The SY1527 supply was delivered with three modules.
A cable has been made with LEMO00 connectors to connect to the detector adaptor HV inputs.
The SY1527 needed an external VGA display and ps2 keyboard. The software appears to be windows 98 based and won't boot until the bios is told to ignore drive D.
On boot the Drive A must be skipped. I will provide training when others wish to use the system 
Channel 0 is being used and has been tested with a voltmeter to provide the correct voltage at the LEMO00 connections. The control seems to be reliable and trips with over current.
200 volts has been applied to the detector with a final current of 3.9uA. The ramp up/down rate is 1V/second.
The acquisition system was run with pulser OFF and reference setting of 0x30 on the two negative modules nnaida11 and 12.
The rates were 130K/sec + on both the 11 and 12.
Run down the HV and add a 'scope probe ( 10MR and 11pF ) .
Run up and the 'scope shows 20mv pk-pk mushy noise with occasional 200mV+ bursts.
The acquisition performance did not improve.
Changed the reference on 11 and 12 to 0x90 and switch on the pulser then the rate became 20K to 25K. Stat spectra show that ASIC3 and 4 on these boards are still more active than 1 & 2.
Changed the reference on 11 down to 0x40 and Stat spectrum shows ASIC 3 and 4 become more active.
Added an R/C filter at the HV iput to the adaptor board. Removed the 'scope probe. The filter is the same as used with the HV supply in a box block from PorgamRays.
No real improvement.
Changed 11 & 12 reference back to 0x90.
Waveforms in 12 seem normal.
Back to working on the VHDL changes now.