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Entry time:
Tue Mar 25 20:23:28 2025
<p>On 27/11/2018:</p> <p>Started tuning for 1.5MeV 6Li 1+. Set ladder to position #2 - Blank 10mm. Far S2 iris closed.</p> <p>Run # 181127151653</p> <ul> <li>Run time: N/A</li> <li>Pulser ON, as before</li> <li>Target: Blank 10mm</li> <li>Beam: 1.5MeV 6Li 1+</li> </ul> <p>Moved ladder to position #5 - natC III</p> <p>Run # 181127152055</p> <ul> <li>Run time: N/A</li> <li>Pulser ON, as before</li> <li>Target: natC III</li> <li>Beam: 1.5MeV 6Li 1+</li> <li>DAQ Crashed</li> </ul> <p>Restarted FAIR DAQ</p> <p>Run # 181127153422</p> <ul> <li>Run time: N/A</li> <li>Pulser ON, as before</li> <li>Target: natC III</li> <li>Beam: 1.5MeV 6Li 1+</li> <li>Run stopped incorrectly by user</li> </ul> <p>Run # 181127153506</p> <ul> <li>Run time: 489s</li> <li>Pulser ON, as before</li> <li>Target: natC III</li> <li>Beam: 1.5MeV 6Li 1+</li> </ul> <p>Run # 181127155040</p> <ul> <li>Run time: 187s</li> <li>Pulser ON, as above</li> <li>Target: natC III</li> <li>Beam: 1.5MeV 6Li 1+</li> </ul> <p>Moved ladder to position #3 - CH2 XVI</p> <p>Run # 181127155607</p> <ul> <li>Run time: 908s</li> <li>Pulser ON, as above</li> <li>Target: CH2 XVI</li> <li>Beam: 1.5MeV 6Li 1+</li> <li>DT ~ 15%</li> </ul> <p>Struggling to see beam in diode for all of these past runs.</p> <p>Opened iris to use far S2 as diagnostic tool - beam is stopped in thick CH2 targets so detector is safe even at its small angular coverage (~5 - 15 degrees)</p> <p>Run # 181127161508</p> <ul> <li>Run time: 14s</li> <li>Pulser ON, as before</li> <li>Target: CH2 XVI</li> <li>Beam: 1.5MeV 6Li 1+</li> </ul> <p>No high rate seen</p> <p>Run # 181127161656</p> <ul> <li>Run time: 194s</li> <li>Pulser ON, as before</li> <li>Target: CH2 XVI</li> <li>Beam: 1.5MeV 6Li 1+</li> <li>DT ~ 12%</li> </ul> <p>Still struggling to see beam on diode</p> <p>Found lemo cable used for diode timing between CFD and Logic OR has exposed cabling -> replaced lemo. See attached picture 1 for old lemo.</p> <p>Run # 181127163416</p> <ul> <li>Run time: 106s</li> <li>Pulser ON, as before</li> <li>Target: CH2 XVI</li> <li>Beam: 1.5MeV 6Li 1+</li> </ul> <p>Far iris opened</p> <p>Run # 181127163848</p> <ul> <li>Run time: N/A</li> <li>Pulser ON, as before</li> <li>Target: CH2 XVI</li> <li>Beam: 1.5MeV 6Li 1+</li> </ul> <p>Realised we were making a mistake when looking at the DAQ spectra. We were looking at ADC 2 (labelled as 3 on DAQ file browser) channel 16 (an S2 back strip) when we should have been looking at ADC 3 (labelled as 4 on DAQ browser) channel 16 for the diode</p> <p>Closed iris, checked beam current. Using 10mm aperture FCC = 1pA.</p> <p>Opened iris, moved ladder to position #3 - CH2 XVI</p> <p>Run # 181127164749</p> <ul> <li>Run time: 556s</li> <li>Pulser ON as before</li> <li>Target: CH2 XVI</li> <li>Beam: 1.5MeV 6Li 1+</li> </ul> <p>Ready to mount thin CH2 target.</p> <p>At 16:55: Far S2 bias = -130.0V, leak I = 1.75uA. Diode bias = -70.1V, leak I = 0.00uA.</p> <p>Pressures (mBar):</p> <ul> <li>TPU1 = 9,2e-7</li> <li>TPU2 = 3.4e-7</li> <li>TPD1 = 6.4e-7</li> <li>TPD2 = 6.8e-7</li> <li>CHUP = Sensor Off</li> <li>CHDW = No Sensor</li> </ul> <p>Switched off detector biases, switched off preamps. Closed FCC valve. Closed line valve. Turbos off. T1600 backing and manual valves closed. Ecodry 1 and 2 off.</p> <p>Vented chamber. Mounted thin target CH2 50 ~ 50mm from Far S2 - see attached picture 2.</p> <p>Left 0.9um mylar in front of far S2.</p> <p>Remounted far S2 and far preamp. With detectors on in air trigger rate ~ 9kHz.</p> <p>19:00 Ecodry 1 and 2 on. Started opening manual valve.</p> <p>19:15 pressures below 10 mBar, manual valve fully opened. T1600 backing valve opened. Turbos on.</p> <p>19:25 Pressures (mBar):</p> <ul> <li>TPU1 = 3.2e-5</li> <li>TPU2 = 8.1e-6</li> <li>TPD1 = 6.0e-6</li> <li>TPD2 = 8.3e-6</li> <li>CHUP = Sensor Off</li> <li>CHDW = No Sensor</li> </ul> <p>Far S2 biased to - 130.0V, leak I = 1.52uA. Diode biased to -70.1V, leak I = 0.00uA.</p> <p>Closed iris, set ladder to position #2 - blank 10mm</p> <p>See 1 -> 2 pA beam on FCC, opened iris ready for measurement.</p>
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