10.10 DAQ continues OK
Current file May2017/R26_17
Detector biases; leakage currents OK - see attachment 1
FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 2
good events; statistics OK - see attachment 3
No warnings/errors reported by merger since DAQ GO - see attachment 4
*all* system wide checks OK *except* ADC calibration of nnaida1, 21 and nnaida1 clock status (=6)
10.17 E17/F11 ambient temperature +24.2 deg C, RH 42.8%, d.p. +10.7 deg C
Julabo FL11006 set point +20 deg C, actual +20.0 deg C, water level OK (c. 70%)
Lights on B2 partially off - Alvaro TD reports this may imply beam tests being carried out. He also
reports spike of gamma counts in BRIKEN clover around 10:00.
10.18 DAQ stops OK
Current file May2017/R26_17
Zeroed histograms. Background alpha calibration long run ongoing.
ASIC settings 2017Mar27-16.12.39 *except*
slow comparator 0x64
LEC/MEC fast comparator 0x20
BNC PB-4 settings
Amplitude 90,000
x5 attenuator IN
t_r 50ns, tau_d 50us
polarity -
rate 250Hz range
delay MIN, tail pulse
10.25 DAQ stars OK
Current file may2017/R27
ttyUSB7 (nnaida1) attached
10.50 Measured AIDA ac mains voltage with DMM. Voltage 100.4V rms L-N
FL11006 chiller refilled (2 litres added)
17.05 DAQ continues OK
Current file May2017/R26_17
Detector biases; leakage currents OK - see attachment 6,7
FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 8
good events; statistics OK - see attachment 9
No warnings/errors reported by merger since DAQ GO - see attachment 10
*all* system wide checks OK *except* ADC calibration of nnaida1, 21 and nnaida1 clock status (=6)
17.07 E17/F11 ambient temperature +24.1 deg C, RH 39.8%, d.p. +9.5 deg C
Julabo FL11006 set point +20 deg C, actual +20.0 deg C, water level OK (c. 95%)
Left DAQ running on alpha background calibration run