On 23/02/2018:
After the alpha source calibration of the S2 (See eLog entry #21) we decided to perform a pulser walkthrough for the pin diode on ADC 6 CH 31.
The pulser was only connected to the pin diode preamp to ensure it wasnt being split.
Note: Since the pulser is still being 50 ohm terminated the amplitude setting is divided by 2 regardless of any signal splitting. Example: Setting a pulse height of 1.0V on the PB-5 corresponds to an output pulse height of 0.5V.
The pulser settings for this walkthrough were:
Fall Time = 100us
Rate = 10.00Hz
Delay = 250ns
Ampl = varied 1.0V -> 0.25V
Pol = POS
Pulse Top = Tail
Atten = 1X
PB-5 Pulse = ON
For this test we also needed to change the Delay Amp 1457 delay setting from 1us to 3us to ensure pulses were occuring after the DAQ OR trigger
I collected a DAQ run for the following pulse amplitude settings:
0.1V, 0.15V, 0.2V, 0.25V, and 0.3V
We also attempted 0.05V and 0.07V but were unable to see a clearly defined peak in the spectrum - likely caused by the high level of noise from the CFD we see at the low ADC channels. This should be better optimised at the start of the next shifts.
The save name for this pulser walkthrough is: Remote_Objs/RData_1/180223180747
See attached "180323_PulserWalk_PinDiode_ADC6CH31.png" for the pulser walkthrough spectrum. |