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Entry time:
Sun Nov 27 06:35:47 2016
14.15 BigRIPS run number is now 1029 15.22 BigRIPS run number is now 1030 15.36 DSSSD bias & leakage currents OK - see attachments 1 & 2 FEE64 temperatures OK - see attachment 3 DAQ continues (RIBF03R1/R20) Degrader 3mm Pb fixed + (0.3mm W/1mm Al + 0.5mm W/1mm Al) variable ASIC settings 2016Nov17-10.50.10 BNC PB-4 settings Amplitude 90,000 x5 attenuator IN freq 25Hz range t_r 50ns, tau_d 50us polarity -, int ref, delay MIN, tail pulse 15.43 System-wide checks OK *except* clock status errors from amongst nnaida5, 7, 8, 15 & 16 - bit 2 always set 15.46 Visual scalers - see attachment 4 16.04 Accelerator group wants to change the carbon stripper foil -- beam stop Run stop (R20_27 at the end) 16.10 Ambient temperature +25.2 deg C, d.p. +2.6 deg C, RH 23.8% 16.17 BigRIPS run 1031 is junk 16:17 Added 1 mm Al plate to the front of the 3 mm Pb degrader (on the upstream side of PE wall) Pb bricks stacked between MUSIC1 and MUSIC2. Not enough time to measure it because of quick foil change Basically, about 10 cm thick, and it has a ~7 cm +/- 1 mm window in X, and no cut in Y (it is above and below MUSIC window) 16:19 Start AIDA run R21. BRIKEN run started. BRIKEN Sync issued. 16.22 BigRIPS run 1032 16.26 SyncCheck - see attachment 5 17:01 AIDA merger stopped. When attempting to stop the Run, the following error is issued: STATE for nnaida1 returned with an error error: SOAP http transport timed out after 20000 ms NONE error: SOAP http transport timed out after 20000 ms while executing "$transport $procVarName $url $req" (procedure "::SOAP::invoke" line 18) invoked from within "::SOAP::invoke ::SOAP::_DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState" ("eval" body line 1) invoked from within "eval ::SOAP::invoke ::SOAP::_DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState $args" (procedure "DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState" line 1) invoked from within "DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState" Going through hardware checks, the check sync errors since baseline gets 23/24 failures (nnaida6 is still my friend) Perform TimeStamp RESYNC -> all can pass the check 17:17 AIDA looks happy now. R22 started. 18.16 System-wide checks OK *except* clock status errors from amongst nnaida5, 7, 8, 15 & 16 - bit 2 always set and ADC calibration fails nnaida13 18.27 DAQ stops OK Soft reset following LN2 refill cycle 18.33 BigRIPS 1034 18.56 DAQ starts (RIBF03R1/R23) Degrader (3mm Pb + 1mm Al) fixed + (0.3mm W/1mm Al + 0.5mm W/1mm Al) variable ASIC settings 2016Nov17-10.50.10 BNC PB-4 settings Amplitude 90,000 x5 attenuator IN freq 25Hz range t_r 50ns, tau_d 50us 19.02 BRIKEN issue correlation scaler reset request SyncCheck OK - see attachment 6 Visual scaler, 1.8.L & 1.8.W spectra, good events stats - see attachments 7-12 1.8.L pulser peak widths Peak width = 66.76+/- 0.7221 Peak width = 178.72+/- 2.5140 Peak width = 75.37+/- 0.9037 Peak width = 76.21+/- 0.6630 Peak width = 70.19+/- 0.6772 Peak width = 66.65+/- 0.8516 Peak width = 91.90+/- 0.8132 Peak width = 69.90+/- 1.169 Peak width = 73.73+/- 0.6390 Peak width = 73.01+/- 0.7860 Peak width = 81.35+/- 0.7306 Peak width = 84.03+/- 0.8589 Peak width = 77.27+/- 1.2263 Peak width = 78.92+/- 1.2343 Peak width = 76.99+/- 1.1963 Peak width = 68.85+/- 1.7060 Peak width = 82.37+/- 1.2500 Peak width = 84.83+/- 1.3169 Peak width = 90.84+/- 1.4190 Peak width = 89.81+/- 1.3821 Peak width = 100.33+/- 1.6409 Peak width = 89.42+/- 1.4682 Peak width = 97.52+/- 1.5855 Peak width = 64.02+/- 1.0206 19.19 DAQ stops LN2 refill transient? 19.28 soft reset DAQ starts (RIBF03R1/R24) Degrader (3mm Pb + 1mm Al) fixed + (0.3mm W/1mm Al + 0.5mm W/1mm Al) variable ASIC settings 2016Nov17-10.50.10 BNC PB-4 settings Amplitude 90,000 x5 attenuator IN freq 25Hz range t_r 50ns, tau_d 50us 19.34 BigRIPS file 1035 19.50 R24_3 AIDA ADC & disc data synchronised - see attachments 13 & 14 21:11 BRIKEN DAQ was not working properly from the last ~half hour (unrelated to AIDA), and had to be restarted and we also had to send a couple of synchronization pulses. R25_0: Started new run once BRIKEN was running and all DAQs synchronized 21.41 BigRIPS file 1037 22.14 Stop DAQ to change degrader 22.16 DAQ starts (RIBF03R1/R26) Degrader (3mm Pb + 1mm Al) fixed + (0.3mm W/1mm Al + 1.0mm W/1mm Al) variable ASIC settings 2016Nov17-10.50.10 BNC PB-4 settings Amplitude 90,000 x5 attenuator IN freq 25Hz range t_r 50ns, tau_d 50us 22.36 BRIKEN DAQ restarted re-sync issued AIDA data file R26_3 BRIKEN data file 039 22.42 BigRIPS file 1038 AIDA data file R26_4
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