Message ID: 842
Entry time: Sat Jun 15 01:05:41 2019
Author: |
CA, CB, TD, CG, OH, DK, ML |
Subject: |
Saturday 15 June |
09.05 Julabo FL11006 chiller set point +20 deg C actual +20.0 deg C
Water level c. 75% M-H markers
Temperature +24.1 deg C dew point +8.3 deg C RH 36.2%
DAQ continues OK
ASIC settings 2019Jun13-08.56.35
BNC PB-4 Pulser
Amplitude 90,000
x5 attenuator IN
Frequency 25Hz range
t_r 100ns, tau_d 50us
- polarity
Delay MIN, tail pulse
all system wide checks OK *except* nnaida7 fails ADC calibration
detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 1 & 2
FEE64 temperatures OK - see attachment 3
good event statistics - OK - see attachment 4
11x <20k 23x < 50k 24x <100k cf. 9x <20k 23x < 50k 24x <100k 22.39 yesterday
Merger OK - see attachment 5
TapeServer OK - see attachment 6
p+n FEE64s 1.8.W spectra 20us FSR - attachment 7
n+n FEE64s 1.8.W spectra 20us FSR - attachment 8
1.8.L spectra - see attachments 9 & 10
nnaida1 74 ch FWHM, nnaida3 78 ch FWHM - cf. 81 & 77 ch FWHM respectively 23.20 yesterday
FEE64 Rate spectra - attachment 11
Check ASIC Control *all* FEE64s & ASICs x2
Check ASIC Control x2
10 4
16 4
17 4
FEE64 Rate spectra - attachment 12 - some channels recovered
09.19 ADC data synchronised - attachment 13
09.23 zero all histograms
zero DAQ stats
16:45 DAQ Continues to run
Rates on 17, 20, 22 amd 23 are up - attachment 14
Bias and leakage current ok - attachment 15
System wide checks ok
ASIC check ok
16:58 Statistics back to normal level - attachment 16
17.34 DAQ stop
replaced kapton pcb on FEE no. 22
DAQ start -> writing to May19/R36
system wide checks ok, *except* naida7 fails adc calibration
good event statistics ok - attachment 17
TapeService and Merger ok - writing at 4 Mb/s - attachments 18 & 19
17.41 zeroed all histograms
c. 19.30 First beam to AIDA + DTAS - see attachments 20-24
*no* degraders
Observe most ions stop in DSSSD#2 with a few stopping in DSSSD#3
focus looks OK but distribution is to LHS as you look upstream to BigRIPS
19.50 Removed upstream PPAC and adjusted ZDS transverse settings to centre - attachments 25-29
Now observe ions now stop mostly in DSSSD#3 but significant fractions still stop ion DSSSD#2
DSSSD#3 appears well focussed and centred
20.19 all system wide checks OK *except* nnaida7 fails ADC calibration
detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachment 30
FEE64 temperatures OK - see attachment 31
good event statistics - OK - see attachment 32
20.53 xy hit patters in all DSSDs
ions mostly in DSSD3, some still depositing in DSSD2
21.06 attachment 33 - beam slightly focused to the left - xy hit pattern
attachment 34 - beam further focused - xy hit pattern
21.14 DAQ stop
DAQ start writing to /RIBF147/R1
Sync pulse sent by DTAS on file R1_0
21.17 DAQ stop/start
writing to file /RIBF147/R2
sync pulse sent by DTAS - file R2_0
ASIC settings 2019Jun13-08.56.35
BNC PB-4 Pulser
Amplitude 90,000
x5 attenuator IN
Frequency 25Hz range
t_r 100ns, tau_d 50us
- polarity
Delay MIN, tail pulse
no degrader
21.24 AIDA file on R2_1
DTAS start 003
BigRIPS run: 2003
21.31 histograms zeroed
good event statistics ok - attachment 35
21.34 AIDA file on R2_2
DTAS start 004
BigRIPS run: 2004
22.02 good event statistics ok - attachment 36
22.16 AIDA file on R2_8
DTAS run 004
BigRIPS run 2004
checked with DTAS
22.29 energy x vs y (HEC) - attachment 37 - grouping ~ 3MeV in all detectors
xy hit pattern (HEC) - attachment 38
implants centered on DSSD3
22.32 AIDA file R2_9
DTAS run 005
BigRIPS run 2005
beam returns
22.34 HEC multiplicity - most events ~1,2,3 pixels - attachment 39
22.35 checked with DTAS
AIDA file R2_10
DTAS run 006
BigRIPS run 2006
22.38 LEC energy x vs y - clear Ex=Ey locus - attachment 40
xy hit pattern LEC - attachment 41
xy multiplicity LEC - attachment 42 - most events 1,2 pixels
22.49 analyzer.f output for file R2_5 - attachment 44
dead time 0.5% in fee19, zero in all others
22.56 problem with beam, beam stopped on AIDA file R2_8
23.05 all system wide checks OK *except* nnaida7 fails ADC calibration
detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachment 45
FEE64 temperatures OK - see attachment 46
good event statistics - OK - see attachment 47
23.50 AIDA file R2_21
DTAS run 006
BigRIPS run 2006