<p>On 20/11/2018:</p>
<p>At 9:00 we walked into the lab, David R reported he found all the pumps OFF. A thunderstorm occurred overnight causing a power outage.</p>
<p>Last night we had switched off the electronics (Preamp power, RAL amp rack, and NIM bin).</p>
<p>This morning we determined everything was ok to switch on.</p>
<p>Using eLog entries #26 and #27 as reference we mounted the following detectors and foils:</p>
<li>Far S2: 2323-18, 12um mylar</li>
<li>Near S2: 2623-26, 12um mylar</li>
<li>Silicon pin diode: 0.9um mylar</li>
<p>The pin diode used in previous tests had something deposited (fingerprint?) on the crystal, so we replaced this with a new clean diode.</p>
<p>We mounted the detectors and foils inside the chamber, the target ladder was kept in its configuration with all blank frames (see eLog entry # 41). See attached picture 1 for the 12um mylar mounted in front of the far S2.</p>
<p>We mounted preamp I on the near position and preamp II on the far position, as will be used during the measurement.</p>
<p>We sealed the chamber to ensure it was light tight.</p>
<p>We applied pramp power, expected currents were drawn.</p>
<p>With no S2 bias we see high noise on the majority of the RAL amplifiers for both preamps I and II. We switched off the lab lighting and found the chamber was indeed light tight - there were no observable changes in noise.</p>
<p>We discovered CH2 of the Silena HV module does not supply bias.</p>
<p>We applied -10V bias to both S2's. The far S2 is biased using CH1 and the near S2 is biased using CH4 of the HV module. The leakage currents read: Far S2 = 0.35uA, Near S2 = 1.81uA.</p>
<p>With bias RAL X CH 0 baseline RMS noise ~ 55mV.</p>
<p>We biased the pin diode with its operating -70V using CH3 of the HV module, leak I = 0.01uA.</p>
<p>We decided to switch off all biases and prepare for tests under vacuum with an alpha source.</p>
<p>CH1 and 4 of the HV module were set to -130V ready for the S2's</p>
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