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Message ID: 51     Entry time: Sat Nov 24 15:07:00 2018
Author: Thomas Chillery, Marialuisa Aliotta, Carlo Bruno, Lizeth Morales, Tom Davinson 
Subject: Searching for causes of noise 

On 22/11/2018 in the afternoon:

We increased the ADC thresholds to 40 (previously 8).

For an alpha source with pulser connected, the event multiplicity dropped from ~63 to ~10. Dead time ~ 7%

Checking the timing signals for the near S2:

  • RAL X channels 0 - 5 bad, 6 and 7 good -> disconnected timing
  • RAL U, XII, XIII, R, and S good
  • RAL W channels 0 - 5 good, 6 and 7 bad
  • RAL Q all bad -> disconnected timing

Started alpha source run with pulser (same pulser settings as run before)

  • Run # 181122161955

After run the Far S2 RAL thresholds set to 10mV, the close S2 thresholds set to 50mV

Started alpha source run, no pulser

  • Run # 181122170947

Stopped run due to poor alpha rate -> ECL-Nim ribbon cable disconnected.

Checking bias:

  • Far S2 bias = -130V, leak I = 1.91uA
  • Close S2 bias = -129.9V, leak I = 13.11uA
  • diode bias = -70V, leak I = 0uA

Vented chamber and checked 12um mylar foil in front of close S2 - no visual damage. LEft

Close detector changed: S2 2623-26 (505um) replaced with S2 2623-18 (508um). Mounted new S2 in close position with 12um mylar

Removed alpha source - needed by other experiment. Otherwise target ladder configuration is same as eLog entry #47

Checked grounding cables going from preamps to ICU boxes were tightly connected

Attempted to bias close S2 -> no leak current! Left lab for the day.

The next morning (23/11/2018):

We found the BNC - SMC bulkhead connector attached to the near S2 preamp box is missing a pin. We dismounted the near S2.

We observed ~50kHz noise on Far S2, this is removed when we lifted the preamp - ICU box ribbon cables away from the chamber vacuum gauges.

ELOG V3.1.4-unknown