<p>On 27/11/2018:</p>
<p>At 8:40 Far S2 bias = -130.0V, leak I = 1.74uA. Diode bias = -70.1V, leak I = 0.00uA.</p>
<p>Pressures (mBar):</p>
<li>TPU1 = 8.3e-7</li>
<li>TPU2 = 3.4e-7</li>
<li>TPD1 = 6.5e-7</li>
<li>TPD2 = 6.5e-7</li>
<li>CHUP = Sensor Off</li>
<li>CHDW = No Sensor</li>
<p>Preamps still drawing necessary currents.</p>
<p>Stopped overnight run of 3.0MeV 7Be 2+ on CH2 XIX</p>
<p>Checked beam current: FC4 = 2pA.</p>
<p>Moved ladder to position #5 - natC III</p>
<p>Run # 181127085408</p>
<li>Run time: 627s</li>
<li>Pulser ON, as before</li>
<li>Target: natC III</li>
<li>Beam: 3.0MeV 7Be 2+</li>
<li>DT ~ 23%</li>
<li>See attached picture 1 for sample S2 front strip spectrum. See attached picture 2 for diode spectrum.</li>
<p>Moved ladder to position #2 - 10mm aperture</p>
<p>Run # 181127090808</p>
<li>Run time: 601s</li>
<li>Pulser ON, as before</li>
<li>Target: Blank 10mm aperture</li>
<li>Beam: 3.0MeV 7Be 2+</li>
<li>DT ~ 10%</li>
<li>See attached picture 3 for Far S2 innermost strip spectrum.</li>
<p>Moved ladder to position #7 - CH2 XIX</p>
<p>Run # 181127092128</p>
<li>Run time: 663s</li>
<li>Pulser ON, as before</li>
<li>Target: CH2 XIX</li>
<li>Beam: 3.0MeV 7Be 2+</li>
<li>DT ~ 10%</li>
<li>See attached picture 4 for sample S2 front strip spectrum. See attached picture 5 for diode spectrum.</li>
<p>* End of 7Be beam *</p> |