Noted using my AIDA event builder code, a timewarp was reported and I noticed the ADC event had a different timestamp LSB to the "WR" markers preceding it, which I didn't think was possible in the merger as it stands
aida event 875015fa 0f68098c | INFO 5 SYNC6348 08 015fa
aida event 8744b164 0f68098c | INFO 4 SYNC4828 08 4b164
event time: 15fa4b164f68098c
aida event c1f6851b 0f68098c | ADC 08:54 L 851b
event time: 15fa4b164f68098c
aida event 875015fa 0f68115c | INFO 5 SYNC6348 08 015fa
aida event 8744b164 0f68115c | INFO 4 SYNC4828 08 4b164
event time: 15fa4b164f68115c
aida event c1ef8238 0f68115c | ADC 08:47 L 8238
event time: 15fa4b164f68115c
aida event 875015fa 0f68115c | INFO 5 SYNC6348 08 015fa
aida event 8744b164 0f68115c | INFO 4 SYNC4828 08 4b164
event time: 15fa4b164f68115c
aida event c1f884b0 0f68115c | ADC 08:56 L 84b0
event time: 15fa4b164f68115c
aida event 8a5015fa 0f681382 | INFO 5 SYNC6348 11 015fa
aida event 8a44b164 0f681382 | INFO 4 SYNC4828 11 4b164
event time: 15fa4b164f681382
aida event c2817dc8 0f681382 | ADC 11:01 L 7dc8
event time: 15fa4b164f681382
aida event 875015fa 0f68192c | INFO 5 SYNC6348 08 015fa
aida event 8744b164 0f68192c | INFO 4 SYNC4828 08 4b164
event time: 15fa4b164f68192c
aida event c1f9849c 0f68192c | ADC 08:57 L 849c
event time: 15fa4b164f68192c
aida event 815015fa 0f681f94 | INFO 5 SYNC6348 02 015fa
aida event 8144b164 0f681f94 | INFO 4 SYNC4828 02 4b164
event time: 15fa4b164f681f94
aida event c0568084 04b6854a | ADC 02:22 L 8084
event time: 15fa4b1644b6854a
AIDA Timewarp (15fa4b1644b6854a before 15fa4b164f68192c)
Event reported errors, skipping this file...
Events: 506459240 506459240 (0 errors)
Unsure if the cause, easily handled by ignoring such events but should be "impossible" |