Message ID: 150     Entry time: Fri Nov 11 08:07:18 2016
Author: BCR SG NTB 
Subject: BRIKEN Hit Visualization 

These are the files used to create and visualize the hit patterns of the BRIKEN detector.

There are three files needed plus one input data file. The three files are "HybridBRIKENPhysicalHistogram.hpp", "HybridBRIKENPhysicalHistogram.cpp", and "HybryidBRIKEN_Tube_Info_1.txt". These files are attached to this eLog entry.

In order to run this type in a terminal

root -l HybidBRIKENPhysicalHistogram.cpp+

The plus is important, it tells ROOT to compile this with the gcc compiler and then run that compiled version of the code. It runs slow, if at all, in the ROOT C++ interpreter CINT.

The code has been tested with ROOT v5.32 and v5.34, not version 6.

At the bottom of the HybidBRIKENPhysicalHistogram.cpp file is the "main program". In it you can set the input data file, which should be a BRIKEN online root output file, and the 3He energy cuts. It is easiest if all the files are in the same folder. If there are any questions please feel free to email B. Charles (Charlie) Rasco.

Attachment 1: HybridBRIKENPhysicalHistogram.cpp  8 kB  | Hide | Hide all
//  HybridBRIKENPhysicalHistogram.cpp
//  Created by Bertis Charles Rasco on 11/4/16.

#include "HybridBRIKENPhysicalHistogram.hpp"

#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream> 
#include <string>

#include <stdio.h>
//#include <stdlib.h>

#include "TH1F.h"
#include "TRandom3.h"
#include "TFile.h"

// ROOT Needs this for some reason.
HybridBRIKENHistogram::HybridBRIKENHistogram(): TH2Poly()

HybridBRIKENHistogram::HybridBRIKENHistogram( const char *name, const char *title, Double_t xlow, Double_t xup, Double_t ylow, Double_t yup ):
  TH2Poly( name, title, xlow, xup, ylow, yup )
//  this->SetupTubes();
//  this->Draw();

HybridBRIKENHistogram::HybridBRIKENHistogram( const char *name, const char *title, Double_t xlow, Double_t xup, Double_t ylow, Double_t yup, TString inputFileName ):
  TH2Poly( name, title, xlow, xup, ylow, yup )
  m_InputFileName = inputFileName;
//  this->SetupTubes();
//  this->Draw();


void HybridBRIKENHistogram::ReadinTubes( void )
  std::ifstream file("HybridBRIKEN_Tube_Info_1.txt");
  std::string str; 
  Int_t lineCount = 0;
  Int_t tubeCount = 0;
  Double_t rad;
  Double_t pos[2];
  Int_t tubeID;
  Int_t ringID;
  Char_t tubeType[20];
//  std::stringstream ss;
//  std::string::size_type sz;
  while ( std::getline(file, str) )
    // Process str
    std::stringstream ss( str);
    if( lineCount > 0 )
      tubeType[0] = 'X';
      ss >> tubeID >> tubeType >> rad >> pos[0] >> pos[1] >> ringID;
      rad *= 0.5;// 2R is what is in file.
//      tubeID = std::stoi( str, &sz );
      if( tubeID > 0 && (tubeType[0]=='R' || tubeType[0]=='U' || tubeType[0]=='O' ) )
        if( tubeType[0] != 'O' ) m_Tubes.push_back( new HeTube( rad, pos[0], pos[1], tubeID, ringID, tubeType ) );
        else if( tubeType[0] == 'O' )
          tubeType[1] = tubeType[4];
          m_Tubes.push_back( new HeTube( rad, pos[0], pos[1], tubeID, ringID, tubeType ) );
//    if( lineCount < 11 )
//    {
//      std::cout << str << std::endl;
//      std::cout << tubeID << ", " << tubeType[0] << tubeType[1] << ", " << rad << ", " << pos[0] << ", " << pos[1] << ", " << ringID << std::endl;
//      ss >> tubeID >> tubeType >> rad >> pos[0] >> pos[1] >> ringID;
//    }

  Int_t binID;
//  Double_t minX = m_Tubes[0]->pos[0] - m_Tubes[0]->radius;
//  Double_t maxX = m_Tubes[0]->pos[0] + m_Tubes[0]->radius;
//  Double_t minY = m_Tubes[0]->pos[1] - m_Tubes[0]->radius;
//  Double_t maxY = m_Tubes[0]->pos[1] + m_Tubes[0]->radius;
// Fix   
//  binID = this->AddBin( minX, minY, maxX, maxY );
  binID = this->AddCircularBin( 0 );
//  std::cout << "X: " << this->GetNbinsX() << std::endl;
//  std::cout << "Y: " << this->GetNbinsY() << std::endl;
//  std::cout << "Z: " << this->GetNbinsZ() << std::endl;

//  std::cout << "BinID: " << binID << std::endl;
//  this->SetBinContent( binID, 9);

  for( Int_t i = 1; i < (Int_t) m_Tubes.size(); i++ )
//    minX = m_Tubes[i]->pos[0] - m_Tubes[i]->radius;
//    maxX = m_Tubes[i]->pos[0] + m_Tubes[i]->radius;
//    minY = m_Tubes[i]->pos[1] - m_Tubes[i]->radius;
//    maxY = m_Tubes[i]->pos[1] + m_Tubes[i]->radius;
// Fix AddCircularBin
//    binID = this->AddBin( minX, minY, maxX, maxY );
    binID = this->AddCircularBin( i );
//    std::cout << "BinID: " << binID << std::endl;
//    this->SetBinContent( binID, 15 + binID * 11);
  std::cout << "Number of Lines: " << lineCount << std::endl;// = How many tubes in total?
  std::cout << "Number of Tubes: " << binID << std::endl;// = How many tubes in total?
//  std::cout << "Number of Bins: " << this->GetNcells() << std::endl;// = How many tubes in total?

void HybridBRIKENHistogram::SetupTubes( void )
// 1" tubes
  const Int_t maxN1 = 8;
  for( Int_t i = 0; i < maxN1; i++ )
    m_Tubes.push_back( new HeTube(0.5, 2.0 * cos( i * 6.28 / maxN1 ), 2.0 * sin(i * 6.28 / maxN1 ), i, 1, "RI" ) );

// 2" tube at 14" radius
  const Int_t maxN = 3;
  for( Int_t i = 0; i < maxN; i++ )
    m_Tubes.push_back( new HeTube(1.0, 14.0 * cos( i * 6.28 / maxN ), 14.0 * sin(i * 6.28 / maxN ), i, 2, "O2" ) );
  Int_t binID;
  Double_t minX = m_Tubes[0]->pos[0] - m_Tubes[0]->radius;
  Double_t maxX = m_Tubes[0]->pos[0] + m_Tubes[0]->radius;
  Double_t minY = m_Tubes[0]->pos[1] - m_Tubes[0]->radius;
  Double_t maxY = m_Tubes[0]->pos[1] + m_Tubes[0]->radius;

// Fix this  
  binID = this->AddBin( minX, minY, maxX, maxY );
//  std::cout << binID << std::endl;
//  this->SetBinContent( binID, 9);
  for( Int_t i = 0; i < (Int_t) m_Tubes.size(); i++ )
    minX = m_Tubes[i]->pos[0] - m_Tubes[i]->radius;
    maxX = m_Tubes[i]->pos[0] + m_Tubes[i]->radius;
    minY = m_Tubes[i]->pos[1] - m_Tubes[i]->radius;
    maxY = m_Tubes[i]->pos[1] + m_Tubes[i]->radius;
// Fix this  
    binID = this->AddBin( minX, minY, maxX, maxY );
//    std::cout << binID << std::endl;
//    this->SetBinContent( binID, 15 + binID * 11);

void HybridBRIKENHistogram::ReadInDataFromFile( void )
  const Int_t lowHeCut = 600;//20;// Cut is by bin not by energy. But for 1 keV per bin they are the same.
  const Int_t highHeCut = 900;//200;// Cut is by bin not by energy. But for 1 keV per bin they are the same.
  m_InputFile = new TFile( m_InputFileName );
  Int_t binID;
  Double_t counts;

  char tempCh[20];
  for( Int_t i = 0; i < m_Tubes.size(); i++ )
    binID = i + 1;
    TString histName("He");
    if( binID < 10 )
    else if( binID < 100 )
//    else if( binID < 1000 )
//    {
//    }
//    histName.Append( TString::Itoa( (Int_t) binID, 10 ) );// Works for ROOT 5.34, but not for 5.32
//      itoa(binID,tempCh,10);// Does not work for 5.32 unkown if works for 5.34
      sprintf (tempCh, "%d", binID);// works for 5.32
      histName.Append( TString( tempCh ) );  
//    std::cout << histName << std::endl;
    TH1F *histogram = (TH1F*)m_InputFile->Get( histName.Data() );
    counts = histogram->Integral( lowHeCut, highHeCut );
    this->SetBinContent( binID, counts);

void HybridBRIKENHistogram::FillTubeCountsRandom( void )
  TRandom3 rand;
//  for( Int_t i = 0; i < this->GetNbins() ; i++)
//  {
//    hist->Fill( rand.Uniform(1.0,140.0) );
//  }
  for( Int_t i = 1; i <= (Int_t) m_Tubes.size(); i++ )
    this->SetBinContent(i, rand.Gaus(1000., 50.0) );

Int_t HybridBRIKENHistogram::AddCircularBin( Int_t tubeID )
  Int_t binID;
  Double_t r = m_Tubes[tubeID]->radius;
  Double_t theta;
  const Int_t N = 16;
  Double_t* x;
  Double_t* y;
  x = new Double_t[N];
  y = new Double_t[N];
  for( Int_t i = 0; i < N; i++ )
    theta = i * 2.0 * 3.1415 / N;
    x[i] = m_Tubes[tubeID]->pos[0] + r * cos( theta );
    y[i] = m_Tubes[tubeID]->pos[1] + r * sin( theta );
  binID = this->AddBin( N, x, y );
//  Double_t minX = m_Tubes[tubeID]->pos[0] - m_Tubes[tubeID]->radius;
//  Double_t maxX = m_Tubes[tubeID]->pos[0] + m_Tubes[tubeID]->radius;
//  Double_t minY = m_Tubes[tubeID]->pos[1] - m_Tubes[tubeID]->radius;
//  Double_t maxY = m_Tubes[tubeID]->pos[1] + m_Tubes[tubeID]->radius;
//  binID = this->AddBin( minX, minY, maxX, maxY );
  return binID;

// Main Program...
void HybridBRIKENPhysicalHistogram( void )
  Double_t halfHDPEWidth = 500.0;// mm
//  TString inputFileName( "161103_1426_152Eu.root" );
//  TString inputFileName( "161103_1319_252Cf.root" );
//  TString inputFileName( "161107_0833_Overnight.root" );
//  TString inputFileName( "161108_1609_ShortBackground.root" );
//  TString inputFileName( "161013_1518_137Cs60Co.root" );
  TString inputFileName( "161108_2323_717273Ni.root" );

  HybridBRIKENHistogram *hist = new HybridBRIKENHistogram("hBR", "HybridBRIKEN", -halfHDPEWidth, halfHDPEWidth, -halfHDPEWidth, halfHDPEWidth, inputFileName );
//  HybridBRIKENHistogram *hist = new HybridBRIKENHistogram("hBR", "HybridBRIKEN", -halfHDPEWidth, halfHDPEWidth, -halfHDPEWidth, halfHDPEWidth );
Attachment 2: HybridBRIKENPhysicalHistogram.hpp  1 kB  | Hide | Hide all
//  HybridBRIKENPhysicalHistogram.hpp
//  Created by Bertis Charles Rasco on 11/4/16.

#ifndef HybridBRIKENPhysicalHistogram_hpp
#define HybridBRIKENPhysicalHistogram_hpp

#include <vector>

#include "TFile.h"
#include "TH2Poly.h"
#include "TObject.h"
#include "TString.h"

//class TFile;

class HeTube
 HeTube( Double_t r, Double_t x, Double_t y, Int_t tID, Int_t rID, char tubeTypeChars[2] )
  { radius = r; pos[0] = x; pos[1] = y; tubeID = tID; ringID = rID; 
    tubeType[0] = tubeTypeChars[0]; tubeType[1] = tubeTypeChars[1]; }

  Double_t radius;
  Double_t pos[2];
  Int_t tubeID;
  Int_t ringID;
  Char_t tubeType[2]; // RI (RIKEN), UP (UPC), O1 (ORNL1), O2 (ORNL2)

class HybridBRIKENHistogram : public TH2Poly
  HybridBRIKENHistogram();// ROOT needs this to be defined if it is inherited from a ROOT class.
  HybridBRIKENHistogram( const char *name, const char *title, Double_t xlow, Double_t xup, Double_t ylow, Double_t yup );
  HybridBRIKENHistogram( const char *name, const char *title, Double_t xlow, Double_t xup, Double_t ylow, Double_t yup,
    TString inputFileName );

  ClassDef(HybridBRIKENHistogram,1);// ROOT also needs this if it is inherited from a ROOT class. Not sure what the 1 means.

  void ReadinTubes( void );
  void SetupTubes( void );
  void ReadInDataFromFile( void );

  void FillTubeCountsRandom( void );

  Int_t AddCircularBin( Int_t tubeID );
  TString m_InputFileName;
  TFile *m_InputFile;
  std::vector<HeTube*> m_Tubes;

#endif /* HybridBRIKENPhysicalHistogram_hpp */
Attachment 3: HybridBRIKEN_Tube_Info_1.txt  4 kB  | Hide | Hide all
ID Type 2R(mm) X(mm) Y(mm) RING
1 RIKEN 27.5 -77.45 -39.25 1
2 RIKEN 27.5 -77.45 0 1
3 RIKEN 27.5 -77.45 39.25 1
4 RIKEN 27.5 -106.052 -19.625 2
5 RIKEN 27.5 -106.052 19.625 2
6 RIKEN 27.5 -134.655 0 3
7 RIKEN 27.5  77.45 -39.25 1
8 RIKEN 27.5  77.45 0 1
9 RIKEN 27.5  77.45 39.25 1
10 RIKEN 27.5  106.052 -19.625 2
11 RIKEN 27.5  106.052 19.625 2
12 RIKEN 27.5  134.655 0 3
13 RIKEN 27.5 -177.45 -39.25 1
14 RIKEN 27.5 -177.45 0 1
15 RIKEN 27.5 -177.45 39.25 1
16 RIKEN 27.5 -206.052 -19.625 2
17 RIKEN 27.5 -206.052 19.625 2
18 RIKEN 27.5 -234.655 0 3
19 RIKEN 27.5  177.45 -39.25 1
20 RIKEN 27.5  177.45 0 1
21 RIKEN 27.5  177.45 39.25 1
22 RIKEN 27.5  206.052 -19.625 2
23 RIKEN 27.5  206.052 19.625 2
24 RIKEN 27.5  234.655 0 3
25 UPC 27.5 -118.3 77.45 3
26 UPC 27.5 -69.7 77.45 1
27 UPC 27.5 -34.85 77.45 1
28 UPC 27.5 0 77.45 1
29 UPC 27.5 34.85 77.45 1
30 UPC 27.5 69.7 77.45 1
31 UPC 27.5 118.3 77.45 3
32 UPC 27.5 -97.2 116.7 3
33 UPC 27.5 -60.362 112.3 2
34 UPC 27.5 -17.425 107.631 2
35 UPC 27.5 17.425 107.631 2
36 UPC 27.5 60.362 112.3 2
37 UPC 27.5 97.2 116.7 3
38 UPC 27.5 -73.928 151.378 3
39 UPC 27.5 -34.85 137.812 3
40 UPC 27.5 0 147.15 3
41 UPC 27.5 34.85 137.812 3
42 UPC 27.5 73.928 151.378 3
43 UPC 27.5 -27.0595 178.438 3
44 UPC 27.5 27.0595 178.438 3
45 UPC 27.5 -118.3 -77.45 3
46 UPC 27.5 -69.7 -77.45 1
47 UPC 27.5 -34.85 -77.45 1
48 UPC 27.5 0 -77.45 1
49 UPC 27.5 34.85 -77.45 1
50 UPC 27.5 69.7 -77.45 1
51 UPC 27.5 118.3 -77.45 3
52 UPC 27.5 -97.2 -116.7 3
53 UPC 27.5 -60.362 -112.3 2
54 UPC 27.5 -17.425 -107.631 2
55 UPC 27.5 17.425 -107.631 2
56 UPC 27.5 60.362 -112.3 2
57 UPC 27.5 97.2 -116.7 3
58 UPC 27.5 -73.928 -151.378 3
59 UPC 27.5 -34.85 -137.812 3
60 UPC 27.5 0 -147.15 3
61 UPC 27.5 34.85 -137.812 3
62 UPC 27.5 73.928 -151.378 3
63 UPC 27.5 -27.0595 -178.438 3
64 UPC 27.5 27.0595 -178.438 3
65 ORNL1 27.5 -215.5 77.45 5
66 ORNL1 27.5 -166.9 77.45 4
67 ORNL1 27.5 166.9 77.45 4
68 ORNL1 27.5 215.5 77.45 5
69 ORNL1 27.5 -301.012 214.133 7
70 ORNL1 27.5 -252.393 235.169 7
71 ORNL1 27.5 252.393 235.169 7
72 ORNL1 27.5 301.012 214.133 7
73 ORNL1 27.5 -215.5 -77.45 5
74 ORNL1 27.5 -166.9 -77.45 4
75 ORNL1 27.5 166.9 -77.45 4
76 ORNL1 27.5 215.5 -77.45 5
77 ORNL1 27.5 -301.012 -214.133 7
78 ORNL1 27.5 -252.393 -235.169 7
79 ORNL1 27.5 252.393 -235.169 7
80 ORNL1 27.5 301.012 -214.133 7
81 ORNL2 53 -139.932 142.007 4
82 ORNL2 53 -70.014 198.718 4
83 ORNL2 53 0 217.478 4
84 ORNL2 53 70.014 198.718 4
85 ORNL2 53 139.932 142.007 4
86 ORNL2 53 -214.903 127.3 5
87 ORNL2 53 -133.044 210.494 5
88 ORNL2 53 -48.6976 259.192 5
89 ORNL2 53 48.6976 259.192 5
90 ORNL2 53 133.044 210.494 5
91 ORNL2 53 214.903 127.3 5
92 ORNL2 53 -273.203 102.2 6
93 ORNL2 53 -263.894 172.91 6
94 ORNL2 53 -204.385 193.709 6
95 ORNL2 53 -118.139 282.073 6
96 ORNL2 53 0 313.728 6
97 ORNL2 53 118.139 282.073 6
98 ORNL2 53 204.385 193.709 6
99 ORNL2 53 263.894 172.91 6
100 ORNL2 53 273.203 102.2 6
101 ORNL2 53 -339.453 102.2 7
102 ORNL2 53 -323.857 159.305 7
103 ORNL2 53 -201.103 278.553 7
104 ORNL2 53 -166.264 365.428 7
105 ORNL2 53 -73.6089 352.162 7
106 ORNL2 53 73.6089 352.162 7
107 ORNL2 53 166.264 365.428 7
108 ORNL2 53 201.103 278.553 7
109 ORNL2 53 323.857 159.305 7
110 ORNL2 53 339.453 102.2 7
111 ORNL2 53 -139.932 -142.007 4
112 ORNL2 53 -70.014 -198.718 4
113 ORNL2 53 0 -217.478 4
114 ORNL2 53 70.014 -198.718 4
115 ORNL2 53 139.932 -142.007 4
116 ORNL2 53 -214.903 -127.3 5
117 ORNL2 53 -133.044 -210.494 5
118 ORNL2 53 -48.6976 -259.192 5
119 ORNL2 53 48.6976 -259.192 5
120 ORNL2 53 133.044 -210.494 5
121 ORNL2 53 214.903 -127.3 5
122 ORNL2 53 -273.203 -102.2 6
123 ORNL2 53 -263.894 -172.91 6
124 ORNL2 53 -204.385 -193.709 6
125 ORNL2 53 -118.139 -282.073 6
126 ORNL2 53 0 -313.728 6
127 ORNL2 53 118.139 -282.073 6
128 ORNL2 53 204.385 -193.709 6
129 ORNL2 53 263.894 -172.91 6
130 ORNL2 53 273.203 -102.2 6
131 ORNL2 53 -339.453 -102.2 7
132 ORNL2 53 -323.857 -159.305 7
133 ORNL2 53 -201.103 -278.553 7
134 ORNL2 53 -166.264 -365.428 7
135 ORNL2 53 -73.6089 -352.162 7
136 ORNL2 53 73.6089 -352.162 7
137 ORNL2 53 166.264 -365.428 7
138 ORNL2 53 201.103 -278.553 7
139 ORNL2 53 323.857 -159.305 7
140 ORNL2 53 339.453 -102.2 7
ELOG V3.1.4-unknown