<p>On 26/11/2018, after changing the far S2 mylar foil (see previous eLog entry #60):</p>
<p>Checked pulser frequency on oscilloscope: 19.31Hz</p>
<p>Began tuning 3MeV 7Li 2+.</p>
<p>After tuning, FC4 = 1nA. Using 10mm aperture FCC = 313pA. Using 3mm aperture FCC = 250pA.</p>
<p>Ladder set to position #7 - fresh C2 XIX target. Far S2 iris opened.</p>
<p>Run # 181126162248</p>
<li>Run time: 753s</li>
<li>Pulser ON, as before</li>
<li>Target: CH2 XIX</li>
<li>Beam: 3.0MeV 7Li 2+</li>
<li>DT ~ 18%</li>
<p>Set ladder to position #5 - natC III</p>
<p>Note: now saving to /Local_Parts/PartODF/</p>
<p>Run # 181126163853</p>
<li>Run time: 73s</li>
<li>Pulser ON, as before</li>
<li>Target: natC III</li>
<li>Beam: 3.0MeV 7Li 2+</li>
<li>DT ~ 20%</li>
<li>Observe 7Li passing through target</li>
<p>Moved ladder to position #2 - blank 10mm aperture</p>
<p>Run # 181126164509</p>
<li>Run time: 67s</li>
<li>Pulser ON, as before</li>
<li>Target: Blank 10mm</li>
<li>Beam: 3.0MeV 7Li 2+</li>
<p>Still see scattered beam at low S2 strips #'s - see attached picture 1 for spectrum of the innermost S2 strip.</p>
<p>Performed further beam tuning to improve transmission.</p>
<p>After tuning: Using 10mm aperture FCC = 415pA (280 - 420pA). Using 3mm aperture FCC = 290pA.</p>
<p>Moved ladder to position #3 - CH2 XVI. Bombarded target with 3.0MeV 7Li 2+ and checked rate histogram on FAIR DAQ. ADC1 CH24 didn't show higher rates compared to other channels (eg ADC 1 CH10)</p>
<p>Moved ladder to position #7 - CH2 XIX</p>
<p>Run # 181126183711</p>
<li>Run time: 616s</li>
<li>Pulser ON, as before</li>
<li>Target: CH2 XIX</li>
<li>Beam: 3.0MeV 7Li 2+</li>
<li>DT ~ 14%</li>
<li>See attached picture 2 for sample S2 front strip spectrum. See attached picture 3 for diode spectrum.</li>
</ul> |