This morning at 8:35am the pressures read (in mBar):
- TPU1 = 2.0e-6
- TPU2 = 4.5e-7
- TPD1 = 8.1e-7
- TPD2 = 7.9e-7
- CHUP = 4.7e-7
- CHDW = 1.1e-5
The detectors were biased. Far S2 leak I = 1.54uA, near S2 leak I = 12.53uA.
It was discovered the ECL-NIM-ECL converter located immediately to the left of the pulser has broken channels - the last 8 channels. Instead of connecting the 32 pin ribbon cable to the input and taking lemo outputs 5 and 13, we are now connecting two single channel pin cables to inputs 1 and 2, and taking the corresponding lemo outputs.
We found RAL X sometimes doesn't produce a trigger for the pulser.
We replaced RAL I with RAL XIV, RAL XIV is bad.
We replaced RAL XIV with RAL XV, RAL XV is good.
We finished setting the RAL thresholds. |