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Message ID: 31     Entry time: Thu Apr 12 12:47:04 2018
Author: Thomas Chillery, Raffaele Buompane 
Subject: Central S2 Alpha Calibration 

Date: 06/04/2018

We connected the analogue signals of RAL X, XII, XIII, and "R" to the 3rd ADC (Module 4)

We connected the analogue signals of RAL "S", "Q", "u", and "w" to the 4th ADC (Module 5)

We set the DAQ or to come from the central S2 and the diode monitor. The downstream S2 was not connected to the DAQ

At 15:14 we started the DAQ, a message appeared: Performing Automatic Clear. After a few seconds this message disappeared

At 15:15 we restarted the DAQ for a 15 minute alpha calibration, 241Am + 239Pu alpha source facing downstream, save name: RData_1/180406142007

The dead time = 3%, trigger rate ~ 1100Hz, Even mult = 5.5

At 15:31 the DAQ stopped, # good events = 1278692

The pressures in the chamber were:

  • TPU1 = 3.0e-6 mBar
  • TPU2 = 8.2e-7 mBar
  • TPD1 = 1.6e-6 mBar
  • TPD2 = 1.7e-6 mBar
  • CHUP = 1.0e-5 mBar
  • CHDW = 2.8e-5 mBar

The detector bias and leak I were:

  • Downstream S2 bias = -130.1V, leak I = 2.53 uA
  • Central S2 bias = -129.9V, leak I = 16.53 uA
  • diode bias = -70.1V, leak I = 0.00 uA

Jeremias needed the alpha source, so after this run we vented the chamber. The detectors and preamps were switched off before starting the venting procedure.

At 16:15 Raffaele and Jeremias removed the target ladder and dismounted the alpha source from position VII. No other changes were made to the ladder.

The ladder was remounted and at 16:19 we started roughing down the chamber. At 16:29 the turbos were started.

At 16:40 the pressures read:

  • TPU1 = 1.8e-5 mBar
  • TPU2 = 3.8e-6 mBar
  • TPD1 = 4.0e-6 mBar
  • TPD2 = 5.6e-6 mBar
  • CHUP = 1.9e-5 mBar
  • CHDW = 5.1e-5 mBar

We were ready to repower the detectors and attempt to run beam on target.


ELOG V3.1.4-unknown