_alpha_bckgr_11_calib_log.txt R49_alpha_bckgr_14_calib.root > R49_alpha_bckgr_11_calib.root R49_alpha_bckgr_14_event_log.txt > R49_alpha_bckgr_11_event_log.txt R49_alpha_bckgr_14_event.root > R49_alpha_bckgr_11_event.root R49_alpha_bckgr1_calib_log.txt > R49_alpha_bckgr_12_calib_log.txt R49_alpha_bckgr1_calib.root > R49_alpha_bckgr_12_calib.root R49_alpha_bckgr1_event_log.txt > R49_alpha_bckgr_12_event_log.txt R49_alpha_bckgr1_event.root > R49_alpha_bckgr_12_event.root R49_alpha_bckgr1_sort_log.txt > R49_alpha_bckgr_13_calib_log.txt R49_alpha_bckgr1_sort.root > > A few plots from these data: > > R49few_a_bckgrnd_multiplicity.png: Shows the multiplicity of reconstructed events. Peaks corresponding to > multiples of 64 are clear from pulser (64 ch/asic, although one FEE has some channels off so peaks shifted). > There is also peak at low multiplicity where gate to search for events can be placed. The events with very > high > multiplicity indicate the time window used is too large, so we get random coincidences or high count from > noisy > channels. The lower plots show how the energy sum increases linearly with the multiplicity of the event > > R49few_a_bckgrnd_xy.png: Plots for the calculated mean strip for hits on each side (<x>: nnaida#11 and #12, > <y>: > nnaida#13 and #14). The different plots have different condition applied. Top left only requires > multiplicity on > x and y greater than zero (i.e., a hit for each side). The others require low multiplicity, or low spread of > the > timestamp of the hits included (spread dts<10usec), and also mask out hits with x value of 18 or 101 (very > high > count channels) > > R49few_a_bckgrnd_dt_event.png: The difference of the time-stamp for hits with lowest and highest time-stamp > within each event. 50 usec is the event window considered (so highest possible value). Note that events with > multiplicity 2 (1 hit in x, and 1 hit in y) have almost exclusively a spread of very few clock cycles. > > R49few_a_bckgrnd_EfEb.png: Energy front vs energy back spectra, with some of the conditions described above > (e.g. low multiplicity, or multi=2, low spread in time-stamp). All have hits with x=78 and 102 excluded. The > most clean spectra is top-right (one hit in x, one hit in y), but shows only a couple of hits with good > energy > in both sides.
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