New run 61
Right arm at 64.60 mm
Left arm IN at 36.54 mm
MBS working - hopefully
Target 4E11
Injection ca. 3E7
horizontal beam position 8.75 mm
vertical beam position -5mm
Changed electron cooler set point to 244.95 V
Read value 244.4 V
Collector current 4.31A
Histograms and statistics zero'd. Code reset
Rates OK. Temps OK.
We lost the beam for 5 minutes. No counting spike observed when we got it back.
We lost the beam again for 5 minutes, but no counting spike obsevered when we got it back.
DSSSD bias & leakage current OK - attachment 1
FEE64 temperatures OK - attachment 2
ADC data item stats - attachment 3
per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachment 4
Beam intensity - ~ 3.3E7 pps
Target density - 5.14E11 atoms/cm2
12:00 - 12:40
Large fluctuations in the target pressure, going down to 1e-9. We increased the temperature a little but it did not solve the problem.
Increased pressure 0.5 K more. Seems more stable
FEEs on det 2 stopped working. Checkloaded. Fixed.
No beam. |