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Entry time:
Mon Oct 23 11:50:09 2017
> 10:18 Leakage and bias ok - Attachment 1 > FEE temperatures ok - Attachment 2 > Statistics - Attachment 3 > DAQ continues ok > > 10:23 DAQ stopped on R7_10 > Alpha run through night > > 10:28 MIDAS Sort spectra from the alpha run > Ep versus En - Attachment 4 > x versus y 2D hit pattern - Attachment 5 > Front versus back multiplicity - Attachment 6 > > 2D Hit pattern indicates detection of alphas in all 4 regions of each of the 6 detectors > indicates cabling is ok > > 11:55 FEEs turned off after being unable to recover after crash Please could you define this 'crash' to allow a better understanding of problems with the system. For example.... what is unresponsive.... does a parse of the FEE64 log files ( before doing anything ) reveal a panic that is new? Does a STOP of the Tape work ? Does a Toggle of the MERGE pause state work ? Thus it will be possible to say that ..... FEE # is always the one responsible for DAQ failure or by < ???? > or the MERGE has found < ??? > problem. Thanks in advance ;-))) > > 13:49 FEEs powered on again > Pi monitor indicates panic on nnaida22 the FEE that crashed > > ReSync done on setup except for 23 and 24 > Master ReSync done succesfully > ASIC settings loaded default to 2017Mar27 > Restoring 2017Oct22 > > System wide checks ok > Leakage and bias ok - Attachment 7 > FEE temperatures crashed - Attachment 8 > > Upon reboot all rates across the FEEs appear lower > In particular 13 and 14. Thresholds have been reduced back to 0xa for all ASICs on both FEEs > > Layout 1 linear common y of 2000 - Attachment 9 > Layout 1 log common y of 10 - Attachment 10 > > All front side FEE64 1.8.W waveforms - 20us range - Attachment 11 > All back side FEE64 1.8.W waveforms - 20us range - Attachment 12 > > All front side FEE64 1.8.W waveforms - 2ms range - Attachment 13 > All back side FEE64 1.8.W waveforms - 2m range - Attachment 14 > > FEE64 nnaida13 1.*.W waveforms - Ibias LF 0xf - 2ms range - Attachment 15 > > Statistics after switch and thresholds lowered - Attachment 16 > Pulser widths measured. On boards changed 10 out of 12 FEEs show greater than 10% improvements > 11 out of 24 total show greater than 10% > FEE stats post pulser width - Attachment 17 > > New ASIC settings DB key: 2017Oct23-14.38.03 > Slow comparator 0xa for all FEE64s and all ASICs > IBias LF feedback at 0xf for all front side FEEs except nnaida 2 which is at 0xc > IBias LF feedback at 0xb for all back side FEEs > ASIC settings DB file checked OK > > Ambient temperature +23.3 deg C, D.P +7.1 deg C, R.H. 35.2% > Julabo FL11006 set point +20.0 deg C, water le > > 15:38 Merger and TapeServer screenshots - Attachments 17-18 >
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