Message ID: 922
Entry time: Fri Nov 17 09:19:41 2023
Author: |
TD, CC, VP |
Subject: |
AIDA test 17/11/2023 |
We restarted AIDA (a10277ttachment 6) this morning and checked rates (attachments 3/4) and waveforms (attachments 1/2). Temperatures are shown in attachment 5.
It seems consistent with what was observed yesterday.
AIDA stopped and platform moved.
The power cable from USB main power relay was connected to the wall and not the DESPEC 19" racks as expected. It has been corrected : it is now connected to the DESPEC 19" rack, has it should be.
AIDA was restarted after that. bPlast was disconnected from 2 booster cards.
We checked the rates (attachments 7,10 and 11 [linear scale]). They are quite similar, although aida01 rate has increased (maybe a cable issue), and rate from aida07 significantly decreased (it was really low yesterday as well).
The waveforms (attachments 8 & 9) are similar as the ones obtained earlier.
bPlast has been reconnected to all booster cards. Rate increased a little (attachment 12) but broadly similar to that observed first thing this morning.
Then 2 booster cards were grounded, and the rates went up (attachments 13-16)
Afterwards, one power cable was connected to the booster card on the short side, increasing the noise, as observed yesterday (attachments 17-20)
The Rohde Schwarz PSU output was referenced to PSU ground ( 3mm cable to ground socket front panel ). It did not reduced much the noise (attachment 21)
Finally, the power supply was switched on, increasing the noise in AIDA (attachment 22).
After the meeting, we have chosen to reconnect bPlast to the booster : now all LIMOs are connected to the booster cards, the cards are powered and the SiPM are biased. The alarm for the short side has triggered (not full bias)
The Rohde & Scwarz PSU outputs is till referenced to its chassis ground.
See attachments 23-26 for the rates and waveforms in AIDA
14.57 JG/JB added additional black cloth to reduce nPlast SiPM dark current : now it is around 16uA. Updated noise observations
per FEE64 1.8.W spectra 20us FSR - attachments 27-28
per FEE64 1Rate spectra - attachment 29
ADC data item stats - attachment 30
aida02 asics #2-4 remain noisy c. kHz/channel
Most other p+n FEE64s are OK - the usual 'hot' channels but most other channel rates low
15.07 JG removed ground reference for Rohde & Schwarz PSU +4V output to bPlast booster cards
ADC data items atst - attachment 31
Most FEE64s have significantly higher rates so the ground reference is doing 'something'
15.12 JG re-ground ref'd Rohde & Schwarz PSU +4V output to bPlast booster cards
ADC data item stats - attachment 32
Rates for most FEE64s are reduced - some significantly - PSU ground ref is doing something reproducible
15.25 Christoph Scheidenberger reports FRS magnets ON
16.01 JG/JB TAMEX & NIM bin electrically isolated from AIDA stand/DESPEC platform. Screens of flat cables from bPlast to booster cards grounded to snout.
ADC data item stats - attachment 33
per FEE64 1.8.W spectra 20us FSR - attachments 36-37
per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachments 34-35
16.20 TAMEX & NIM bin electrically isolated from AIDA stand/DESPEC platform. Screens of flat cables from bPlast to booster cards now connected together but electrically floating
ADC data item stats - attachment 40
per FEE64 1.8.W spectra 20us FSR - attachments 38-39
per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachment 41
Noted improvement in most FEE64 rates - aida04 improved significantly
16.31 TAMEX & NIM bin electrically isolated from AIDA stand/DESPEC platform. Screens of flat cables from bPlast to booster cards now connected together and grounded to NIM bin chassis.
ADC data item stats - attachment 42
per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachment 43-44
per FEE64 1.8.W spectra 20us FSR - attachments 44-46
Continued, imcremental improvement in FEE64 rates |