Confirmed overlap is at 4 mm under new settings.
For unclear reasons, the bottom-left detector is not seeing the halo anymore since around 10:00. Rutherford still visible and if the left arm is moved in the counts at 5 MeV become apparent.
l s by 20 mm, r p in -> 36.5 mm / 64.6 mm
Target thickness 3E11 atoms/cm2. Beam intensity few E7 at injection. Coasting beam mode.
Data rate x10 compared with earlier. Stats as before - the reason is unclear.
Temps & Merger OK. We should be able to tolerate these rates.
Moved detectors in/out to make sure we were not clipping the beam. A few seconds of data may be present in R41_9
Checkloaded. Detector 2 is now counting more.
Moved to run 42. No other changes.
Realised cooler voltage was being read via fault g35 divider. Beam stopped
Switched to F20. Beam back on. Moved to run 43
Electron cooler voltage = 243.155 V
Collector current = 4.29 mA
Beam energy was slightly off, will try again |