Message ID: 175
Entry time: Sat Mar 6 06:52:06 2021
Author: |
OH, LS |
Subject: |
Saturday 6th March |
07:50 Pulser settings - attachment 1
07:52 System wide checks all ok
Statistics ok - attachment 2
Bias ok - attachment 3
09:30 The intensity of fragments is being increased
They are trying to do a factor of 10 increase first which should take us to around 100Hz
10:00 System wide checks all ok
Statistics - attachment 4
Layout 1 showing implants - attachment 5
Fee temperatures ok - attachment 6
12.00 System wide checks all okay, no failures
Statistics (screenshot7)
Spectrum rate (screenshot8)
FEE temps were normal except AIDA04 had "no response" (screenshot9), reloaded several minutes later seems to read normal
Leakage currents okay, increase from previous values written to sheets (screenshot12)
Rechecked FEETemps this time AIDA03 had "no response" (screenshot11), seems this occurs when the reload takes longer
usual, another reload shows all FEE temps as normal.
Merger and tape server okay
14.00 System wide checks all okay, no failures
Statistics (screenshot13)
Spectrum rate (screenshot14)
FEE temps normal, no issue with reload this time (screenshot15)
Leakage currents okay still increasing, written to sheets (screenshot16)
Merger okay ~4.5M items/sec
Tape server ~4.5Mb/sec
14.50 Beam has been shifted to centre beam more onto AIDA (corresponds to run S452f011)
16.00 System wide checks all okay, no failures
Statistics (screenshot17)
Spectrum rate (screenshot18)
FEE temps normal except AIDA08 "no response" (screenshot19), reload returns to normal (screenshot20)
Leakage currents added to sheet (screenshot21)
Merger okay ~4.5M items/sec
Tape server ~4.5Mb/sec
17.17 no beam, preparing for the 190Ta setting
17:44 OH Takes over
System wide checks all ok
Statistics - attachment 22
Temp ok - Attachment 23
Bias and leakage currents ok - Attatchment 24
While MBS was not currently writing data the merger -> tapeserver link was briefly toggle
The Directory for the experiment was then setup S452
The merger -> Tapeserver link was then re-enabled and data forwarding to MBS has continued.
ASIC Check all ok
18:10 Started writing data to file
File directory S452
Run number R1_0
Seems to have skipped a few files First full file R1_10
Currently writing to /media/SecondDrive/TapeData
Current free space 4211084180 kB
Current write speed 46163 kB/s
Time remaining until full 91222 seconds
25 hours remaining space
18:34 DESPEC starting new MBS file
AIDA Currently on file R1_41
19:00 DESPEC Closing file
AIDA Currently on R1_75
19:05 Comparing last years statistics to this years
FEE Last year This year Factor increase
1 60960 183111 3.00
2 183494 201256 1.09
3 91506 196647 2.15
4 73914 208290 2.81
5 31979 63571 1.99
6 54084 144638 2.67
7 35621 137605 3.86
8 38626 95858 2.48
9 264436 225790 0.85
10 209709 198896 0.94
11 88443 133899 1.51
12 183493 204996 1.12
Sum 1316265 1994557 1.51
19:22 DESPEC opens a new file (They forgot to mention they were closing the previous file)
AIDA on R1_104
Looking int to high write rate to see if we can do anything to reduce it
It isn't the correlation scaler as that is coming in at a rate of 16kHz which amounts to around 1.5MB/s - attachment 24
19:46 Much of the rate is coming from a small number of channels - attachment 25
19:17 WR Timestamp error.
Mentioned to Nic and he said that sometimes small glitches like this are observed
Base Current Difference
aida01 fault 0x9e8b : 0x9e8d : 2
aida02 fault 0x9a8f : 0x9a91 : 2
aida03 fault 0x29e9 : 0x29eb : 2
aida04 fault 0x7f66 : 0x7f68 : 2
aida05 fault 0x1f4f : 0x1f51 : 2
aida06 fault 0x8faa : 0x8fac : 2
aida07 fault 0x53f0 : 0x53f2 : 2
aida08 fault 0x7066 : 0x7068 : 2
White Rabbit error counter test result: Passed 4, Failed 8
Understand the status reports as follows:-
Status bit 3 : White Rabbit decoder detected an error in the received data
Status bit 2 : Firmware registered WR error, no reload of Timestamp
Status bit 0 : White Rabbit decoder reports uncertain of Timestamp information from WR
All other checks passed
20:52 DESPEC Stopping file
AIDA on R1_221
20:53 DESPEC Stopped file because UCESB crashed
AIDA on file R1_237
21:20 All system wide checks ok
Statistics DISC info- Attachment 27
FEE Temp ok - Attachment 28
Bias and leakage current ok - Attachment 29
Statistics good events - Attachment 30
20:51 Started compressing data with command nice -n 10 gzip -v R1_*
Have discussed with Helena and Nic about the potential issues we could run into with the high data rate
I am not sure if MBS can keep up with this rate
We are still writing to file though.
23:00 Correlations have been lost with the FRS DAQ and the rest of the DESPEC analysis
23:10 UCESB restarted and correlations have been regained. Verified with the implant-FRS time difference peak at 13us |