Cooler voltage setpoint 247.4 V.
E1 Turbo at 808 Hz, 2.75 A
DSSSD bias & leakage current OK
FEE64 temperatures OK
ADC data item stats OK
per FEE64 Rate spectra OK
Beam intensity 7.5e+7 particles
Target density ~3E10 atoms/cm2
E1 pressure was too high (2.13E-1 mbar) and turbo frequency too low (807 Hz).
We increased T1 in steps of 0.2 K to 39.6 K, which improved in E1 (2E-1 mbar) and turbo freq. (813 Hz).
T1 was decreased again to 39.4 K.
After speaking to Nikos we slightly decreased the gas flow (~15 bar) as desribed in elog entry 631.
Values now: turbo (817 Hz), E1 pressure (1.78E-1 mbar) -> both improved
The gas flow was decreased in three steps, there is now change visible on the gauge (still ~15 bar).
The turbo frequency ist stable at 819 Hz and pressure at E1 is 1.45E-1 mbar.
The temperature is currently at 39.0 K and we will start decreasing it to try and bring the target density up.
DSSSD bias & leakage current
OK FEE64 temperatures OK
ADC data item stats OK
per FEE64 Rate spectra OK
Beam intensity 7.5e+7 particles
Target density ~2E10 atoms/cm2
All system checks OK
Target density is ~3e11 at/cm2.
Temoerature of the nozzle is curretnly 37.5K with E1=1.6e-1 mbar. Turbo running at 820 Hz
Run stopped