On 23/11/2018:
Tuned beam for 4.0 MeV 7Li, charge state 2+
Measured transmission of beam through FCC using 3 mm and 10 mm size collimators: 66 pA with 10 mm -> 60 pA with 3 mm -> 91% transmission
FC4 = (330 - 263) pA = 127 pA
Set target ladder to position 3 - CH2 target 15 (880 +/- 40 ug/cm^2)
Start run
- Run # 181123130304
- Pulser: 70000 amplitude, x10 attenuation, 25Hz frequency (250Hz minimum fine setting), positive polarity
- Run time ~30 minutes
Start run
- Run # 181123134943
- Pulser: as above
- Run time 588 seconds
Moved to position #2 on target ladder, 10mm collimator. Increasing beam intensity -> have to refocus
Moved ladder to position #1 (3mm collimator). Closed iris. Refocusing.
Beam intensity after refocus: ~140pA with 10mm, ~90pA with 3mm. Trigger rate ~ 5500 counts/s
Moved ladder to position #3: CH2 target 15
Run # 181123142805
- Pulser: as above
- Run time: 1034
We found high rates on ADC 1 -> swapped input cables between ADC 1 and ADC 2 (modules #2 and #3)
Run # 181123144810
- Run time: 417
- Pulser: as above
Set RAL thresholds to 20mV for first 8 modules
Run # 181123150803
- Run time: 398
- Pulser: as above
Did not help with ADC 1 counting less than ADC 2. Swapping ADC 1 with ADC 4.
Run # 181123151711
- Run time: 324
- Pulser: as above
Swapping back ADC 4 -> ADC 1. Found ECL cable between the MALU module corresponding to ADC 1 and OR not plugged in. Trigger rate now 44000. Re-optimising noise.
RAL first 6 modules thresholds set to 30 mV. DT ~ 44%, high trigger rate.
First 3 RAL thresholds set to 35 mV, next 3 RAL thresholds set to 20 mV. Preamp box lid removed.
Run # 181123162236
Run # 181123163138
- Run time: 1561
- Pulser: ON, rate: 2.5 Hz, other settings unchanged
Run # 181123165817
- Run time: 3731
- Pulser as previous run
Run # 181123180118
- Run time: 1971
- Pulser ON, as before
Run # 181123183556
- Run time: 1638
- Pulser ON, as before
Checking beam intensity:
- Beam intensity = 197pA in FC4 at 18:34
- Beam intensity = 100 pA (91->105 pA) in FCC at 19:00
Run # 181123191153
- Run time: 7029
- Pulser ON, as before
Checking beam intensity:
- Beam current = 167 pA in FC4 at 21:00
- Beam current = 83 pA in FCC at 21:00
Lowering RAL thresholds:
- RAL #1 and 2 thresholds set to 25mV
- RAL #3 threshold set to 20mV
- RAL #4, 5, and 6 thresholds unchanged at 20mV
Now trigger rate ~ 5kHz, dead time ~ 8 - 10%
Run # 181123212726
- Run time: 807
- Pulser ON, as before
- Target: CH2 XV
- RAL #3 threshold increased to 25mV during this run
After previous run (# 181123212726) pulser frequency setting set to 25Hz, other settings unchanged |