AIDA  ELOG logo
Message ID: 565     Entry time: Sat May 13 03:16:16 2017
Author: TD 
Subject: Analysis of May2017/R1_0 to May2017/ R1_79 

Date files May2017/R1_0 to May2017/R_79 are an extended (c. 3.8 day) background run with
BNC PB-4 Pulser OFF and and a relatively high slow comparator threshold 0x64 to reduce
data volume.

Attachment 1 - DSSSD#1-6 m_p versus m_n 

Attachment 2 - DSSSD#1-6 x versus y hit patterns

Attachment 3 - DSSSD#1-6 E_p versus E_n (dispersion ~20-23keV/channel)

Attachment 4 - DSSSD#1-6 E_p versus E_n (with tags)

Attachment 5 - 2D contour levels & colours for all 2D spectra above

Attachment 6 - MIDASsort subroutine

Attachment 7 - MIDASsort namelist I/O variables

Attachments 8-10 - ADC offset calculation logs etc

Attachment 11 - spectrum titles

MIDASsort calculates channel and ADC data as follows

       ch = channel + ( module - 1 ) * 64 + ( range * 2048 )
       adc_data = INT( RSHIFT( ABS( adc_data - 32768 ), 3 ) - offset(ch) + 0.5 )


       channel = FEE channel # (0-63)
       module = FEE module # (1-24)
       range = LEC or HEC (LEC = 0, HEC = 1)

ADC offsets were calculated using the pulser walkthrough data of files May2017/R4
and command

cd ~/td/calibration
offsets /homes/npg/Spectra/R4 100 1400 15 10

where the peakfind peak search parameters are limits 100-1400 channels, fwhm=15 channels and acceptance=10%

Probably ~10% of ADC offsets need manual checking/adjustment

The 2D spectra (attachments 1-4) were produced for events with

multiplicities 0 < m_p < 8 *and* 0 < m_n < 8
all x-y combinations incremented

no clustering, gain matching or software thresholds

All DSSSDs show Uranium 4n+2 decay sequence background spectra from the intrinsic activity of the DSSSDs
and airborne decay products (e.g. 222Rn). Not clear why statistics are higher for DSSSD#1 cf. DSSSD#2-6.
One possibility is the activity of the aluminized Mylar window just upstream of DSSSD#1? Surrounding air
and Al snout would presumably affect DSSSD#1 and #6 about the same.
Attachment 1: 60.png  70 kB  Uploaded Sat May 13 04:17:00 2017  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 2: 61.png  95 kB  Uploaded Sat May 13 04:17:00 2017  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 3: 62.png  60 kB  Uploaded Sat May 13 04:17:00 2017  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 4: 63.png  90 kB  Uploaded Sat May 13 04:17:00 2017  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 5: 64.png  31 kB  Uploaded Sat May 13 04:17:00 2017  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 6: implantdecay.f  30 kB  Uploaded Sat May 13 04:24:01 2017  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
1..32       s 65536
101..132    s 65536
200..201    s 4096
301..332    s 65536
400         s 64
2130..2135  s 65536
2030..2035  s 65536
2200..2205  s 65536
1000..1001  s 4096 4096
2000..2005  s 128 128
2010..2015  s 128 128
2020..2025  s 512 512
2100..2105  s 128 128
2110..2115  s 128 128
2120..2125  s 512 512
      SUBROUTINE init

      IMPLICIT none

C     External functions
      EXTERNAL dtime
      INTEGER and, lshift, rshift, bb18order
      LOGICAL btest
      REAL float, secnds
C     Parameter variables
      INTEGER max
      PARAMETER (max = 4096)
C     Local variables
      INTEGER adc_data, asic, ch, channel, channel_ident
      INTEGER count, data(0:4095), disc
      INTEGER dsssd_a( 6 ), dsssd_b( 6 ), dsssd_c( 6 ), dsssd_d( 6 )
      INTEGER*8 dt
      INTEGER events, events_old
      INTEGER*8 e_time, e_time_old
      INTEGER i
      INTEGER*2 i2(2), i2_2(4)
      INTEGER i4, i4_2(2)
      INTEGER*8 i8, first_ts_value
      INTEGER idata(0:4095), ierr, information, information_index
      INTEGER invalid_id, items, items_old, j, j1, j1_old, j2, j2_old, k
      INTEGER l, mbs_data(0:3), module, m_disc, m_p, m_n, ptr
      INTEGER sc_channel
      INTEGER scaler( 32 ), scaler_old( 32 ), range, time_warp, total
      INTEGER*8 ts
      INTEGER ts28
      INTEGER ts48
      INTEGER*8 old_ts( 8, 2 ), ts_old 
      INTEGER*8 implant_ts( 0:127, 0:127, 1:8 )
      INTEGER*8 decay_ts( 0:127, 0:127, 1:8 )
      INTEGER type, w(0:31), zzz
      LOGICAL first, first_ts, hit(0:4095), ihit(0:4095)
      REAL c(0:7), delta_t, gain(0:max-1), offset(0:max-1)
      REAL t1, t2, t2_old
      DOUBLE PRECISION rates( 32 ), t3, t4, t4_old

C     Namelists
      NAMELIST /variables/ gain, offset, c, w,
     +                     dsssd_a, dsssd_b, dsssd_c, dsssd_d

C     Common variables
      INTEGER*2 gdata(0:15)
      COMMON /fdata/ gdata
C     Common variables
      INTEGER*2 gid(0:15)
      COMMON /fid/ gid
C     Common variables
      INTEGER mult
      COMMON /fmult/ mult
      EQUIVALENCE ( i8, i4_2(1) )
      EQUIVALENCE ( i4, i2(1) )

      WRITE ( 6, * ) ' *** AIDA @ RIKEN - implants - November 2016'
      WRITE ( 6, * ) ' *** Entry init commences'

C     Initialise counters

      events = 0
      events_old = 0

      time_warp = 0
      invalid_id = 0

      first_ts = .TRUE.
      t3 = 0.0D+00
      t4 = 0.0D+00
      t4_old = 0.0D+00

C     Initialise event data

      DO i = 0, 4095
       data( i ) = 0
       hit( i ) = .FALSE.

      first = .true.
      ts_old = 0
      e_time_old = 0
      count = 0
      total = 0

      DO i = 0, 127
       gain( i ) = 1.0
       offset( i ) = 0.0
      DO i = 0, 31
       w( i ) = 0

      DO i = 0, 7
       c( i ) = 1.0

      DO i = 1, 32
       scaler( i ) = 0
       scaler_old( i ) = 0
       rates( i ) = 0.0

      DO i = 1, 6
       DO j = 1, 2
        old_ts( i, j ) = 0

C     Initialise time

      t1 = SECNDS(0.0)

C     Read program variables via NAMELIST I/O

      OPEN( 1, FILE = '/homes/npg/td/GREAT/variables.dat',
     +         IOSTAT = ierr )
      IF ( ierr.NE.0 ) THEN
       WRITE( 6, * ) ' *** OPEN I/O error:', ierr
      READ( 1, NML = variables, IOSTAT = ierr )
      IF ( ierr.NE.0 ) THEN
       WRITE( 6, * ) ' *** READ I/O error:', ierr
      CLOSE( 1, IOSTAT = ierr )
      IF ( ierr.NE.0 ) THEN
       WRITE( 6, * ) ' *** CLOSE I/O error:', ierr

C     Display program variables

      DO i = 0, 4095, 8
       WRITE( 6, 9001 ) i, i+7, ( gain( j ), j = i, i+7 )

      DO i = 0, 4095, 8
       WRITE( 6, 9002 ) i, i+7, ( offset( j ), j = i, i+7 )

      DO i = 0, 7, 8
       WRITE( 6, 9003 ) i, i+7, ( c(j), j = 1, 8 )

      DO i = 0, 31, 8
       WRITE( 6, 9004 ) i, i+7, ( w(j), j = i, i+7 )

      DO i = 1, 6
       WRITE( 6, 9005 ) i, dsssd_a(i), dsssd_b(i),
     +                     dsssd_c(i), dsssd_d(i)

      WRITE ( 6, * ) ' *** Entry init ends'



      ENTRY sortin

      items = items + 1

      IF ( MOD( items, 10000000 ).EQ.0 ) THEN

       t2 = SECNDS( t1 )
       delta_t = t2 - t2_old
       WRITE( 6, 9010 ) items, FLOAT( items - items_old ) / delta_t,
     +                  events, FLOAT( events - events_old ) / delta_t
       items_old = items
       events_old = events
       t2_old = t2


      IF ( MOD( items, 50000 ).EQ.0 ) THEN

       t4 = DFLOAT( ts ) * 10.0D-9 - t3
       delta_t = t4 - t4_old

       IF ( delta_t.GE.1.0D+00 ) THEN

        DO i = 1, 32
         rates( i ) = DFLOAT( scaler( i ) - scaler_old( i ) ) / delta_t
C        WRITE( 6, * ) ' '
        DO i = 1, 6
C         WRITE( 6, 9020 ) i, scaler( i ), scaler_old( i ),
C     +                    delta_t, rates( i )
         sc_channel = INT ( MOD( t4, 65536.0 ) + 0.5 )
         CALL set1d( i+300, sc_channel, INT( rates( i ) + 0.5 ) )
        DO i = 7, 12
C         WRITE( 6, 9030 ) i-6, scaler( i ), scaler_old( i ),
C     +                    delta_t, rates( i )
         sc_channel = INT ( MOD( t4, 65536.0 ) + 0.5 )
         CALL set1d( i+300, sc_channel, INT( rates( i ) + 0.5 ) )
        DO i = 1, 32
         scaler_old( i ) = scaler( i )
        t4_old = t4


C     Event data

C     For Linux/x64 & Windows/x86 least significant 16-bit word i2(1)
C     For Solaris/SPARC least significant 16-bit word i2(2)

C     GREAT 3.2.1 format
C     Other information
C      gid[0]=-1
C     gdata[0]=module number
C     gdata[1]=information type (2=Pause, 3=Resume, 4=SYNC100, 6=FEE64 disc etc)
C     gdata[2]=information field (bits 16-19)
C     gdata[3]=information field (bits 0-15)
C     gdata[4]=time stamp (bits 16-27)
C     gdata[5]=time stamp (bits 0-15) 
C     ADC data format
C       gid[0]=channel ident (FEE64 module bits 6-11, channel bits 0-5)
C     gdata[0]=fail/veto bits (AIDA: fail=0, veto=0 LEC/MEC, veto=1 HEC)
C     gdata[1]=?
C     gdata[2]=ADC data
C     gdata[3]=time stamp (bits 16-27)
C     gdata[4]=time stamp (bits 0-15) 

C     gid = - 1   Other information

      IF ( gid(0).EQ.-1 ) THEN

       i2(2) = 0
       i2(1) = gdata(0)
       module = AND( i4, Z'0000003f' )
       i2(1) = gdata(1)
       type = AND( i4, Z'0000000f' )
       i2(2) = gdata(2)
       i2(1) = gdata(3)
       information = AND( i4, Z'000fffff' )
       i2(2) = gdata(4)
       i2(1) = gdata(5)
       ts28 = AND( i4, Z'0fffffff' )

... 894 more lines ...
Attachment 7: variables.dat  312 kB  Uploaded Sat May 13 04:24:17 2017  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
  dsssd_a( 1 ) = 1
  dsssd_a( 2 ) = 2
  dsssd_a( 3 ) = 9
  dsssd_a( 4 ) = 10
  dsssd_a( 5 ) = 17
  dsssd_a( 6 ) = 18
  dsssd_b( 1 ) = 20
  dsssd_b( 2 ) = 19
  dsssd_b( 3 ) = 12
  dsssd_b( 4 ) = 11
  dsssd_b( 5 ) = 4
  dsssd_b( 6 ) = 3
  dsssd_c( 1 ) = 22
  dsssd_c( 2 ) = 21
  dsssd_c( 3 ) = 14
  dsssd_c( 4 ) = 13
  dsssd_c( 5 ) = 6
  dsssd_c( 6 ) = 5
  dsssd_d( 1 ) = 23
  dsssd_d( 2 ) = 24
  dsssd_d( 3 ) = 15
  dsssd_d( 4 ) = 16
  dsssd_d( 5 ) = 7
  dsssd_d( 6 ) = 8
  offset = 4096*0.0
  gain = 4096*1.0
  c = 8*1.0
  w = 32*0
  offset(   0) =    16.10
  offset(   1) =   -14.93
  offset(   2) =    -4.03
  offset(   3) =    24.20
  offset(   4) =    -1.49
  offset(   5) =    18.78
  offset(   6) =     2.57
  offset(   7) =    -0.06
  offset(   8) =     8.52
  offset(   9) =    17.08
  offset(  10) =    -8.18
  offset(  11) =    11.06
  offset(  12) =     1.45
  offset(  13) =    -0.11
  offset(  14) =    -5.27
  offset(  15) =    12.08
  offset(  16) =   -13.45
  offset(  17) =   -23.82
  offset(  18) =   -18.33
  offset(  19) =     9.29
  offset(  20) =     1.15
  offset(  21) =   -20.83
  offset(  22) =   -14.00
  offset(  23) =     0.04
  offset(  24) =    -0.18
  offset(  25) =    -0.13
  offset(  26) =    -7.15
  offset(  27) =    -0.09
  offset(  28) =     8.33
  offset(  29) =   -16.03
  offset(  30) =     9.93
  offset(  31) =    -0.08
  offset(  32) =    -8.71
  offset(  33) =   -28.08
  offset(  34) =    -1.57
  offset(  35) =     4.32
  offset(  36) =    -0.98
  offset(  37) =     9.03
  offset(  38) =    10.18
  offset(  39) =    -8.64
  offset(  40) =    15.82
  offset(  41) = -9999.99
  offset(  42) =    25.30
  offset(  43) =    -1.59
  offset(  44) =     1.77
  offset(  45) =    10.58
  offset(  46) =    16.35
  offset(  47) =     3.63
  offset(  48) =    -3.42
  offset(  49) =   -14.59
  offset(  50) =    35.18
  offset(  51) =     4.42
  offset(  52) =    12.15
  offset(  53) = -9999.99
  offset(  54) = -9999.99
  offset(  55) = -9999.99
  offset(  56) =    15.79
  offset(  57) = -9999.99
  offset(  58) = -9999.99
  offset(  59) =    37.06
  offset(  60) =     0.63
  offset(  61) =    22.36
  offset(  62) = -9999.99
  offset(  63) =    11.76
  offset(  64) =    26.68
  offset(  65) =   321.40
  offset(  66) =   -16.48
  offset(  67) =    11.08
  offset(  68) =    13.34
  offset(  69) =    10.44
  offset(  70) =    -1.68
  offset(  71) =    52.27
  offset(  72) =    16.87
  offset(  73) = -9999.99
  offset(  74) =     0.25
  offset(  75) =    11.73
  offset(  76) =    -4.28
  offset(  77) =    26.30
  offset(  78) =   -14.03
  offset(  79) =   -19.91
  offset(  80) =     3.36
  offset(  81) =    -9.93
  offset(  82) =    -7.04
  offset(  83) =    14.20
  offset(  84) =     4.07
  offset(  85) =   -33.64
  offset(  86) =     1.75
  offset(  87) =    -8.25
  offset(  88) =     0.12
  offset(  89) = -9999.99
  offset(  90) =    -3.26
  offset(  91) =    14.34
  offset(  92) =   -24.36
  offset(  93) =    -8.27
  offset(  94) =    -0.30
  offset(  95) =     5.13
  offset(  96) =    47.52
  offset(  97) =    29.22
  offset(  98) =    10.99
  offset(  99) =    38.34
  offset( 100) =    25.33
  offset( 101) =     9.46
  offset( 102) =    29.87
  offset( 103) =    31.58
  offset( 104) =     8.87
  offset( 105) =    32.96
  offset( 106) =    -8.22
  offset( 107) =    12.51
  offset( 108) =    28.56
  offset( 109) =    34.60
  offset( 110) =     9.83
  offset( 111) =    50.37
  offset( 112) =     1.92
  offset( 113) =   102.85
  offset( 114) = -9999.99
  offset( 115) =   -39.65
  offset( 116) =   -40.48
  offset( 117) = -9999.99
  offset( 118) = -9999.99
  offset( 119) = -9999.99
  offset( 120) = -9999.99
  offset( 121) =   -31.23
  offset( 122) =   -34.30
  offset( 123) =  -165.01
  offset( 124) = -9999.99
  offset( 125) =   -25.43
  offset( 126) =   -12.98
  offset( 127) =   -24.50
  offset( 128) = -9999.99
  offset( 129) =   -30.13
  offset( 130) =   -14.02
  offset( 131) =     8.01
  offset( 132) =    -2.04
  offset( 133) =     5.37
  offset( 134) =   -13.81
  offset( 135) =   -32.82
  offset( 136) =    -2.94
  offset( 137) =   -19.71
  offset( 138) =   -15.45
  offset( 139) =    28.13
  offset( 140) =   -10.23
  offset( 141) =   -19.78
  offset( 142) =     6.51
  offset( 143) =   -22.02
  offset( 144) =   -35.77
  offset( 145) =   -20.93
  offset( 146) =    -8.63
  offset( 147) =   -17.27
  offset( 148) =    -4.88
  offset( 149) =     2.34
  offset( 150) =     9.69
  offset( 151) =   124.36
  offset( 152) =   -10.54
  offset( 153) =   -32.31
  offset( 154) =    -1.74
  offset( 155) =     6.40
  offset( 156) =   -41.53
  offset( 157) =   -12.64
  offset( 158) = -9999.99
  offset( 159) =    -2.22
  offset( 160) =   -17.31
  offset( 161) = -9999.99
  offset( 162) =     5.38
  offset( 163) =    -1.76
  offset( 164) =   -18.30
  offset( 165) =     9.68
  offset( 166) =     6.79
  offset( 167) =  -126.74
  offset( 168) =    -9.77
  offset( 169) =     8.47
  offset( 170) =     7.11
  offset( 171) =    28.72
  offset( 172) =   -29.96
  offset( 173) =   -27.75
  offset( 174) =    -2.43
  offset( 175) =    11.08
  offset( 176) =     7.05
  offset( 177) =   -27.55
  offset( 178) =    -1.09
  offset( 179) =     5.26
  offset( 180) =   -12.73
  offset( 181) =   -15.53
  offset( 182) =    -6.55
  offset( 183) =    34.68
  offset( 184) =    19.55
  offset( 185) =   -14.17
  offset( 186) =    -8.89
  offset( 187) =     8.12
  offset( 188) =    -9.06
  offset( 189) =     8.78
  offset( 190) =   -31.35
  offset( 191) =     5.97
  offset( 192) =   -13.90
  offset( 193) =   -10.36
  offset( 194) =    18.66
  offset( 195) =    -9.45
  offset( 196) =     8.94
  offset( 197) =     8.83
  offset( 198) =    -0.29
  offset( 199) =   -20.45
  offset( 200) =    -8.42
  offset( 201) =    -7.99
  offset( 202) =   -12.23
  offset( 203) =    -2.14
  offset( 204) =    -3.89
  offset( 205) =    -0.34
  offset( 206) =    25.49
  offset( 207) =    11.81
  offset( 208) =     7.79
  offset( 209) =    -2.57
  offset( 210) =    29.34
  offset( 211) =    -5.80
  offset( 212) =    14.64
  offset( 213) =    -2.74offset(   0) =    16.10
  offset(   1) =   -14.93
  offset(   2) =    -4.03
  offset(   3) =    24.20
  offset(   4) =    -1.49
  offset(   5) =    18.78
  offset(   6) =     2.57
  offset(   7) =    -0.06
  offset(   8) =     8.52
  offset(   9) =    17.08
  offset(  10) =    -8.18
  offset(  11) =    11.06
  offset(  12) =     1.45
  offset(  13) =    -0.11
  offset(  14) =    -5.27
  offset(  15) =    12.08
  offset(  16) =   -13.45
  offset(  17) =   -23.82
  offset(  18) =   -18.33
  offset(  19) =     9.29
  offset(  20) =     1.15
  offset(  21) =   -20.83
  offset(  22) =   -14.00
  offset(  23) =     0.04
  offset(  24) =    -0.18
  offset(  25) =    -0.13
  offset(  26) =    -7.15
  offset(  27) =    -0.09
  offset(  28) =     8.33
  offset(  29) =   -16.03
  offset(  30) =     9.93
  offset(  31) =    -0.08
  offset(  32) =    -8.71
  offset(  33) =   -28.08
  offset(  34) =    -1.57
  offset(  35) =     4.32
  offset(  36) =    -0.98
  offset(  37) =     9.03
  offset(  38) =    10.18
  offset(  39) =    -8.64
  offset(  40) =    15.82
  offset(  41) = -9999.99
  offset(  42) =    25.30
  offset(  43) =    -1.59
  offset(  44) =     1.77
  offset(  45) =    10.58
  offset(  46) =    16.35
  offset(  47) =     3.63
  offset(  48) =    -3.42
  offset(  49) =   -14.59
  offset(  50) =    35.18
  offset(  51) =     4.42
  offset(  52) =    12.15
  offset(  53) = -9999.99
  offset(  54) = -9999.99
  offset(  55) = -9999.99
  offset(  56) =    15.79
  offset(  57) = -9999.99
... 12012 more lines ...
Attachment 8: offsets.dat  103 kB  Uploaded Sat May 13 04:24:39 2017  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
       0    16.10     0.17   0.368   7                                 
       1   -14.93     0.43   0.581   8                                 
       2    -4.03     0.17   0.290   7                                 
       3    24.20     0.15   0.341   7                                 
       4    -1.49     0.17   0.423   7                                 
       5    18.78     0.17   0.347   6                                 
       6     2.57     0.15   0.251   7                                 
       7    -0.06     0.16   0.379   6                                 
       8     8.52     0.15   0.317   7                                 
       9    17.08     0.15   0.395   7                                 
      10    -8.18     0.14   0.302   8                                 
      11    11.06     0.14   0.330   7                                 
      12     1.45     0.15   0.299   7                                 
      13    -0.11     0.14   0.356   8                                 
      14    -5.27     0.16   0.284   7                                 
      15    12.08     0.14   0.201   7                                 
      16   -13.45     0.12   0.282   8                                 
      17   -23.82     0.16   0.259   6                                 
      18   -18.33     0.17   0.310   6                                 
      19     9.29     0.16   0.241   7                                 
      20     1.15     0.16   0.417   6                                 
      21   -20.83     0.14   0.286   7                                 
      22   -14.00     0.15   0.286   7                                 
      23     0.04     0.16   0.369   7                                 
      24    -0.18     0.15   0.336   7                                 
      25    -0.13     0.15   0.408   7                                 
      26    -7.15     0.15   0.334   7                                 
      27    -0.09     0.16   0.264   7                                 
      28     8.33     0.15   0.294   6                                 
      29   -16.03     0.13   0.247   7                                 
      30     9.93     0.12   0.354   7                                 
      31    -0.08     0.14   0.329   6                                 
      32    -8.71     0.13   0.210   8                                 
      33   -28.08     0.12   0.198   7                                 
      34    -1.57     0.13   0.151   7                                 
      35     4.32     0.13   0.235   7                                 
      36    -0.98     0.14   0.254   6                                 
      37     9.03     0.13   0.255   7                                 
      38    10.18     0.13   0.233   7                                 
      39    -8.64     0.13   0.201   7                                 
      40    15.82     0.14   0.496   7                                 
      42    25.30     0.14   0.421   7                                 
      43    -1.59     0.13   0.243   7                                 
      44     1.77     0.11   0.313   8                                 
      45    10.58     0.12   0.231   7                                 
      46    16.35     0.12   0.144   7                                 
      47     3.63     0.16   0.425   7                                 
      48    -3.42     0.13   0.232   7                                 
      49   -14.59     0.13   0.139   7                                 
      50    35.18     0.13   0.198   7                                 
      51     4.42     0.13   0.259   7                                 
      52    12.15     0.17   0.453   7                                 
      53 -9999.99     0.00   0.000   2  < 3 peaks                      
      56    15.79     0.15   0.282   7                                 
      58 -9999.99     0.00   0.000   2  < 3 peaks                      
      59    37.06     0.14   0.247   7                                 
      60     0.63     0.59   1.292   7  INL > 1%                       
      61    22.36     0.29   0.411   6                                 
      63    11.76     0.15   0.365   7                                 
      64    26.68     0.20   0.436   6                                 
      65   321.40     0.79   9.980   5  INL > 1%                       
      66   -16.48     0.15   0.430   8                                 
      67    11.08     0.18   0.637   6                                 
      68    13.34     0.20   0.415   6                                 
      69    10.44     0.26   0.618   4                                 
      70    -1.68     0.16   0.595   8                                 
      71    52.27     0.25   0.731   4                                 
      72    16.87     0.35   1.048   5  INL > 1%                       
      74     0.25     0.40   1.031   6  INL > 1%                       
      75    11.73     0.19   0.432   6                                 
      76    -4.28     0.18   0.498   6                                 
      77    26.30     0.16   0.427   7                                 
      78   -14.03     0.15   0.416   8                                 
      79   -19.91     0.15   0.415   7                                 
      80     3.36     0.26   0.755   3                                 
      81    -9.93     0.16   0.382   7                                 
      82    -7.04     0.16   0.233   7                                 
      83    14.20     0.14   0.558   7                                 
      84     4.07     0.17   0.285   6                                 
      85   -33.64     0.17   0.194   7                                 
      86     1.75     0.15   0.344   7                                 
      87    -8.25     0.17   0.458   7                                 
      88     0.12     0.16   0.549   7                                 
      90    -3.26     0.17   0.397   6                                 
      91    14.34     0.24   0.809   4                                 
      92   -24.36     0.16   0.358   7                                 
      93    -8.27     0.14   0.183   7                                 
      94    -0.30     0.13   0.258   7                                 
      95     5.13     0.14   0.305   7                                 
      96    47.52     0.17   0.259   7                                 
      97    29.22     0.15   0.209   7                                 
      98    10.99     0.16   0.278   7                                 
      99    38.34     0.20   0.256   7                                 
     100    25.33     0.27   0.733   3                                 
     101     9.46     0.18   0.443   6                                 
     102    29.87     0.16   0.268   7                                 
     103    31.58     0.15   0.207   8                                 
     104     8.87     0.15   0.306   8                                 
     105    32.96     0.16   0.367   7                                 
     106    -8.22     0.19   0.719   7                                 
     107    12.51     0.15   1.401   8  INL > 1%                       
     108    28.56     0.16   0.343   8                                 
     109    34.60     0.16   0.314   7                                 
     110     9.83     0.15   0.218   8                                 
     111    50.37     0.14   2.407   8  INL > 1%                       
     112     1.92     0.18   3.186   6  INL > 1%                       
     113   102.85     0.19   4.906   6  INL > 1%                       
     114 -9999.99     0.00   0.000   2  < 3 peaks                      
     115   -39.65     0.16   3.403   7  INL > 1%                       
     116   -40.48     0.17   4.601   7  INL > 1%                       
     120 -9999.99     0.00   0.000   1  < 3 peaks                      
     121   -31.23     0.21   6.250   5  INL > 1%                       
     122   -34.30     0.65   4.771   6  INL > 1%                       
     123  -165.01     0.31  14.704   6  INL > 1%                       
     125   -25.43     0.33   2.197   5  INL > 1%                       
     126   -12.98     0.17   3.692   7  INL > 1%                       
     127   -24.50     0.16   1.880   7  INL > 1%                       
     128 -9999.99     0.00   0.000   1  < 3 peaks                      
     129   -30.13     0.26   0.529   7                                 
     130   -14.02     0.12   0.450   7                                 
     131     8.01     0.13   0.506   7                                 
     132    -2.04     0.27   0.395   4                                 
     133     5.37     0.12   0.571   6                                 
     134   -13.81     0.12   0.588   7                                 
     135   -32.82     0.12   0.562   7                                 
     136    -2.94     0.11   0.607   7                                 
     137   -19.71     0.11   0.566   7                                 
     138   -15.45     0.11   0.568   7                                 
     139    28.13     0.12   0.518   7                                 
     140   -10.23     0.12   0.512   6                                 
     141   -19.78     0.12   0.478   7                                 
     142     6.51     0.12   0.478   6                                 
     143   -22.02     0.11   0.489   7                                 
     144   -35.77     0.11   0.445   7                                 
     145   -20.93     0.11   0.483   6                                 
     146    -8.63     0.12   0.487   6                                 
     147   -17.27     0.10   0.474   7                                 
     148    -4.88     0.12   0.476   5                                 
     149     2.34     0.12   0.498   5                                 
     150     9.69     0.12   0.504   5                                 
     151   124.36     0.12   0.391   6                                 
     152   -10.54     0.10   0.541   7                                 
     153   -32.31     0.11   0.496   6                                 
     154    -1.74     0.10   0.577   7                                 
     155     6.40     0.10   0.485   7                                 
     156   -41.53     0.11   0.510   6                                 
     157   -12.64     0.11   0.406   7                                 
     158 -9999.99     0.00   0.000   2  < 3 peaks                      
     159    -2.22     0.09   0.438   7                                 
     160   -17.31     0.12   0.543   6                                 
     161 -9999.99     0.00   0.000   2  < 3 peaks                      
     162     5.38     0.12   0.532   6                                 
     163    -1.76     0.11   0.581   7                                 
     164   -18.30     0.11   0.552   7                                 
     165     9.68     0.11   0.539   7                                 
     166     6.79     0.12   0.589   6                                 
     167  -126.74     0.13  12.329   8  INL > 1%                       
     168    -9.77     0.11   0.593   7                                 
     169     8.47     0.12   0.658   6                                 
     170     7.11     0.11   0.604   7                                 
     171    28.72     0.11   0.599   7                                 
     172   -29.96     0.11   0.562   7                                 
     173   -27.75     0.11   0.540   7                                 
     174    -2.43     0.11   0.421   7                                 
     175    11.08     0.11   0.485   7                                 
     176     7.05     0.11   0.472   7                                 
     177   -27.55     0.12   0.387   6                                 
     178    -1.09     0.12   0.394   6                                 
     179     5.26     0.11   0.483   6                                 
     180   -12.73     0.11   0.524   7                                 
     181   -15.53     0.11   0.545   7                                 
     182    -6.55     0.11   0.539   7                                 
     183    34.68     0.17   0.312   4                                 
     184    19.55     0.12   0.486   6                                 
     185   -14.17     0.11   0.489   7                                 
     186    -8.89     0.14   0.403   5                                 
     187     8.12     0.12   0.447   6                                 
     188    -9.06     0.11   0.464   7                                 
     189     8.78     0.13   0.365   5                                 
     190   -31.35     0.12   0.400   6                                 
     191     5.97     0.14   0.335   5                                 
     192   -13.90     0.16   0.465   7                                 
     193   -10.36     0.28   0.682   6                                 
     194    18.66     0.16   0.462   5                                 
     195    -9.45     0.13   0.561   7                                 
     196     8.94     0.17   0.561   5                                 
     197     8.83     0.15   0.522   5                                 
     198    -0.29     0.14   0.575   6                                 
     199   -20.45     0.13   0.658   7                                 
     200    -8.42     0.12   0.623   7                                 
     201    -7.99     0.12   0.594   7                                 
     202   -12.23     0.13   0.575   6                                 
     203    -2.14     0.14   0.529   6                                 
     204    -3.89     0.14   0.465   5                                 
     205    -0.34     0.12   0.530   6                                 
     206    25.49     0.14   0.382   5                                 
     207    11.81     0.12   0.354   6                                 
     208     7.79     0.12   0.567   7                                 
     209    -2.57     0.12   0.507   6                                 
     210    29.34     0.12   0.581   6                                 
     211    -5.80     0.11   0.562   7                                 
     212    14.64     0.12   0.615   6                                 
     213    -2.74     0.11   0.665   7                                 
     214    15.44     0.11   0.610   7                                 
     215   -13.24     0.11   0.600   7                                 
     216     3.93     0.12   0.662   6                                 
     217     8.62     0.12   0.621   6                                 
     218   -15.60     0.12   0.691   6                                 
     219     6.02     0.12   0.647   6                                 
     220    20.74     0.12   0.537   6                                 
     221    17.48     0.11   0.590   7                                 
     222   -23.06     0.11   0.528   6                                 
     223    -3.13     0.11   0.543   6                                 
     224    30.14     0.13   0.245   6                                 
     225     0.82     0.12   0.544   7                                 
     226     0.93     0.13   0.393   6                                 
     227    11.01     0.11   0.413   7                                 
     228    18.31     0.12   0.396   6                                 
     229    26.80     0.12   0.488   6                                 
     230    28.42     0.13   0.462   6                                 
     231     8.85     0.12   0.477   6                                 
     232    33.87     0.12   0.527   6                                 
     233   -22.41     0.12   0.511   7                                 
     234     9.61     0.12   0.466   6                                 
     235   -21.32     0.12   0.458   6                                 
     236    13.79     0.11   0.480   7                                 
     237    16.58     0.11   0.428   7                                 
     238    24.98     0.11   0.412   7                                 
     239   -12.59     0.11   0.351   7                                 
     240   -10.85     0.11   0.465   7                                 
     241    -4.30     0.11   0.467   7                                 
     242    15.44     0.11   0.495   7                                 
     243     6.72     0.12   0.428   6                                 
     244   -19.95     0.11   0.476   7                                 
     245   -11.12     0.14   0.429   5                                 
     246   -15.90     0.12   0.544   7                                 
     247   -17.53     0.16   0.277   4                                 
     248   -15.94     0.11   0.535   7                                 
     249   -21.35     0.12   0.547   7                                 
     250     5.89     0.17   0.312   4                                 
     251     7.21     0.13   0.522   6                                 
     252   -17.58     0.13   0.466   6                                 
     253     4.70     0.14   0.349   5                                 
     254     8.84     0.13   0.406   6                                 
     255   -36.92     0.12   0.339   7                                 
     256    18.26     0.13   0.333   6                                 
     257   -13.97     0.16   0.607   8                                 
     258     3.43     0.11   0.385   7                                 
     259   -16.64     0.12   0.302   6                                 
     260    23.27     0.12   0.370   6                                 
     261    11.47     0.15   0.701   4                                 
     262    -3.04     0.11   0.414   7                                 
     263    11.25     0.16   0.771   4                                 
     264    18.61     0.14   0.410   5                                 
     265    -5.86     0.11   0.313   6                                 
     266     1.15     0.12   0.411   6                                 
     267    -1.39     0.12   0.295   6                                 
     268     2.92     0.12   0.312   6                                 
     269     7.21     0.11   0.170   7                                 
     270    -0.52     0.11   0.234   7                                 
     271   -16.88     0.12   0.252   6                                 
     272    35.03     0.19   0.526   3                                 
     273     4.74     0.12   0.252   6                                 
     274    44.31     0.11   0.170   7                                 
     275    -8.56     0.11   0.198   7                                 
     276    -4.40     0.11   0.161   7                                 
     277    18.77     0.11   0.163   7                                 
     278     9.39     0.11   0.115   7                                 
     279    31.10     0.11   0.097   7                                 
     280   -29.67     0.11   0.174   7                                 
     281    -9.00     0.11   0.262   6                                 
     282    -2.36     0.12   0.271   6                                 
     283    23.40     0.19   0.646   3                                 
     284   -10.10     0.10   0.150   7                                 
     285    29.40     0.12   0.321   6                                 
     286   -15.00     0.10   0.202   7                                 
     287     8.21     0.11   0.222   6                                 
     288   -25.94     0.10   0.354   8                                 
     289   -39.22     0.12   0.229   7                                 
     290   -30.57     0.11   0.184   7                                 
     291   -30.06     0.11   0.201   7                                 
     292    -7.54     0.22   0.708   3                                 
     293   -10.08     0.12   0.603   6                                 
     295     8.87     0.11   0.422   7                                 
     296   141.74     0.13   0.077   6                                 
     297   -38.12     0.12   0.241   7                                 
     298   -24.38     0.11   0.288   7                                 
     299    14.50     0.11   1.273   7  INL > 1%                       
     300   -10.18     0.10   0.120   8                                 
     301   -18.27     0.11   0.163   7                                 
     302    -6.08     0.11   0.149   7                                 
     303   -14.37     0.11   2.328   8  INL > 1%                       
     304   -52.55     0.11   2.786   7  INL > 1%                       
     306     4.73     0.20   0.685   3                                 
     307   -42.32     0.12   2.328   7  INL > 1%                       
     308   116.18     0.17   4.359   6  INL > 1%                       
     309  -172.69     0.17  11.462   5  INL > 1%                       
     310    -8.71     0.17   4.105   7  INL > 1%                       
     312 -9999.99     0.00   0.000   1  < 3 peaks                      
     313   -43.31     0.20   5.341   5  INL > 1%                       
... 1171 more lines ...
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*** Weighted least squares fit to spectrum: s0      

X nom.  Y exp.   Y fit    Y fit - Y exp.
  1.0   189.93   190.53      0.60
  2.0   363.74   364.96      1.22
  3.0   539.69   539.39     -0.30
  4.0   716.47   713.82     -2.65
  5.0   890.56   888.25     -2.31
  6.0  1063.08  1062.68     -0.40
  7.0  1233.27  1237.11      3.84

                m =   174.43 +/-    0.04
                c =    16.10 +/-    0.17
    non-linearity =  0.368 %
        mean fwhm = 13.979 channels

*** Weighted least squares fit to spectrum: s1      

X nom.  Y exp.   Y fit    Y fit - Y exp.
  1.0   143.31   147.73      4.42
  2.0   306.71   310.39      3.68
  3.0   473.19   473.05     -0.14
  4.0   641.99   635.72     -6.27
  5.0   804.99   798.38     -6.61
  6.0   964.85   961.04     -3.81
  7.0  1122.66  1123.70      1.04
  8.0  1280.63  1286.36      5.73

                m =   162.66 +/-    0.08
                c =   -14.93 +/-    0.43
    non-linearity =  0.581 %
        mean fwhm = 15.366 channels

*** Weighted least squares fit to spectrum: s10     

X nom.  Y exp.   Y fit    Y fit - Y exp.
  1.0   156.28   157.68      1.40
  2.0   322.54   323.53      0.99
  3.0   489.15   489.39      0.24
  4.0   657.04   655.25     -1.79
  5.0   824.04   821.11     -2.93
  6.0   989.30   986.97     -2.33
  7.0  1152.63  1152.82      0.19
  8.0  1315.18  1318.68      3.50

                m =   165.86 +/-    0.03
                c =    -8.18 +/-    0.14
    non-linearity =  0.302 %
        mean fwhm = 13.655 channels

*** Weighted least squares fit to spectrum: s100    

X nom.  Y exp.   Y fit    Y fit - Y exp.
  1.0   453.00   455.71      2.71
  2.0   892.40   886.10     -6.30
  3.0  1312.65  1316.49      3.84

                m =   430.39 +/-    0.13
                c =    25.33 +/-    0.27
    non-linearity =  0.733 %
        mean fwhm = 13.810 channels

*** Weighted least squares fit to spectrum: s1000   

X nom.  Y exp.   Y fit    Y fit - Y exp.
  1.0   176.03   172.24     -3.79
  2.0   368.23   370.47      2.24
  3.0   563.55   568.70      5.15
  4.0   763.63   766.93      3.30
  5.0   965.23   965.16     -0.07
  6.0  1167.69  1163.39     -4.30

                m =   198.23 +/-    0.04
                c =   -25.99 +/-    0.14
    non-linearity =  0.519 %
        mean fwhm = 13.743 channels

*** Weighted least squares fit to spectrum: s1001   

X nom.  Y exp.   Y fit    Y fit - Y exp.
  1.0   173.02   167.78     -5.24
  2.0   350.34   352.30      1.96
  3.0   531.64   536.82      5.18
  4.0   717.63   721.34      3.71
  5.0   903.56   905.86      2.30
  6.0  1091.05  1090.38     -0.67
  7.0  1279.54  1274.90     -4.64

                m =   184.52 +/-    0.03
                c =   -16.74 +/-    0.13
    non-linearity =  0.474 %
        mean fwhm = 13.837 channels

*** Weighted least squares fit to spectrum: s1002   

X nom.  Y exp.   Y fit    Y fit - Y exp.
  1.0   270.82   269.26     -1.56
  2.0   542.40   544.69      2.29
  3.0   818.19   820.11      1.92
  4.0  1097.69  1095.53     -2.16

                m =   275.42 +/-    0.07
                c =    -6.16 +/-    0.19
    non-linearity =  0.276 %
        mean fwhm = 13.880 channels

*** Weighted least squares fit to spectrum: s1003   

X nom.  Y exp.   Y fit    Y fit - Y exp.
  1.0   222.42   219.04     -3.38
  2.0   441.73   443.41      1.68
  3.0   664.14   667.78      3.64
  4.0   889.54   892.15      2.61
  5.0  1116.21  1116.53      0.32
  6.0  1344.31  1340.90     -3.41

                m =   224.37 +/-    0.04
                c =    -5.33 +/-    0.15
    non-linearity =  0.325 %
        mean fwhm = 13.785 channels

*** Weighted least squares fit to spectrum: s1004   

X nom.  Y exp.   Y fit    Y fit - Y exp.
  1.0   402.40   401.72     -0.68
  2.0   811.53   813.44      1.91
  3.0  1226.26  1225.15     -1.11

                m =   411.71 +/-    0.12
                c =    -9.99 +/-    0.23
    non-linearity =  0.232 %
        mean fwhm = 13.830 channels

*** Weighted least squares fit to spectrum: s1005   

X nom.  Y exp.   Y fit    Y fit - Y exp.
  1.0   191.64   187.11     -4.53
  2.0   376.18   378.19      2.01
  3.0   565.34   569.26      3.92
  4.0   757.36   760.34      2.98
  5.0   949.57   951.41      1.84
  6.0  1142.93  1142.49     -0.44
  7.0  1337.33  1333.56     -3.77

                m =   191.08 +/-    0.03
                c =    -3.96 +/-    0.13
    non-linearity =  0.395 %
        mean fwhm = 13.793 channels

*** Weighted least squares fit to spectrum: s1006   

X nom.  Y exp.   Y fit    Y fit - Y exp.
  1.0   233.72   231.32     -2.40
  2.0   457.46   459.66      2.20
  3.0   684.47   688.01      3.54
  4.0   915.78   916.35      0.57
  5.0  1147.42  1144.70     -2.72

                m =   228.35 +/-    0.05
                c =     2.97 +/-    0.16
    non-linearity =  0.387 %
        mean fwhm = 13.786 channels

*** Weighted least squares fit to spectrum: s1007   

X nom.  Y exp.   Y fit    Y fit - Y exp.
  1.0   231.89   229.14     -2.75
  2.0   448.23   449.41      1.18
  3.0   665.90   669.68      3.78
  4.0   887.99   889.95      1.96
  5.0  1110.32  1110.21     -0.11
  6.0  1333.51  1330.48     -3.03

                m =   220.27 +/-    0.04
                c =     8.87 +/-    0.15
    non-linearity =  0.343 %
        mean fwhm = 13.912 channels

*** Weighted least squares fit to spectrum: s1008   

X nom.  Y exp.   Y fit    Y fit - Y exp.
  1.0   210.16   205.78     -4.38
  2.0   416.43   419.79      3.36
  3.0   628.63   633.80      5.17
  4.0   845.15   847.82      2.67
  5.0  1061.98  1061.83     -0.15
  6.0  1280.14  1275.84     -4.30

                m =   214.01 +/-    0.04
                c =    -8.24 +/-    0.14
    non-linearity =  0.484 %
        mean fwhm = 13.820 channels

*** Weighted least squares fit to spectrum: s1009   

X nom.  Y exp.   Y fit    Y fit - Y exp.
  1.0   196.88   190.74     -6.14
  2.0   366.59   369.43      2.84
  3.0   542.97   548.12      5.15
  4.0   723.64   726.81      3.17
  5.0   904.37   905.50      1.13
  6.0  1085.38  1084.19     -1.19
  7.0  1266.62  1262.88     -3.74

                m =   178.69 +/-    0.03
                c =    12.05 +/-    0.14
    non-linearity =  0.574 %
        mean fwhm = 13.909 channels

*** Weighted least squares fit to spectrum: s101    

X nom.  Y exp.   Y fit    Y fit - Y exp.
  1.0   225.00   227.26      2.26
  2.0   443.49   445.06      1.57
  3.0   667.05   662.86     -4.19
  4.0   885.48   880.66     -4.82
  5.0  1098.86  1098.46     -0.40
  6.0  1312.33  1316.27      3.94

                m =   217.80 +/-    0.05
                c =     9.46 +/-    0.18
    non-linearity =  0.443 %
        mean fwhm = 13.720 channels

*** Weighted least squares fit to spectrum: s1010   

X nom.  Y exp.   Y fit    Y fit - Y exp.
  1.0   183.64   177.83     -5.81
  2.0   365.65   368.48      2.83
  3.0   553.40   559.13      5.73
  4.0   746.00   749.78      3.78
  5.0   938.39   940.43      2.04
  6.0  1132.33  1131.08     -1.25
  7.0  1326.30  1321.73     -4.57

                m =   190.65 +/-    0.03
                c =   -12.82 +/-    0.13
    non-linearity =  0.508 %
        mean fwhm = 13.837 channels

*** Weighted least squares fit to spectrum: s1011   

X nom.  Y exp.   Y fit    Y fit - Y exp.
  1.0   209.48   205.06     -4.42
  2.0   429.27   432.84      3.57
  3.0   655.24   660.61      5.37
  4.0   885.45   888.39      2.94
  5.0  1116.52  1116.16     -0.36
  6.0  1348.17  1343.94     -4.23

                m =   227.78 +/-    0.04
                c =   -22.72 +/-    0.15
    non-linearity =  0.472 %
        mean fwhm = 13.895 channels

*** Weighted least squares fit to spectrum: s1012   

X nom.  Y exp.   Y fit    Y fit - Y exp.
  1.0   263.42   260.01     -3.41
  2.0   505.95   510.02      4.07
  3.0   755.57   760.04      4.47
  4.0  1009.46  1010.06      0.60
  5.0  1263.81  1260.07     -3.74

                m =   250.02 +/-    0.05
                c =     9.99 +/-    0.16
    non-linearity =  0.447 %
        mean fwhm = 13.856 channels

*** Weighted least squares fit to spectrum: s1013   

X nom.  Y exp.   Y fit    Y fit - Y exp.
  1.0   166.90    49.06   -117.84
  2.0   275.02   278.25      3.23
  3.0   500.48   507.43      6.95
  4.0   730.66   736.62      5.96
  5.0   966.26   965.80     -0.46
  6.0  1202.19  1194.99     -7.20

                m =   229.19 +/-    0.05
                c =  -180.12 +/-    0.21
    non-linearity = 11.382 %
        mean fwhm = 14.147 channels

*** Weighted least squares fit to spectrum: s1014   

X nom.  Y exp.   Y fit    Y fit - Y exp.
  1.0   197.22   192.13     -5.09
  2.0   418.62   422.06      3.44
  3.0   646.33   651.99      5.66
  4.0   879.02   881.92      2.90
  5.0  1111.58  1111.85      0.27
  6.0  1346.52  1341.79     -4.73

                m =   229.93 +/-    0.04
                c =   -37.81 +/-    0.17
    non-linearity =  0.493 %
        mean fwhm = 14.097 channels

*** Weighted least squares fit to spectrum: s1016   
... 22032 more lines ...
Attachment 10: offsets.txt  108 kB  Uploaded Sat May 13 04:24:39 2017  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
0           16.10     0.17   0.368   7                                 
1          -14.93     0.43   0.581   8                                 
10          -8.18     0.14   0.302   8                                 
100         25.33     0.27   0.733   3                                 
1000       -25.99     0.14   0.519   6                                 
1001       -16.74     0.13   0.474   7                                 
1002        -6.16     0.19   0.276   4                                 
1003        -5.33     0.15   0.325   6                                 
1004        -9.99     0.23   0.232   3                                 
1005        -3.96     0.13   0.395   7                                 
1006         2.97     0.16   0.387   5                                 
1007         8.87     0.15   0.343   6                                 
1008        -8.24     0.14   0.484   6                                 
1009        12.05     0.14   0.574   7                                 
101          9.46     0.18   0.443   6                                 
1010       -12.82     0.13   0.508   7                                 
1011       -22.72     0.15   0.472   6                                 
1012         9.99     0.16   0.447   5                                 
1013      -180.12     0.21  11.382   6  INL > 1%                       
1014       -37.81     0.17   0.493   6                                 
1015     -9999.99     0.00   0.000   1  < 3 peaks                      
1016       -21.43     0.15   0.631   7                                 
1017         2.78     0.16   0.649   7                                 
1018        33.97     0.36   0.332   3                                 
1019        14.86     0.17   0.471   5                                 
102         29.87     0.16   0.268   7                                 
1020       -25.55     0.15   0.445   6                                 
1021       -44.62     0.19   0.385   5                                 
1022       -29.19     0.15   0.454   6                                 
1023       -20.66     0.16   0.358   6                                 
1024        -8.53     0.12   0.396   7                                 
1025       -18.46     0.26   0.852   6                                 
1026         5.53     0.12   0.493   6                                 
1027        19.07     0.12   0.449   7                                 
1028         3.91     0.13   0.659   6                                 
1029       -16.62     0.11   0.502   7                                 
103         31.58     0.15   0.207   8                                 
1030        -5.75     0.14   0.579   5                                 
1031       -17.50     0.12   0.468   6                                 
1032       -13.51     0.11   0.483   7                                 
1033        -5.23     0.12   0.587   6                                 
1034        10.66     0.10   0.472   8                                 
1035        -3.40     0.12   0.619   6                                 
1036         5.86     0.12   0.547   6                                 
1037       -12.08     0.10   0.375   8                                 
1038         8.01     0.13   0.560   5                                 
1039        -1.52     0.12   0.457   6                                 
104          8.87     0.15   0.306   8                                 
1040         5.43     0.10   0.265   8                                 
1041        -1.99     0.14   0.441   5                                 
1042        22.25     0.12   0.220   6                                 
1043         7.86     0.11   0.229   7                                 
1044        11.93     0.13   0.454   5                                 
1045        10.44     0.11   0.263   7                                 
1046        34.77     0.10   0.287   8                                 
1047        22.66     0.12   0.412   6                                 
1048        22.36     0.11   0.255   7                                 
1049         3.27     0.14   0.515   5                                 
105         32.96     0.16   0.367   7                                 
1050        32.14     0.10   0.204   7                                 
1051         5.81     0.10   0.199   7                                 
1052         9.66     0.13   0.465   5                                 
1053         8.13     0.11   0.126   7                                 
1054        30.12     0.10   0.110   7                                 
1055        -4.78     0.11   0.334   6                                 
1056        -7.56     0.10   0.314   8                                 
1057       -16.01     0.11   0.234   7                                 
1058         7.45     0.11   0.116   7                                 
1059        -2.10     0.11   0.282   7                                 
106         -8.22     0.19   0.719   7                                 
1060         5.53     0.12   0.145   6                                 
1061         7.41     0.11   0.162   7                                 
1062         6.07     0.11   0.136   7                                 
1063       -19.15     0.11   0.057   7                                 
1064         3.36     0.11   0.231   7                                 
1065        41.14     0.11   0.162   7                                 
1066        10.14     0.11   0.177   7                                 
1067        -1.13     0.11   0.296   7                                 
1068        23.17     0.10   0.342   8                                 
1069        -5.69     0.11   0.162   7                                 
107         12.51     0.15   1.401   8  INL > 1%                       
1070         0.94     0.11   0.139   7                                 
1071       -22.68     0.11   2.007   8  INL > 1%                       
1072         6.47     0.13   0.232   7                                 
1073        11.00     0.13   0.103   7                                 
1074        21.32     0.13   0.088   7                                 
1075        -3.36     0.13   0.102   7                                 
1076        10.18     0.15   0.147   7                                 
1077     -9999.99     0.00   0.000   2  < 3 peaks                      
1078        16.65     0.20   0.078   7                                 
1079     -9999.99     0.00   0.000   0  < 3 peaks                      
108         28.56     0.16   0.343   8                                 
1080        -8.57     0.16   0.257   7                                 
1081        -1.99     0.18   0.322   6                                 
1082     -9999.99     0.00   0.000   0  < 3 peaks                      
1083        -9.32     0.13   0.069   7                                 
1084        12.14     0.15   0.122   7                                 
1085        11.90     0.56   0.146   7                                 
1086        29.22     0.12   0.187   7                                 
1087        -8.78     0.13   0.262   7                                 
1088        -3.77     0.14   0.298   6                                 
1089        23.20     0.29   0.629   8                                 
109         34.60     0.16   0.314   7                                 
1090       -14.02     0.11   0.353   8                                 
1091        -0.60     0.13   0.368   6                                 
1092         8.65     0.13   0.255   6                                 
1093        15.35     0.18   0.517   4                                 
1094       -13.38     0.12   0.388   7                                 
1095         3.70     0.18   0.656   4                                 
1096        -1.90     0.15   0.389   5                                 
1097       -13.10     0.12   0.250   7                                 
1098        -0.55     0.13   0.314   6                                 
1099       -11.97     0.13   0.244   6                                 
11          11.06     0.14   0.330   7                                 
110          9.83     0.15   0.218   8                                 
1100       -13.06     0.11   0.280   7                                 
1101        18.06     0.11   0.117   7                                 
1102         2.08     0.10   0.234   8                                 
1103        -8.49     0.12   0.300   6                                 
1104        26.10     0.16   0.512   4                                 
1105        10.58     0.11   0.322   7                                 
1106        13.85     0.11   0.136   7                                 
1107         8.24     0.11   0.060   7                                 
1108         5.48     0.12   0.314   6                                 
1109     -9999.99     0.00   0.000   0  < 3 peaks                      
111         50.37     0.14   2.407   8  INL > 1%                       
1110         8.21     0.11   0.056   7                                 
1111        25.08     0.11   0.183   7                                 
1112        16.25     0.11   0.085   7                                 
1113        33.44     0.12   0.105   6                                 
1114        18.91     0.12   0.239   6                                 
1115        19.90     0.19   0.652   3                                 
1116         5.83     0.11   0.300   7                                 
1117         7.11     0.11   0.185   7                                 
1118        11.53     0.11   0.086   7                                 
1119         5.06     0.10   0.072   7                                 
112          1.92     0.18   3.186   6  INL > 1%                       
1120        20.30     0.11   0.320   7                                 
1121        13.84     0.12   0.115   7                                 
1122        33.04     0.12   0.213   7                                 
1123        25.55     0.12   0.165   7                                 
1124        14.44     0.25   0.756   3                                 
1125         1.05     0.13   0.370   6                                 
1126        11.11     0.12   0.173   7                                 
1127        13.89     0.11   0.178   8                                 
1128        25.97     0.11   0.180   8                                 
1129        -5.67     0.12   0.204   7                                 
113        102.85     0.19   4.906   6  INL > 1%                       
1130        10.73     0.13   0.280   6                                 
1131        51.54     0.12   1.035   7  INL > 1%                       
1132         1.96     0.11   0.113   7                                 
1133         4.79     0.11   0.115   7                                 
1134        28.25     0.11   0.066   7                                 
1135        48.83     0.11   2.380   8  INL > 1%                       
1136        -5.48     0.12   2.632   7  INL > 1%                       
1137       -19.08     0.13   3.179   7  INL > 1%                       
1138       -19.80     0.23   0.710   3                                 
1139       -27.60     0.13   2.657   7  INL > 1%                       
114      -9999.99     0.00   0.000   2  < 3 peaks                      
1140       -20.19     0.14   3.644   7  INL > 1%                       
1141      -144.89     0.21  10.334   5  INL > 1%                       
1142       -20.97     0.22   4.241   7  INL > 1%                       
1143     -9999.99     0.00   0.000   0  < 3 peaks                      
1144     -9999.99     0.00   0.000   1  < 3 peaks                      
1145       -54.96     0.18   4.183   6  INL > 1%                       
1146     -9999.99     0.00   0.000   0  < 3 peaks                      
1147      -165.59     0.19   9.528   5  INL > 1%                       
1148       -14.70     0.18   3.174   7  INL > 1%                       
1149        -9.16     0.58   1.854   5  INL > 1%                       
115        -39.65     0.16   3.403   7  INL > 1%                       
1150       -10.31     0.12   3.228   7  INL > 1%                       
1151       -44.00     0.13   1.954   7  INL > 1%                       
1152        26.88     0.21   0.443   7                                 
1153        99.91     0.40   6.187   8  INL > 1%                       
1154        -7.34     0.17   0.368   7                                 
1155       -32.93     0.18   0.486   7                                 
1156       -18.88     0.19   0.561   7                                 
1157       -33.34     0.16   0.424   6                                 
1158        -7.38     0.15   0.531   7                                 
1159       -20.04     0.17   0.506   7                                 
116        -40.48     0.17   4.601   7  INL > 1%                       
1160       -12.94     0.14   0.468   7                                 
1161       -36.07     0.14   0.463   7                                 
1162       -10.71     0.14   0.497   7                                 
1163       -11.56     0.14   0.465   7                                 
1164        -9.65     0.14   0.416   6                                 
1165        22.11     0.13   0.421   7                                 
1166       -54.21     0.15   0.366   6                                 
1167        22.97     0.13   0.417   7                                 
1168        -1.70     0.15   0.485   6                                 
1169        18.13     0.14   0.490   6                                 
117      -9999.99     0.00   0.000   0  < 3 peaks                      
1170       -25.43     0.15   0.484   6                                 
1171       -25.24     0.14   0.483   7                                 
1172        -2.35     0.17   0.439   5                                 
1173        45.23     0.17   0.484   5                                 
1174        -2.42     0.16   0.440   5                                 
1175         8.27     0.15   0.490   6                                 
1176         8.67     0.14   0.561   7                                 
1177        27.85     0.16   0.460   5                                 
1178         4.52     0.14   0.585   7                                 
1179        19.26     0.15   0.471   6                                 
118      -9999.99     0.00   0.000   0  < 3 peaks                      
1180       -21.29     0.15   0.491   6                                 
1181       -33.85     0.13   0.547   7                                 
1182     -9999.99     0.00   0.000   2  < 3 peaks                      
1183        34.92     0.13   0.467   7                                 
1184      -109.15     0.15  12.490   7  INL > 1%                       
1185     -9999.99     0.00   0.000   1  < 3 peaks                      
1186      -210.29     0.20  15.309   7  INL > 1%                       
1187      -130.73     0.15   8.967   8  INL > 1%                       
1188        -5.42     0.14   0.444   7                                 
1189       -15.20     0.14   0.551   7                                 
119      -9999.99     0.00   0.000   0  < 3 peaks                      
1190         1.52     0.15   0.412   6                                 
1191       -32.21     0.15   3.246   7  INL > 1%                       
1192         7.37     0.13   0.329   7                                 
1193       140.84     0.20   1.574   5  INL > 1%                       
1194        -0.56     0.14   0.333   7                                 
1195        13.33     0.15   0.382   7                                 
1196       -17.92     0.15   0.404   7                                 
1197         7.99     0.16   0.439   6                                 
1198       -28.42     0.14   0.380   7                                 
1199        34.22     0.15   0.274   7                                 
12           1.45     0.15   0.299   7                                 
120      -9999.99     0.00   0.000   1  < 3 peaks                      
1200       -10.54     0.16   0.627   6                                 
1201        -7.88     0.16   0.631   6                                 
1202       -22.13     0.16   0.499   6                                 
1203        25.10     0.15   0.593   6                                 
1204       -18.68     0.15   0.680   7                                 
1205        16.23     0.15   0.663   7                                 
1206        18.66     0.16   0.488   6                                 
1207         8.97     0.20   0.396   4                                 
1208        17.89     0.18   0.610   5                                 
1209       159.03     0.25   0.532   4                                 
121        -31.23     0.21   6.250   5  INL > 1%                       
1210        27.51     0.20   0.435   5                                 
1211         7.07     0.16   0.607   6                                 
1212       -13.64     0.15   0.429   7                                 
1213       -15.08     0.18   0.433   5                                 
1214        17.21     0.15   0.566   6                                 
1215        -9.70     0.18   0.373   5                                 
1216        -7.89     0.21   0.458   7                                 
1217       100.94     0.57  14.976   5  INL > 1%                       
1218        -1.86     0.19   0.452   5                                 
1219        14.71     0.19   0.539   6                                 
122        -34.30     0.65   4.771   6  INL > 1%                       
1220       -27.54     0.22   0.455   5                                 
1221       -30.34     0.16   0.404   6                                 
1222       -27.96     0.15   0.533   7                                 
1223       -26.76     0.15   0.620   7                                 
1224        -9.74     0.13   0.566   7                                 
1225       -25.15     0.13   0.551   7                                 
1226       -29.27     0.14   0.452   6                                 
1227        -9.14     0.15   0.454   6                                 
1228        11.60     0.17   0.300   4                                 
1229        -2.38     0.14   0.420   6                                 
123       -165.01     0.31  14.704   6  INL > 1%                       
1230       -31.37     0.16   0.395   5                                 
1231       -44.70     0.12   0.414   7                                 
1232       -13.18     0.12   0.486   7                                 
1233         9.38     0.13   0.498   6                                 
1234        -1.77     0.13   0.458   6                                 
1235        -6.12     0.12   0.501   7                                 
1236        19.58     0.13   0.522   6                                 
1237        -5.27     0.12   0.584   7                                 
1238         8.13     0.13   0.563   7                                 
1239       -33.72     0.12   0.508   7                                 
124      -9999.99     0.00   0.000   0  < 3 peaks                      
1240       -44.83     0.13   0.578   6                                 
1241       -21.80     0.13   0.539   6                                 
1242        -2.42     0.13   0.513   7                                 
1243       -25.98     0.13   0.511   7                                 
1244        -4.31     0.14   0.424   6                                 
1245         1.37     0.12   0.483   7                                 
1246        -5.75     0.12   0.445   6                                 
1247         6.60     0.13   0.380   6                                 
1248        10.60     0.14   0.460   6                                 
1249         2.26     0.13   0.506   7                                 
125        -25.43     0.33   2.197   5  INL > 1%                       
1250       -27.27     0.13   0.492   7                                 
1251       -25.88     0.13   0.526   7                                 
1252         3.43     0.14   0.538   6                                 
1253         2.88     0.13   0.553   7                                 
1254       -36.56     0.12   0.518   7                                 
1255        -6.75     0.14   0.544   6                                 
1256       -37.35     0.13   0.572   7                                 
1257        -6.73     0.13   0.572   7                                 
1258         5.23     0.14   0.612   6                                 
1259       -46.99     0.13   0.524   7                                 
126        -12.98     0.17   3.692   7  INL > 1%                       
1260         0.12     0.13   0.477   7                                 
1261       -15.45     0.12   0.544   7                                 
1262       -10.77     0.12   0.477   7                                 
1263       -27.99     0.12   0.420   8                                 
1264        -7.01     0.15   0.465   6                                 
1265       -20.12     0.13   0.444   7                                 
1266        -0.64     0.14   0.490   7                                 
1267       -16.97     0.14   0.526   6                                 
... 1237 more lines ...
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s1 nnaida1: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s2 nnaida2: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s3 nnaida3: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s4 nnaida4: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s5 nnaida5: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s6 nnaida6: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s7 nnaida7: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s8 nnaida8: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s9 nnaida9: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s10 nnaida10: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s11 nnaida11: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s12 nnaida12: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s13 nnaida13: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s14 nnaida14: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s15 nnaida15: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s16 nnaida16: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s17 nnaida17: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s18 nnaida18: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s19 nnaida19: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s20 nnaida20: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s21 nnaida21: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s22 nnaida22: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s23 nnaida23: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s24 nnaida24: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s25 nnaida25: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s26 nnaida26: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s27 nnaida27: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s28 nnaida28: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s29 nnaida29: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s30 nnaida30: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s31 nnaida31: ADC data items (20us/ch)
s32 nnaida32: ADC data items (20us/ch)

s101 nnaida1: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s102 nnaida2: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s103 nnaida3: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s104 nnaida4: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s105 nnaida5: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s106 nnaida6: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s107 nnaida7: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s108 nnaida8: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s109 nnaida9: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s110 nnaida10: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s111 nnaida11: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s112 nnaida12: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s113 nnaida13: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s114 nnaida14: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s115 nnaida15: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s116 nnaida16: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s117 nnaida17: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s118 nnaida18: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s119 nnaida19: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s120 nnaida20: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s121 nnaida21: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s122 nnaida22: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s123 nnaida23: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s124 nnaida24: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s125 nnaida25: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s126 nnaida26: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s127 nnaida27: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s128 nnaida28: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s129 nnaida29: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s130 nnaida30: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s131 nnaida31: Disc data items (20us/ch)
s132 nnaida32: Disc data items (20us/ch)

s200 LEC & HEC channels (DSSSD order)
s201 LEC & HEC channels (ASIC order)

s301 DSSSD #1 LEC rate (Hz) versus time 
s306 DSSSD #6 LEC rate (Hz) versus time
s307 DSSSD #1 HEC rate (Hz) versus time 
s312 DSSSD #6 HEC rate (Hz) versus time

s1000 4*(module # - 1) + asic # (0-95 ADC; 100-195 Disc) v. timestamp (20us/ch)
s1001 HEC channel (2048-3584) versus energy

s2000 m_p versus m_n DSSSD #1 (LEC)
s2005 m_p versus m_n DSSSD #6 (LEC)
s2010 x versus y DSSSD #1 (LEC)
s2015 x versus y DSSSD #6 (LEC)
s2020 E_p versus E_n DSSSD #1 (LEC)
s2025 E_p versus E_n DSSSD #6 (LEC)
s2030 LEC-LEC time DSSSD #1 (2.56us/ch)
s2035 LEC-LEC time DSSSD #6 (2.56us/ch)

s2100 m_p versus m_n DSSSD #1 (HEC)
s2105 m_p versus m_n DSSSD #6 (HEC)
s2110 x versus y DSSSD #1 (HEC)
s2115 x versus y DSSSD #6 (HEC)
s2120 E_p versus E_n DSSSD #1 (HEC)
s2125 E_p versus E_n DSSSD #6 (HEC)
s2130 HEC-HEC time DSSSD #1 (2.56us/ch)
s2135 HEC-HEC time DSSSD #6 (2.56us/ch)

s2200 per pixel HEC-LEC time DSSSD #1 (2.56us/ch)
s2205 per pixel HEC-LEC time DSSSD #6 (2.56us/ch)

ELOG V3.1.4-unknown