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Message ID: 548     Entry time: Fri Mar 31 17:21:56 2017
Author: CG, OH, DK 
Subject: Saturday 1 April - Run status 
00.46 34Ne stopped for 36Ne setting (R19_37).
      DAQ kept running as I was upstairs getting some food.
      Stopped at R19_45.

00.57 BigRIPS change to 36Ne setting. Start file 0196. Still tuning.
      Temps ok.
      Leakage currents and bias ok (see attachment 1).

01.32 R20 started on 36Ne setting.
      BigRIPS file 0197 (started @ 01.30).
      BRIKEN file 

02.23 Beam stopped to F11. End of R20_12.

02.28 Beam returned to F11. Start of R20_14.
      BigRIPS file 0198.

02.48 BRIKEN file 48 started.
      Start of R20_19.
      All system checks passed except nnaida1 fails global clocks 6.
      Temps and leakage currents ok.

03:28 BigRips file 0199 (started at 03:27)
      AIDA at end file R20_28
      BRIKEN file 47 started
      All system wide checks ok.
      Temps and leakage currents ok

04:36 BigRIPS file 0200
      Coincides with end of AIDA file R20_46
      BRIKEN file 48
      All system wide checks ok
      Temps and leakage currents ok
      ASIC load check all ok 

04:59 BigRips run 0201 (Started at 4:45)
      Corresponding AIDA file for start of BigRips run is R20_49
      BRIKEN file 49
      Corresponding AIDA file for start of BRIKEn is R20_52

05:33 System wide checks all ok
      Temperatures, biases and leakage currents ok (seet attachment 2)

05:44 BigRips start run 0202
      Start of AIDA file R20_64
      BRIKEN file 50
      System wide checks passed
00.46 34Ne stopped for 36Ne setting (R19_37).
      DAQ kept running as I was upstairs getting some food.
      Stopped at R19_45.

00.57 BigRIPS change to 36Ne setting. Start file 0196. Still tuning.
      Temps ok.
      Leakage currents and bias ok (see attachment 1).

01.32 R20 started on 36Ne setting.
      BigRIPS file 0197 (started @ 01.30).
      BRIKEN file 

02.23 Beam stopped to F11. End of R20_12.

02.28 Beam returned to F11. Start of R20_14.
      BigRIPS file 0198.

02.48 BRIKEN file 48 started.
      Start of R20_19.
      All system checks passed except nnaida1 fails global clocks 6.
      Temps and leakage currents ok.

03:28 BigRips file 0199 (started at 03:27)
      AIDA at end file R20_28
      BRIKEN file 47 started
      All system wide checks ok.
      Temps and leakage currents ok

04:36 BigRIPS file 0200
      Coincides with end of AIDA file R20_46
      BRIKEN file 48
      All system wide checks ok
      Temps and leakage currents ok
      ASIC load check all ok 

04:59 BigRips run 0201 (Started at 4:45)
      Corresponding AIDA file for start of BigRips run is R20_49
      BRIKEN file 49
      Corresponding AIDA file for start of BRIKEn is R20_52

05:33 System wide checks all ok
      Temperatures, biases and leakage currents ok (seet attachment 2)

05:44 BigRips start run 0202
      Start of AIDA file R20_64
      BRIKEN file 50
      System wide checks passed

6:15 Operators call...R20_72 1.5 GB
     The BigRIPS system display PC looks like it crashed

6:22 2017-04-01 06:21:19 BigRIPS run 203 starts
      AIDA run 20_74 is about 25% started
      BRIKEN run 51

6:40 Phone rings, AIDA run R20_79 just started
      Stripper foil seems to have been changed

6:43 2017-04-01 06:42:03 BigRIPS starts a new run     
     R20_79 is 75% the way through.
     BRIKEN run 52
     System checks passed.

7:09 PPACs are discharging very frequently.

7:39 counted 8 discharges.  It's about once in four minutes.  An acceptable discharge rate is several times in
one shift.
     Firstly, each discharge damages the PPAC.  Even 10 to 20 discharges can easily cause dead regions of cm size.
     Secondly, with the frequency of discharge, we are now missing like as much as 25% of all events (at least
at a given PPAC)
     As the detector becomes more damaged, it can discharge more frequently.
     Moving the detector's position slightly can help to alleviate the problem by putting the beam on a fresh region
     Anyway, as for a parasitic run they can do whatever they want, but it seems they are mis-operating the PPACs
     Basically the voltage is too high or the detector is too old and needs to be replaced.

7:40 2017-04-01 07:40:12 BigRIPS run 205 begins
     AIDA run R20_94 is at 721 MB at 7:40
     BRIKEN run 53
     System-wide checks are okay

8:08 Bias and Temp attachments 3 & 4 (bias_1_.png and temp_1_a.png)

9:01 BigRIPS run 206 2017-04-01 09:01:06
     AIDA run R20_115 is at 600 MB at 9:01
     BRIKEN run is 54
     System-wide checks

9:39 Now that the students went home and some more experienced beam physicists are on shift, the PPAC discharge rate
goes down to ~2x per hour.

10:02 New BigRIPS run at 2017-04-01 10:01:40 number 0207
     AIDA run R20_130 was at 1.9 GB at 10:02..
     BRIKEN run 55
     System-wide checks passed

(I went upstairs for a seems that the beam got turned off at some point)

10:55 Phone call, and I hear the chime for the beam coming back.

10:56 BigRIPS starts run 0208 2017-04-01 10:56:06
      AIDA run R20_145 has just started at 10:56
      BRIKEN run was not restarted and continued as run 55
      System-wide checks are okay

11:02 We checked that the synchronization looks okay.

11:58 Noticed that BigRIPS started a new run at 2017-04-01 11:56:42, run 0209
     AIDA run R20_160 should overlap about 50% with this run.
     BRIKEN run is 56
     System wide checks performed.
     Attached are Biases and Temperatures as 5 & 6 ("bias_1_b" ; "temp_1_b")

12:58 BigRIPS starts run 0210 at 2017-04-01 12:57:21
     AIDA run R20_176 was 422 MB at 12:57
     BRIKEN 57
     Pass system-wide checks

14:30 beam current has been fluctuating for awhile

14:50 BigRIPS started a new run 0212 2017-04-01 14:44:18
     R20_203 was at 1.2 GB at 14:44
     BRIKEN run 58
     System checks okay

15:18 Phone rings.  RF is down so the beam stopped.
     R20_212 is at 500 MB at 15:19

15:57 Phone rings again.

16:37 BigRIPS start run 0214
      Start of AUDA file R20_232
      BRIKEN run 59
      System wide check all ok

16:53 Biases and leakage currents ok (See attachment 7)

17:36 BigRips start run 0215
      Strt of AIDA file R20_247
      BRIKEN start run 60
      System wide checks all ok
      Temperatures all ok

18:04 BigRips stop to change gas stripper foil
      AIDA file R20_254

18:09 BigRips start run 0216
      AIDA file R20_255
      BRIKEN start file 61
      System wide checks all ok
6:15 Operators call...R20_72 1.5 GB
     The BigRIPS system display PC looks like it crashed

6:22 2017-04-01 06:21:19 BigRIPS run 203 starts
      AIDA run 20_74 is about 25% started
      BRIKEN run 51

6:40 Phone rings, AIDA run R20_79 just started
      Stripper foil seems to have been changed

6:43 2017-04-01 06:42:03 BigRIPS starts a new run     
     R20_79 is 75% the way through.
     BRIKEN run 52
     System checks passed.

7:09 PPACs are discharging very frequently.

7:39 counted 8 discharges.  It's about once in four minutes.  An acceptable discharge rate is several times in
one shift.
     Firstly, each discharge damages the PPAC.  Even 10 to 20 discharges can easily cause dead regions of cm size.
     Secondly, with the frequency of discharge, we are now missing like as much as 25% of all events (at least
at a given PPAC)
     As the detector becomes more damaged, it can discharge more frequently.
     Moving the detector's position slightly can help to alleviate the problem by putting the beam on a fresh region
     Anyway, as for a parasitic run they can do whatever they want, but it seems they are mis-operating the PPACs
     Basically the voltage is too high or the detector is too old and needs to be replaced.

7:40 2017-04-01 07:40:12 BigRIPS run 205 begins
     AIDA run R20_94 is at 721 MB at 7:40
     BRIKEN run 53
     System-wide checks are okay

8:08 Bias and Temp attachments 3 & 4 (bias_1_.png and temp_1_a.png)

9:01 BigRIPS run 206 2017-04-01 09:01:06
     AIDA run R20_115 is at 600 MB at 9:01
     BRIKEN run is 54
     System-wide checks

9:39 Now that the students went home and some more experienced beam physicists are on shift, the PPAC discharge rate
goes down to ~2x per hour.

10:02 New BigRIPS run at 2017-04-01 10:01:40 number 0207
     AIDA run R20_130 was at 1.9 GB at 10:02..
     BRIKEN run 55
     System-wide checks passed

(I went upstairs for a seems that the beam got turned off at some point)

10:55 Phone call, and I hear the chime for the beam coming back.

10:56 BigRIPS starts run 0208 2017-04-01 10:56:06
      AIDA run R20_145 has just started at 10:56
      BRIKEN run was not restarted and continued as run 55
      System-wide checks are okay

11:02 We checked that the synchronization looks okay.

11:58 Noticed that BigRIPS started a new run at 2017-04-01 11:56:42, run 0209
     AIDA run R20_160 should overlap about 50% with this run.
     BRIKEN run is 56
     System wide checks performed.
     Attached are Biases and Temperatures as 5 & 6 ("bias_1_b" ; "temp_1_b")

12:58 BigRIPS starts run 0210 at 2017-04-01 12:57:21
     AIDA run R20_176 was 422 MB at 12:57
     BRIKEN 57
     Pass system-wide checks

14:30 beam current has been fluctuating for awhile

14:50 BigRIPS started a new run 0212 2017-04-01 14:44:18
     R20_203 was at 1.2 GB at 14:44
     BRIKEN run 58
     System checks okay

15:18 Phone rings.  RF is down so the beam stopped.
     R20_212 is at 500 MB at 15:19

15:57 Phone rings again.

16:37 BigRIPS start run 0214
      Start of AUDA file R20_232
      BRIKEN run 59
      System wide check all ok

16:53 Biases and leakage currents ok (See attachment 7)

17:36 BigRips start run 0215
      Strt of AIDA file R20_247
      BRIKEN start run 60
      System wide checks all ok
      Temperatures all ok

18:04 BigRips stop to change gas stripper foil
      AIDA file R20_254

18:09 BigRips start run 0216
      AIDA file R20_255
      System wide checks all ok

18:25 BRIKEN start file 61
      AIDA file R20_259
      BRIKEN had to restart the computer so a resync needed to be done

19:07 BigRips start file 0217
      AIDA on file R2-_270 (End of file)
      BigRips reducing beam intensity to calibrate the beam current

19:12 Back to normal BigRips condition
      Al degrader 1mm is removed
      BigRips run 0218 (started at 19:11)
      AIDA file R20_271
      BRIKEN start file 62
      System wide checks ok

20:06 Bias and leakage currents ok
      Temperature ok

20:12 BigRips start run 0219
      Start of AIDA file R20_287
      BRIKEN starts file 64
      System wide checks all ok
      ASIC load check ok

21:12 BigRips start run 0220
      AIDA file R20_301
      System wide checks ok
      BRIKEN starts file 65

22:12 BigRips stopped to change stripper foils
      End of AIDA file R20_315

22:20 BigRips start run 0220
      End of AIDA file R20_317
      System wide checks and temperatures ok
      BRIKEN start file 66

23:08 Biases and leakages ok

23:10 BigRips start run 0222
      End of AIDA file R20_329
      BRIKEN start file 67
      System wide checks all ok
Attachment 1: bias_010417_0123.png  15 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 31 18:24:42 2017  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 2: 010417_bias1.png  16 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 31 22:35:51 2017  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 3: bias_1_a.png  17 kB  Uploaded Sat Apr 1 01:08:54 2017  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 4: temp_1_a.png  105 kB  Uploaded Sat Apr 1 01:09:05 2017  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 5: bias_1_b.png  17 kB  Uploaded Sat Apr 1 05:06:15 2017  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 6: temp_1_b.png  103 kB  Uploaded Sat Apr 1 05:06:35 2017  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 7: 010417_bias4.png  15 kB  Uploaded Sat Apr 1 09:56:03 2017  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 8: 010417_bias5.png  15 kB  Uploaded Sat Apr 1 13:08:02 2017  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 9: 010417_bias6.png  15 kB  Uploaded Sat Apr 1 16:11:13 2017  | Show | Hide all | Show all
ELOG V3.1.4-unknown