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Message ID: 532     Entry time: Thu Feb 2 13:44:02 2017
Author: OH 
Subject: T9 Test Bench 
T9 test setup at Daresbury was powered up and noise levels were checked using a pulser peak.

A 1V peak was used. For most channels this corresponded to a peak position at around +-11000 from the zero point at 9000.

An example of this is shown in attachment 1 showing the peak in nnaider 11, ASIC 4, ADC 11.

It was also observed that for both nnaider 11 and 12 (FEE modules corresponding to negative signals) that channels 2, 56 and 59 were not contributing to the rate. See attachment 2.

Upon investigating the missing channels ADC spectra the only apparent issue appeared in nnaida 11 ASIC 4, ADC 8. Which is plot 4.7.L. Here we see the peak much higher coming in at around channel 63000. See attachment 3.
The remaining missing channels in the rate plot appear to have normal amplitudes with maybe slightly higher noise. FWHM of ~60 as oppposed to ~18. Discussed more below.

Also done was a noise measurement across the all the ASICs. To do this an ADC was chosen belonging to each of the ASICs and the pulser peak location and FWHM was recorded. The reaults are as shown below.

FEE#	ASIC/ADC	Centroid Location	FWHM
 11       1.8             42951                19.38
 11       2.8             41012                17.48
 11       3.8             41929                20.01
 11       4.8             41302                17.88
 12       1.8             41830                17.38
 12       2.8             41119                16.01
 12       3.8             42669                18.30
 12       4.8             41811                15.21
 13       1.8             24329                15.05
 13       2.8             24034                13.64
 13       3.8             24209                15.79
 13       4.8             24607                13.29
 14       1.8             24650                16.19
 14       2.8             24618                14.12
 14       3.8             23934                15.04
 14       4.8             22584                14.36
 14       4.8             22584                14.36

It was seen that the noise was fairly low which is to be expected as there were no dtectors connected and only a short length of kapton cables connected to the board.
Attachment 1: nnaida114_10.png  71 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 2: nnaida11.png  92 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 3: nnaida114_7.png  72 kB  | Show | Show all
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