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Message ID: 565     Entry time: Sat May 13 03:16:16 2017
Author: TD 
Subject: Analysis of May2017/R1_0 to May2017/ R1_79 

Date files May2017/R1_0 to May2017/R_79 are an extended (c. 3.8 day) background run with
BNC PB-4 Pulser OFF and and a relatively high slow comparator threshold 0x64 to reduce
data volume.

Attachment 1 - DSSSD#1-6 m_p versus m_n 

Attachment 2 - DSSSD#1-6 x versus y hit patterns

Attachment 3 - DSSSD#1-6 E_p versus E_n (dispersion ~20-23keV/channel)

Attachment 4 - DSSSD#1-6 E_p versus E_n (with tags)

Attachment 5 - 2D contour levels & colours for all 2D spectra above

Attachment 6 - MIDASsort subroutine

Attachment 7 - MIDASsort namelist I/O variables

Attachments 8-10 - ADC offset calculation logs etc

Attachment 11 - spectrum titles

MIDASsort calculates channel and ADC data as follows

       ch = channel + ( module - 1 ) * 64 + ( range * 2048 )
       adc_data = INT( RSHIFT( ABS( adc_data - 32768 ), 3 ) - offset(ch) + 0.5 )


       channel = FEE channel # (0-63)
       module = FEE module # (1-24)
       range = LEC or HEC (LEC = 0, HEC = 1)

ADC offsets were calculated using the pulser walkthrough data of files May2017/R4
and command

cd ~/td/calibration
offsets /homes/npg/Spectra/R4 100 1400 15 10

where the peakfind peak search parameters are limits 100-1400 channels, fwhm=15 channels and acceptance=10%

Probably ~10% of ADC offsets need manual checking/adjustment

The 2D spectra (attachments 1-4) were produced for events with

multiplicities 0 < m_p < 8 *and* 0 < m_n < 8
all x-y combinations incremented

no clustering, gain matching or software thresholds

All DSSSDs show Uranium 4n+2 decay sequence background spectra from the intrinsic activity of the DSSSDs
and airborne decay products (e.g. 222Rn). Not clear why statistics are higher for DSSSD#1 cf. DSSSD#2-6.
One possibility is the activity of the aluminized Mylar window just upstream of DSSSD#1? Surrounding air
and Al snout would presumably affect DSSSD#1 and #6 about the same.
Attachment 1: 60.png  70 kB  Uploaded Sat May 13 04:17:00 2017  | Show | Show all
Attachment 2: 61.png  95 kB  Uploaded Sat May 13 04:17:00 2017  | Show | Show all
Attachment 3: 62.png  60 kB  Uploaded Sat May 13 04:17:00 2017  | Show | Show all
Attachment 4: 63.png  90 kB  Uploaded Sat May 13 04:17:00 2017  | Show | Show all
Attachment 5: 64.png  31 kB  Uploaded Sat May 13 04:17:00 2017  | Show | Show all
Attachment 6: implantdecay.f  30 kB  Uploaded Sat May 13 04:24:01 2017  | Show | Show all
Attachment 7: variables.dat  312 kB  Uploaded Sat May 13 04:24:17 2017  | Show | Show all
Attachment 8: offsets.dat  103 kB  Uploaded Sat May 13 04:24:39 2017  | Show | Show all
Attachment 9: offsets.log  654 kB  Uploaded Sat May 13 04:24:39 2017  | Show | Show all
Attachment 10: offsets.txt  108 kB  Uploaded Sat May 13 04:24:39 2017  | Show | Show all
Attachment 11: titles.dat  3 kB  Uploaded Sat May 13 04:27:21 2017  | Show | Show all
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