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Sat Mar 29 11:31:52 2025
<p> <table cellspacing="1" width="98%" align="center" style="border-top: #486090 1px solid; border-right: #486090 1px solid; border-bottom: #486090 1px solid; border-left: #486090 1px solid"> <tbody> <tr> <td cellpadding="3px" style="color: white; background-color: #486090; font-weidht: bold">Quote:</td> </tr> <tr> <td cellpadding="10px" style="background-color: #ffffb0"> <p> <table cellspacing="1" width="98%" align="center" style="border-top: #486090 1px solid; border-bottom: #486090 1px solid; border-left: #486090 1px solid; border-: #486090 1px solid"> <tbody> <tr> <td cellpadding="3px" style="color: white; background-color: #486090; font-weidht: bold">Quote:</td> </tr> <tr> <td cellpadding="10px" style="background-color: #ffffb0"> <p>20/04/15</p> <p>1200: Complete all points on first part of check list, except checking the PSU voltages.</p> <p> System now in powered and has all network/HDMI cables attached.</p> <p>1300: Connect RPi to power switch but when powered on it didn't find the switch. A reliable procedure to start seems to be...</p> <ul> <li>connect USB power switch to RPI, make sure serial cable is disconnected from hub</li> <li>power up RPi and power switch</li> <li>check connection using dmesg, should see ...FT232RL for USB power switch on USB0</li> <li>check connection from aidas1 by pinging RPi inet address</li> <li>if good, Rly16 page should work from aidas1</li> <li>connect serial cable, open PuTTY session, select AIDA console settings, open</li> <li>should assign serial cable as USB1 an allow use of both the power switch and FEE console.</li> </ul> <p> Currently this all works, we can control the power switch both from the RPi and aidas1, and see the FEE console via PuTTY session.</p> <p>1400: Powered on system and tried to set up DAQ but received error (attachment 1) when doing the initial system reset in Run Control.</p> <p> DAQ still usable for spectrum/temperature viewing, and all FEEs can be accessed to check ASIC control, but it seems timestamping will not be correct.</p> <p> Tried to perform manual ReSync from master timestamp window and received similar error (attachment 2).</p> <p>1430: nnaida8 running quite hot (ASIC temp ~65<sup>o</sup>C) and ASIC temp on nnaida7+15 read as 0.00<sup>o</sup>C. Otherwise, from pulser/stats data, both seem to be working correctly.</p> <p> Unplugged power cable for nnaida7+8 at PSU end.</p> <p>1600: Could timestamping issue originate from MACBs?</p> <p> In rebuilding AIDA MACB - > FEE cabling redone. Should it follow a particular pattern/tree?</p> <p> Current tree structure looks like (with MACB numbering going 1->11 L->R as you look at it):</p> <p> MACB1 (setting: 0) ------- out 1: MACB2 (setting: 2) ---------- out 1: MACB3 (setting: 2) -> nnaida3+4, 11+12</p> <p> &nb sp; &nb sp; ---------- out 2: MACB4 (setting: 3) -> nnaida19+20, 27+28</p> <p> &nb sp; &nb sp; ---------- out 3: MACB5 (setting: 3) -> nniada1+2, 9+10</p> <p> &nb sp; &nb sp; ---------- out 4: MACB6 (setting: 3) -> nnaida17+18, 25+26</p> <p> &nb sp; --------- out 2: MACB7 (setting: 3) ---------- out 1: MACB8 (setting: 3) -> nnaida21+22, 29+30</p> <p> &nb sp; &nb sp; ---------- out 2: MACB9 (setting: 3) -> nnaida7+8, 15+16</p> <p> &nb sp; &nb sp; ---------- out 3: MACB10 (setting: 3) -> nnaida5+6, 13+14 -----> nnaida5 is the master and this comes from output2.</p> <p> &nb sp; &nb sp; ---------- out 4: MACB11 (setting: 3) -> nnaida23+24, 31+32</p> <p> <u>Patrick</u> - Is this set up OK? Do certain FEEs need to receive the MACB signal from certain MACBs or just all at the same point in the tree?</p> <p> Also, MACBs 2+3 are on setting 2 on the dial, whereas the others (except MACB1, the 'grandparent') are set to 3. It seems like a hard thing to change accidentally so are they supposed to be like this or should they all be on the same setting?</p> <p>1630: Voltages to nnaida7+8 OK at PSU output (+6V, +6V, +6V, -6.5V, +8V). Issue with contact to cooling rack?</p> <p> With pulser input to all FEEs, only see pulser data in spectra for n-side (nnaida3+4, 7+8, 11+12, 15+16) FEEs. Other FEEs all show zero statistics.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </p> <p> The MACB system of clock and SYNC pulse distribution does have to follow some rules. </p> <p>The Master needs to be in a very particular place. The rest are less important as long as they are all at the same level in the tree.</p> <p>In the tree you report above and using the numbering you report. The Master should be in MACB3:out1. </p> <p>The settings you have shown are correct if the Master is placed correctly ...</p> <p>I will input a separate Elog entry detailing the settings for the MACB and the rules for the tree.</p> <p><ins>Thanks</ins></p> <p>Regarding nnaida7+8. I agree the issue to tackle first is the cooling plate contact to the module. Where do they feature in the layout ?</p> <p>Is the plate tightened up correctly ?</p> <ins> <p>As far as I am aware this module/crate has not recently been opened so the 'contact' should be as good (or bad) as it ever was.</p> <p>But it would, of course, bear checking.</p> </ins> <p>Regarding the P side FEE64s ... sorry about this ... but is the P pulser working ... well i did have to ask ;-</p> <p><ins>According to a DSO the positive and negative pulser inputs and cabling are OK</ins></p> <p> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </p> <p> </p>
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