By 16:40 I mounted all three chamber lids.
The central chamber lid includes the diode detector mount, the iris, a vacuum feedthrough, and an actuator with no hook.
The downstream chamber lid includes a vacuum feedthrough and an actuator with no hook.
I then mounted the target holder actuator with its two aluminium boxes.
I noticed the sides of the boxes were not trimmed down since my last visit in July 2017. So again I needed to remove washers from the bolts directly below these boxes, which are used to connect the beamline and turbo sections of the target chamber. I also noticed the hole of the aluminium box which the target actuator arm sits was not enlarged since my last visit, and so is not large enough to fit a standard 16mm o-ring centering ring. Instead a smaller centering ring is used which means the actuator arm is not centered, for the vacuum tests this isn't a big problem.
Note: when I mounted the target actuator I replaced its 80mm (total length) Al tube with the 60mm (total length) Al tube, this should allow access to all target positions.
After some further setup on the beamline - including checking the turbo pumps were being water cooled - we were ready to start the vacuum test.
At 18:00 we started the roughing pumps
At 18:10 we started the two upstream and two downstream turbo pumps
At ~18:18 the chamber up and chamber down readings were at low 10^-4 mBar, we would've expected lower pressure readings due to the power of the pumping system. We suspected a leak and switched off the pumps.
Lucio noticed the 70mm screws mounting the lids and collar to the rest of the chamber were too long, and either needed to be shortened or additional washers used - otherwise we could heavily damage the chamber thread
At the end of the day we learnt Fillipo will be in the lab tomorrow (saturday 17th) between 9:00 - 13:00, and agreed that I (Thomas C) could come in and connect the electronics cables ready for next week. |