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Message ID: 8     Entry time: Sat Feb 17 12:35:25 2018
Author: Thomas Chillery 
Subject: Setup - Electronic Cabling 

Between 9:00 to 12:30 this morning Filipo was working on the weekend 14C measurements, allowing me to work in the lab during this period.

I unpacked four MALU 4532 Lecroy Logic Modules (sent to CIRCE two weeks ago). Three of these modules were installed into the 1434A CAMAC crate, which already had one module installed from the July 2017 shift. One module remains out of the crate as a spare.

I connected 16 way - 16 way ribbon cables between the front of both IDC converter boxes to the back of the RAL shaping amplifier modules. They are connected as follows:

  • RAL shaping amps I, II, XI, and IV are connected to top convertor box inputs 0->3, counting from the left when facing the rack
  • RAL shaping amps V, VI, VII, and VIII are connected to top convertor box inputs 4->7
  • RAL shaping amps X, XII, XIII, and "R" are connected to bottom convertor box inputs 8->11
  • RAL shaping amps "S", "Q", "u", and "W" are connected to bottom convertor box inputs 12->15

In second electronics rack, "Rack B", at the top is a Nim bin used last July 2017 for the Si diode.

In this nim bin I installed two NIM-ECL-NIM converters and the PB-5 Pulser Generator

Currently in the Nim bin from left to right we have the following:

  1. Silena mod 7710 Quad Bias Supply
  2. Ortec 571 Amplifier
  3. Ortec 863 Quad TFA
  4. Ortec 935 Quad CFD
  5. Two ECL-Nim-ECL Converters, Model EC1600 by EG&G-ESN
  6. Lecroy Model 622 Quad Coincidence Unit
  7. PB-5 Pulse Generator

The Nim bin was switched on in this configuration, I checked the supplied voltages with a voltmeter. All voltages, -6, +6, -12, +12, -24, and +24V read correctly.

Next I installed 5m 34 way - 34 way ribbon cables labelled 0, 1, 2, and 3 into the back of the top convertor box, including the grounding cable. Now:

  • Cable 0 in back splits into cables 0 and 1 in front
  • Cable 1 in back splits into cables 2 and 3 in front
  • Cable 2 in back splits into cables 4 and 5 in front
  • Cable 3 in back splits into cables 6 and 7 in front

Next I installed 5m 34 way - 34 way ribbon cables labbeled 13, 14, 15, and 16 into the back of the bottom convertor box, including the grounding cable. Now:

  • Cable 13 in back splits into cables 8 and 9 in front
  • Cable 14 in back splits into cables 10 and 11 in front
  • Cable 15 in back splits into cables 12 and 13 in front
  • Cable 16 in back splits into cables 14 and 15 in front

The other end of these eight 5m long cables are ready to be plugged into the EDI preamps

I then plugged 16-way ribbon cables into the Analogue Output of the RAL shaping amplifiers in the following order, where ADC ... is the label of the cables:

  • RAL I -> ADC 8A
  • RAL II -> ADC 8B
  • RAL XI -> ADC 9A
  • RAL IV -> ADC 9B
  • RAL V -> ADC 10A
  • RAL VI -> ADC 10B
  • RAL VII -> ADC 11A
  • RAL VIII -> ADC 11B
  • RAL X -> ADC 12A
  • RAL XII -> ADC 12B
  • RAL XIII -> ADC 13A
  • RAL "R" -> ADC 13B
  • RAL "S" -> ADC 14A
  • RAL "Q" -> ADC 14B
  • RAL "u" -> ADC 15A

Some of the RAL "W" Analogue pins were slightly off center. Filipo needed to leave so I left cable ADC 15B unplugged.

I attach photos of the current status of both electronics racks

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Attachment 4: IMG_2706.JPG  3.218 MB  | Hide | Hide all
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