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Message ID: 519     Entry time: Fri Dec 2 09:58:54 2016
Author: DK 
Subject: Simple PID with LISE++ 
I wrote this LISE++ file based on the Takechi .lpp modified by AE for 77Ni, 78Ni, 76Ni.

Basically, I changed the primary beam to 48Ca, reduced the production target thickness to 1 mm (I think it may
be correct), inserted the carbon target at F8, and made the RIB as 41Al and had it calculate the optics.  Then I
modified by hand D7 and D8 Brho settings to like 6.32 Tm which is something near the correct value (for plastic,
but I forget for carbon, slightly different perhaps?)

Then I make a fairly arbitrary dE-ToF plot (attachment 1) without any concern for what data it thinks is filling
the plot, and run the Monte Carlo simulation.

This may give a user some kind of naive picture of what sorts of ions we might expect, with a basic clue about
their relative intensity or improbability to detect.

I did this work in literally about 5 minutes total, so do not take it too seriously.  It is definitely not
right, but it is not totally nonsense either.  You can play with the .lpp file (attachment 2) if you want to
improve it.  You should definitely get the degraders used within BigRIPS correctly.  I imagine they are much thicker, because D6 being 8.42 Tm is much too high (it was more like 
7.5 Tm or so?)  The other things you can (and should) add is things at F11 like our degraders, AIDA, and so on.  I heard Gabor might do this at some point, but he may have become 
very busy with other tasks.

Attachment 3 shows some relative intensities numerically.  Again, you should not really trust this.
      However, let's take some known experimental values.
      I recall that at the BigRIPS F11 Pla. scaler, when we did the 41Al unreacted measurement, it was about 30 cps = 108000 counts per hour
      I think we had about several counts per hour of 40Mg in the best case reaching to F11.
      It means that 41Al and 40Mg ratio is around order 10^5 difference.
      Surprisingly, this is nearly the same as the results of this quick LISE++ simulation (attachment 3 has numbers)
Attachment 1: lise-41Al.png  140 kB  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 2: SettingFallonDK.lpp  328 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Version 9.9.4

{============================= Main Part ======================================}
                    File = Z:\home\daid\downloads\SettingFallonDK.lpp
                    Date = 02-12-2016
                    Time = 18:59:20
           Configuration = C:\Users\inabe\Desktop\laa.lcn
             Optionsfile = A1900_2006.lopt
                   Title = BigRIPS Standard + ZDS Large Acceptance Achromatic mode

                   A,Z,Q = 48Ca20+                               ; Mass ElementName Charge+ Beam
                  Energy = 345                  MeV/u            
               Intensity = 500                  pnA              ; enA,pna,pps,kW
            RF frequency = 20                   MHz              
            Bunch length = 1                    ns               
         Settings on A,Z = 41Al                                  ; Mass ElementName Charge+ Beam

                      BX = 0.5                  (±)mm            ; one-half the horisontal beam extent (x)
                      BT = 5                    (±)mrad          ; one-half the horisontal beam divergence(x')
                      BY = 0.5                  (±)mm            ; one-half the vertical beam extent (y)
                      BF = 5                    (±)mrad          ; one-half the vertical beam divergence (y')
                      BL = 30                   (±)mm            
                      BD = 0.1                  (±)%             ; one-half of the momentum spread (dp/p)
                  ShiftX = 0                    mm               ; beam respect to the spectrometer axis
                  AngleX = 0                    mrad             ; beam respect to the spectrometer axis
                  ShiftY = 0                    mm               ; beam respect to the spectrometer axis
                  AngleY = 0                    mrad             ; beam respect to the spectrometer axis
            Scheme Angle = 60                   degrees          
                  ShapeX = 1
                  ShapeT = 1
                  ShapeY = 1
                  ShapeF = 1
                  ShapeL = 1
                  ShapeD = 1

                   Shape = 1                                     ; 0-slits, 1-ellipse
           ApertureShape = 1                                     ; 0-slits, 1-ellipse
                X_action = 0,0,0                                 ; Use 1/0, Show 1/0, UseApp 1/0
                  X_size = 1,-2.00,-50.0,2.00,50.0               ; joint,Left,L-limit,Right,R-limit
                Y_action = 0,0,0                                 ; Use 1/0, Show 1/0, UseApp 1/0
                  Y_size = 1,-2.00,-50.0,2.00,50.0               ; joint,Bottom,B-limit,Top,T-limit

               NP simple = 32                                    ; Number of points in distribution
        NP charge states = 32                                    ; Number of points in distribution
                NP wedge = 32                                    ; Number of points in distribution
           Charge states = No                                    ; No  & Yes
           CutEdgeEffect = 1                                     ; 1-Yes. Default, 0-no - for extended configurations
       Prim.beam scatter = 0                                     ; 0-without, 1-with
              Delta peak = 0                                     ; 0-without, 1-with
             BrhoMeanMax = 0                                     ; 0-Max, 1-Mean
            BrhoMeMaLeRi = 3                                     ; 0-Max, 1-Mean, 2-Left, 3-Right /for fission/

         Target contents = 0,4,1,9.012                           ; Nomer,Z,Atoms,Mass
        Target thickness = 4,1,1.848,0,0                         ; State,Thickness,density,angle,SolidGas
  Target fusion compound = 0
   Targ use for Q-states = 1
           Target Defect = 1,0                                   ; [0] choice - % or micron at 0 degree,  [1]=value; 
       Degrader contents = 0,6,1,12.011                          ; Nomer,Z,Atoms,Mass
      Degrader thickness = 0,0,2.26,0,0                          ; State,Thickness,density,angle,SolidGas
  Degra use for Q-states = 1
         Degrader Defect = 1,0                                   ; [0] choice - % or micron at 0 degree,  [1]=value; 

                Reaction = 0                                     ; 0 - fragm, 1 - fusion-resid, 2 - fusion-fission
               CalcOther = 113                                   ; calculate other reactions
           V calculation = 3                                     ; 0 - constant, 1 - Borrel, 2 - Rami, 3-convolution, 4-two body reaction
             V_opt/Vbeam = 1                                     ; default 1
         Velocity_exceed = 1                                     ; 0 - without, 1-with - two-body recations velocity corrections
Binding Energy for Vf/Vp = 8                    MeV              ; Binding energy for Borrel's expression
    Shift for Vf/Vp calc = 0     
        Prefragment_Rami = 1                                     ; 1-Yes, 0-No
                  Sigma0 = 90                   MeV/c            ; default 90
                  SigmaD = 200                  MeV/c            ; default 200
                  SigmaM = 87                   MeV/c            ; default 87
               Asymmetry = 0                    %                ; default 0
          Method v-sigma = 3                                     ; 0 - Goldhaber, 1-Morrissey,2-Friedman,3-Convolution
               G_Surface = 0.95                 MeV/fm^2         
 Symmetry around half_Ab = 1                                     ; 1 - yes, 0-no
 Pfaff pickup correction = 1                                     ; 1 - yes, 0-no
     ChargeExchangePfaff = 1                                     ; 1 - exclude, 0-forget
            Sigma corr 0 = 0                                     ; Coulomb energy
            Sigma corr 1 = 0                                     ; Projectile mass
           Friedman mode = 2                                     ; 0-Qgg, 1-Surface, 2-Qgg+Surface
         Prefragment_Fri = 1                                     ; 1-Yes, 0-No
        Coulomb_Friedman = 1                                     ; 1-Yes, 0-No
                  K_Morr = 8                    MeV/A            ; E/A=8MeV/A default; D.Morrissey coef.
               K_MorHalf = 8                    MeV/A            ; E/A=8MeV/A default at Afrag=Aproj/2; D.Morrissey coef.
            BarrierShape = 1                                     ; 0- classical, 1-quantum mech.
                 H_omega = 5                    MeV              ; default 3
           Probabilty_CN = 1                                     ; 0/1 use Prbabilty for CN formation
                 AA_fast = 0                                     ; 1-Yes, 0-No
              Width Coef = 1                                     ; default 1; for Leon's charge state distribution
          gZt Correction = 1                                     ; default 1;      Leon's C.S.D.
           PowerCoefLeon = 0.477                                 ; default 0.477; Leon's C.S.D.
           Cross section = File                                  ; Fit  & File
           Charge method = 3                                     ; charge calculations method  0-5
      EPAX Cross Section = 4                                     ; cross section calculations method 0-4
        SR Cross Section = 2                                     ; EPAX for SR  0-2
             Energy Loss = 2                                     ; energy loss calculation method 0-3
     Anglular straggling = 1                                     ; 0-LISE, 1-ATIMA
         StragglingCoef1 = 0.217
         StragglingCoef2 = 1.12 
       Energy straggling = 1                                     ; 0-LISE, 1-ATIMA
       EnergyStragMethod = 0                                     ; 0-integrate, 1-table
        EnergyStragShape = 0                                     ; 0-Gauss, 1-Landau-Vavilov
          EquilThickness = 1                                     ; 0-Charge, 1-Global
              MassMethod = 0                                     ; 0-DB+calcul, 1 + just calcul
            MassDataBase = 0                                     ; 0-A&W, 1-User ME
            Mass formula = 2                                     ; 0-LDM, 1-Myerer, 2: 1+corrections
      UseChargeForEnergy = 2                                     ; 0-No, 1-Yes, 2-Auto
         EnergyValueAuto = 30                                    ; default value 30 MeV/u
         EquilibriumMode = 0                                     ; 0-Equil, 1-NonEquil
               UB_Global = 70                                    ; default 70 MeV/u
             MinZ_Global = 2                                     ; default Z>=29
        ChargeStateOptim = 1                                     ; 0-No, 1-Yes
         ZmQ_AfterReactn = 0                                     ; default 0 (full stripped)
             EPAX_p_Norm = 1
               EPAX_p_Un = 1.65
              EPAX_p_Up0 = 1.79
              EPAX_p_Up1 = 0.00472
              EPAX_p_Up2 = -1.3e-5 
                EPAX_p_H = 1

         FisAngDistShape = 0                                     ; 0-isotropic; 1-anisotropic
     FisMomCutForAngDist = 2                                     ; 0-dont use;  1-use just MatrixKinematics; 2-use for all; (default 2)
      OddEvenCorrections = 1                                     ; 0-dont use;  1-use
 PostScissionEvaporation = 1                                     ; 0-dont use;  1-use
   DeexcitFunctionPoints = 0                                     ; 0- average deexcitation energy;  1- 3 points; 2 - manually
           FisEXmanually = 20                                    ; Excitation energy manually
           FisCSmanually = 1000                                  ; Cross section manually
            FisTXEmethod = 1                                     ; 0-from Edissipated, 1 from Q-value
                   Fis_f = 0.0045                                ; default 0.0045
              FisEXsigma = 5.5                  MeV              ; default 5.5
            FisCS_Global = 1e-15    
               FisCS_TKE = 1e-8     
                      N0 = 83                                    ; default 82
                     dU0 = -2.65                                 ; default -2.5
                      C0 = 0.7                                   ; default 1.4
                   cpol0 = 0.65                                  ; default 0.65
                  width0 = 0.63                                  ; default 0.63
                      N1 = 90                                    ; default 90
                     dU1 = -3.8                                  ; default -5.5
                      C1 = 0.15                                  ; default 0.16
                   cpol1 = 0.55                                  ; default 0.55
                  width1 = 0.97                                  ; default 0.97

                 FragInd = 1e-3     
               FragTotal = 1e-5     
                 BeamInd = 1e-9     
               BeamTotal = 1e-11    

        Convolution mode = 2                                     ; 0-Qgg, 1-Surface, 2-Qgg+Surface
               SigmaConv = 91.5                 MeV/c            ; default 90 for Convolution
              CoefConv_0 = 3.344 
              CoefConv_1 = 5.758 
              CoefConv_2 = 2.936 
             ShiftConv_0 = 0.158 
             ShiftConv_1 = 0.149 
             ShiftConv_2 = 0.153 

          NP evaporation = 16                                    ; Number of points in distribution
              EvapMethod = 2
        StateDensityMode = 2                                     ; 0, 1+pairing, 2+shell
      EvapUnstableNuclei = 1                                     ; 0 - only stable,1 +unstable
              Tunnelling = 1                                     ; 1-Yes, 0-No
          AvoidUnboundCS = 1                                     ; 1-Yes, 0-No
       ProtectedChannels = 1                                     ; 1-Yes, 0-No
           R_Evaporation = 5.7                  fm               ; correction for the effective Coulomb barrier
         Mode_Apf_manual = 0                                     ; 1-manual, 0-auto
             Energy_in_T = 2                                     ; default 2
     EvaporationVelocity = 0                                     ; 0 - quality, 1 -fast
        DeltaOddEvenEvap = 12    
     DeltaOddEvenFission = 14    
   BreakupTemperature250 = 4.7  
   BreakupTemperature150 = 5.9  
   BreakupTemperature050 = 8    
      BreakupDiffuseness = 0.05 
      DissipationKramers = 0                                     ; 0 - no, 1 - use
 DissipationStepFunction = 1                                     ; 0 - no, 1 - use
         DissipationBeta = 1                                     ; default 2.0
                 mode_1n = 1                                     ; 1-Yes, 0-No
                 mode_2n = 1                                     ; 1-Yes, 0-No
                 mode_1p = 1                                     ; 1-Yes, 0-No
                 mode_2p = 0                                     ; 1-Yes, 0-No
                  mode_a = 1                                     ; 1-Yes, 0-No
                  mode_d = 0                                     ; 1-Yes, 0-No
                  mode_t = 0                                     ; 1-Yes, 0-No
                mode_3he = 0                                     ; 1-Yes, 0-No
                mode_fis = 1                                     ; 1-Yes, 0-No
             mode_brk_up = 1                                     ; 1-Yes, 0-No
              mode_gamma = 0                                     ; 1-Yes, 0-No

    FissionBarrierFactor = 1    
      FissionBarrierMode = 1                                     ; #0-4
      OddEvenCorrections = 1                                     ; 1-Yes, 0-No
        ShellCorrections = 1                                     ; 1-Yes, 0-No
             FB_InOutMax = 2                                     ; #0-2 - in/out/max
             ModeForUser = 1                                     ; #0-2
           NdeltaOddEven = 2.5  
           ZdeltaOddEven = 9    

       GeomAA_Correction = 0                                     ; 0 - don't use,1 - use -default
          Thermalization = 0                                     ; 1-Yes, 0-No
          ThermaTimeCoef = 3e-22                                 ; 2.1e-22 MeV *s/e(t)
                Friction = 0                                     ; 0 - off,1 - on
          Ev_A_SigmaCoef = 9.6  
         G_FrictionCoef1 = 6.5  
         G_FrictionCoef2 = 0    
           G_FactorCoef1 = 1.5  
           G_FactorCoef2 = 2.5  
               DepthHole = 40    
          EnergyCoef_CB0 = 0       
          EnergyCoef_CB1 = 13.3     
          EnergyCoef_CB2 = 0       
           SigmaCoef_CB0 = 0       
           SigmaCoef_CB1 = 9.6     
           SigmaCoef_CB2 = 0       
              D_MeanTemp = 13       

                  tun_a0 = 1.00938
                  tun_a1 = -0.36149
                  tun_a2 = 0.21551
                 A_Bound = 300                                   ; mass
               A_Pairing =  12                                   ; mass

            Start target = Detector                              ; Detector & RF      
            Start of TOF = T1
            Stop  of TOF = M8
         dE-detector-1st = M24
         dE-detector-2nd = M28
            TKE-detector = M8
                PlotBrho = S3
               PlotWedge = S4
              X-detector = M8
              Y-detector = M9
                 Tilting = M1
                 Stopper = M2
                RO_Wedge = n
          ConditionBlock = A0
          Plot threshold = 1e-10                pps              ; minimal value for plot scale
     Shift of TOF for RF = 0                    ns               ; for dE-TOF plot with RF
  Fraction of RF trigger = 1
            UseCondition = 1
         TKE_calibration = 1,1,0,MeV                             ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension

              UserDiffCS = 0                                     ; Number of User Diff CS saved in this file
         AppendOverwrite = 1
          AttachedInside = 1
            ShowCSinPlot = 1
                    Chi2 = 1
              CSfilename = C:\Users\inabe\Desktop\238U_Be_300AMeV_fission20072008.cs

        NP sec.reactions = 16                                    ; Number of points in distribution
     Secondary reactions = 0                                     ; 0/1 - use secondary reactions in calculations
         fiss_FilterUse0 = 0
         fiss_FilterUse1 = 0
         fiss_FilterUse2 = 0
            fiss_ellipse = 5
          fiss_NdeltaTop = 0
          fiss_ZdeltaTop = 0
          fiss_NdeltaBot = 25
          fiss_ZdeltaBot = 20
         frag_FilterUse0 = 3
         frag_FilterUse1 = 3
         frag_FilterUse2 = 3
            frag_ellipse = 4
          frag_NdeltaTop = 5
          frag_ZdeltaTop = 5
          frag_NdeltaBot = 6
          frag_ZdeltaBot = 6

                HML_show = 7                                     ; HML-bits
             BoundaryLow = 40                   MeV              
            BoundaryHigh = 180                  MeV              
                Velocity = 1                                     ; Calculat fissile nuclei speed
           LowEx_nucleus = 47Ca                                  ; Mass ElementName Charge+ Beam
                 L_CS_Ex = 3.000e+02 25.00 5.00                  ; mb, MeV, Mev
           MidEx_nucleus = 42Ar                                  ; Mass ElementName Charge+ Beam
                 M_CS_Ex = 1.000e+03 100.00 5.00                 ; mb, MeV, Mev
          HighEx_nucleus = 36S                                   ; Mass ElementName Charge+ Beam
                 H_CS_Ex = 8.000e+02 250.00 5.00                 ; mb, MeV, Mev

... 4919 more lines ...
Attachment 3: PIDintensity.png  88 kB  | Show | Hide all | Show all
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