08.11 DAQ continues
147Sm BigRIPS setting - 0mm Al (at F7) + 0mm variable + 0mm Al fixed (at F11) = 0mm Al
Amplitude 90,000
x5 attenuator IN
t_r 100ns tau_d 50us
- polarity
frequency 25Hz range 2.6Hz
delay MIN, tail pulse, INT ref
ASIC settings 2017Mar27-16.12.39
08.17 online analysis
per DSSSD x versus y (HEC) - see attachment 1
per DSSSD E_P versus E_n (HEC) - see attachment 2
ADC & disc data synchronised - see attachment 3
09.00 DAQ stop
AIDA file RIBF148/R3_396
Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 4 & 5
FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 6
good events statistics stable & OK - see attachment 7
No warnings/errors reported by merger since start of RIBF148/R3 - see attachment 8
*all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida13 fails ADC calibration
09.07 analysis RIBF148/R3_398 - deadtime <0.5%, zero MBS & ts timestamps - see attachment 9
*all* online and SortSas spectra zero'd
09.15 DAQ start
AIDA file RIBF148/R3_400
BRIKEN file 48
Background run - AIDA + BRIKEN + Clovers
11:28 252Cf source placed at F11
BRIKEN DAQ stopped bgd_048
AIDA on R3_434
11.31 DAQ stop
AIDA file RIBF148/R3_435
11.34 Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 10 & 11
Ambient temperature +24.6 deg C, RH 35.6%, d.p. +8.4 deg C
11.41 DAQ start
AIDA file RIBF148/R4
Pulser walkthrough
Amplitude 90,000 - 10,000 @ 10,000 step
x5 attenuator IN
t_r 100ns tau_d 50us
- polarity
frequency 250Hz range
delay MIN, tail pulse, INT ref
see attachment 12
11.52 DAQ stop
AIDA file RIBF148/R4_2
11.55 DAQ start
AIDA file RIBF148/R5
Pulser walkthrough
Amplitude 12,000 - 2,000 @ 2,000 step
x5 attenuator IN
t_r 100ns tau_d 50us
- polarity
frequency 250Hz range
delay MIN, tail pulse, INT ref
see attachment 13
12.02 DAQ stop
AIDA file RIBF148/R5_2
13.54 DAQ start
AIDA file RIBF148/R6
Background - pulser off
14.05 Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 12 & 13
14.11 DAQ stop
AIDA file RIBF148/R6_4
14.20 AIDA retracted from BRIKEN
14.21 Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 14 & 15
check ASIC control x2
14.50 DAQ start
AIDA file RIBF148/R8
alpha background
Amplitude 90,000 step
x5 attenuator IN
t_r 100ns tau_d 50us
- polarity
frequency 25Hz range 2.6Hz
delay MIN, tail pulse, INT ref
ASIC settings 2017Mar27-16.12.39
slow comparator 0x64
LEC/MEC fast comparator 0x14
data rate c. 500kb/s c. 65k data items/s