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Entry time:
Fri Apr 13 08:24:47 2018
<p>Date: 07/04/2018 (Last day of April shift)</p> <p>9:55 pressures read: CHUP = 1.3e-5 mBar, CHDW = 3.5 e-5 mBar</p> <p>I noticed the preamp power (+/- 15V) was left on overnight. The +15V still draws 1.5A and -15V draws ~600mA as expected. During this shift no noticeable change in the currents drawn was observed.</p> <p>We biased the detectors:</p> <ul> <li>Central S2 bias = -129,9V, leak I = 17.42 uA (Perhaps this has stabilised to a new value?)</li> <li>diode bias = -70.0V, leak I = 0.01uA</li> <li>Downstream S2 bias = -130.0V, leak I = 2.38 uA</li> </ul> <p>We decided to adjust the RAL amplifier thresholds for the downstream S2, whilst looking at the analogue and timing outputs on an oscilloscope.</p> <p>RAL I threshold increased from 15mV to 130mV.</p> <p>We then struggled to see timing signals from the next 3 RALS in the rack (RAL II, RAL XI, and RAL IV).</p> <p>The ribbon cables 8,9,10, and 11 connected between the RAL ECL outputs and the Lecroy MALU 4532 modules where tested using the working RAL I ECL output. It was discovered that cables 8 and 9 work, whereas cables 10 and 11 show no signals (note: cables 8,9,10, and 11 merge from 2X8 into 16 channels) . However, even if we plug the working cable 8A into RAL II, XI, or IV we see no OR signals on the oscilloscope, even with RAL threshold setting set to 15mV.</p> <p>We decided that since this is the last day, and the central detector showed no problems yesterday afternoon, to only incorporate RAL I (first 8 channels on downstream S2) into the DAQ setup.</p> <p>This problem with the downstream S2 cabling should be addressed at the very beginning of the next shifts, I suspect the problem lies with the vacuum feedthrough -> preamp cable. The cable was removed after the Feb 2018 shifts to add copper tape and its possible that out of the three we have one is damaged. The third (spare) cable is not yet wrapped in copper tape, this will be brought back to Edinburgh after these shifts to apply the tape.</p> <p>The DAQ OR now comes from:</p> <ul> <li>RAL I (downstream S2)</li> <li>RAL X -> "W" (central S2)</li> <li>diode monitor</li> </ul> <p>The analogue output of RAL 1 was sent to the first 8 channels of ADC 1 (module 2)</p> <p>The RAL X -> "R" go to ADC 3 (module 4) via ribbon cables 12 and 13 and RAL "S" -> "W" go to ADC 4 (module 5) via ribbon cables 14 and 15</p> <p>The diodes analogue output still goes to ADC 5 (module 6) channel 31, the same case as the Feb 2018 shift</p> <p>We tried starting the DAQ with no beam, however it gave the error message: Timeout: Performing automatic clear</p> <ul> <li>After 5 minutes it did not clear, nor give the user control over the start/stop of the DAQ</li> <li>We logged into the FAIR console with username root and the password, then ran "reboot -ah" to reboot the FAIR DAQ machine located next to the electronics racks</li> <li>We then restarted the FAIR DAQ monitor in the control room</li> <li>After rebooting both machines we confirmed the FAIR DAQ machine was on with no error</li> <li>We logged back onto the FAIR DAQ monitor in the control room -> needed to use shift+7 to produce the & symbol for the password</li> <li>The DAQ is now working</li> </ul> <p>Since we rebooted the DAQ we had to reset parameters for the ADCs:</p> <ul> <li>RTP (Rise Time Protection) was set to 9 for all ADCs</li> <li>The faulty ADC 2 (module 3) lower threshold was set to 2046 (out of 2047)</li> <li>The TDC lower threshold was also set to 2046 (out of 2047)</li> <li>ADC 1, 3, 4, and 5 (modules 2, 4, 5, and 6) lower thresholds set to 8</li> </ul> <p>We started tuning the accelerator ready for a measurement. We decided to first tune using the 7Li beam from a 7LiO2 cathode, however we realised this was not recorded yesterday. The cathode used should always be recorded in the eLog from now on.</p> <p>We set the cathode to position 9 - the second 7LiO2 option</p> <p>Before tuning we:</p> <ul> <li>Closed the central iris (actuator setting = 85.5 mm)</li> <li>Closed the downstream iris (actuator setting = 82.5 mm)</li> <li>Set target ladder to position I (95.010mm) - the 3mm collimator</li> <li>Opened the line valve</li> <li>Decreased the pulser rate from 10 to 2 Hz</li> </ul> <p>With no beam the DAQ reads:</p> <ul> <li>DT = 0%</li> <li>Trigger rate = 25Hz</li> <li>Event mult = 72.6</li> </ul> <p>After tuning, including adjusting the steering magnet, faraday cups read:</p> <ul> <li>FC - 4 = 50 pA</li> <li>FC - 0 = 23 pA</li> <li>FC - E1 = 16 pA --> 70% transmission</li> </ul> <p>The High Energy slits were left at 1mm for the Up, Down, Right, and Left</p> <p>We then prepared for the target measurement by:</p> <ul> <li>Opening the central iris (Actuator = 14.0mm)</li> <li>Opening the downstream iris (Actuator = 1.5mm)</li> <li>Target ladder set to position IV (50.015mm) - CH2 Target III</li> <li>Lowering the pulse height from 1.0 to 0.5 V to lower it to ~ the center of the ADC front strips spectra</li> </ul> <p>We tried running 7Li beam on target, but saw a very low trigger rate in the DAQ of ~ 20Hz. We stopped the beam and Lucio tried increasing current by increasing the Source Heater temperature to ~ 81 degrees centigrade.</p> <p>At 12:09 FC - 4 = 100pA. We decided to run some 7Li beam whilst the source was heating up -> it will need to run hotter for 7Be anyway.</p>
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