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Message ID: 425     Entry time: Sun Nov 6 01:34:15 2016
Author: TD, OH, CG 
Subject: Sun 6th November 
10:34 Detector Bias a leakage currents all ok. (Attachments 1 and 2)
      Temperatures all ok (Attachment 3)
      All system wide checks ok other than clock status see attachment 4
      DAQ continues to run ok (R124) (No stop at 6:30am)
      DAQ running at about 14MB/s to disc which is faster than before.
      Most likely due to the increased rate in detector 1 which is represented at FEEs 17, 20, 22 and 23 in
      attachment 5.

      Also attached are the spectra for layouts 1-4 & 7-8 as attachments 6-11
      When looking at the pulser spectrum in layouts 3 and 4 (attachments 9 and 10) we see that the pulser peaks
relating to this detector is broader shown by
      the decreased peak height.

      Comparing the waveforms in attachments 11 and 12 to those taken on Monday 31st Oct we see that the noise
in nnaida 5 and 6 has been greatly reduced.
      On the others however there appears to be an increase in the amplitude of the noise.

      11:25 The second putty window for leakage currents was found to have been frozen for the past 24 hours.
Was reloaded and updated leakage currents are in attachment 13 and 14

12.15 Analysis of R124_291 shows ADC & disc data synchronised - see attachment 15
      Analysis of data file - see attachment 16

18:26 DAQ stopped, presumably during LN2 fill cycle.
      Restarted the merger and tried "Stop" on the DAQ control page. ~50% of nnaida now show "error."
      R124 closed 18.29
      Could not regain control of the system. Jorge switched BRIKEN to its internal clock and FEEs power cycled @

23.35 DAQ started (R126 - no storage mode)

      DSSSD bias & leakage currents OK - see attachment 
Attachment 1: 10.png  12 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 2: 11.png  12 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 3: 12.png  135 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 4: 13.png  167 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 5: 20.png  91 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 6: 15.png  140 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 7: 14.png  128 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 8: 16  131 kB
Attachment 9: 17.png  131 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 10: 21.png  131 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 11: 18.png  143 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 12: 19.png  135 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 13: 22.png  12 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 14: 23.png  12 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 15: 30.png  36 kB  Uploaded Sun Nov 6 03:21:39 2016  | Show | Show all
Attachment 16: R124_291  10 kB  Uploaded Sun Nov 6 03:26:33 2016  | Show | Show all
Attachment 17: 1.png  12 kB  Uploaded Sun Nov 6 14:40:02 2016  | Show | Show all
Attachment 18: 2.png  12 kB  Uploaded Sun Nov 6 14:40:02 2016  | Show | Show all
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