Message ID: 190     Entry time: Thu Mar 11 23:07:23 2021
Author: CA 
Subject: March 12th 00:00 - 08:00 shift 
00:10 DAQ continues OK - file R30_372

      ASIC settings 2019Dec19-16.19.51
      DSSSD#1 slow comparator 0xa
      DSSSD#2 slow comparator 0xa
      DSSSD#3 slow comparator 0xd

      BNC PB-5 Pulser 
      Attenuation x1
      Frequency 2Hz
      tau_d 1ms
      - polarity
      Delay 250ns, tail pulse

00:17 System wide checks all OK

      FEE64 Temperatures ok - attachment 1

      Good event statistics ok - attachment 2

      detector bias and leakage currents ok - attachment 3

00:20 DESPEC on run 145

00:24 Merger ok ~45M items/s
      Tapeserver ok ~15MB/s

01:00 aida07 crashed

      recovered, but all FEE64 crash shortly after

      called OH - stop DAQ, TapeService, Merger

01:20 all FEE64 powercycled, AIDA restart

01:30 AIDA recovered, DAQ now running - writing to R33

      system wide checks ok *except*

      FEE64 module aida09 global clocks failed, 6
      Clock status test result: Passed 11, Failed 1

      Understand status as follows
      Status bit 3 : firmware PLL that creates clocks from external clock not locked
      Status bit 2 : always logic '1' 
      Status bit 1 : LMK3200(2) PLL and clock distribution chip not locked to external clock
      Status bit 0 : LMK3200(1) PLL and clock distribution chip not locked to external clock
      If all these bits are not set then the operation of the firmware is unreliable

      FEE64 module aida07 failed
      FEE64 module aida09 failed
      Calibration test result: Passed 10, Failed 2

      If any modules fail calibration , check the clock status and open the FADC Align and Control browser page to rerun calibration for that module

01:52 FEE64 Temperatures ok - attachment 4

      -had to reload a few times to work, but otherwise ok

      Good event statistics - attachment 5

      -aida05 and aida08 running faster than before

      detector bias and leakage currents ok - attachment 6

02:04 writing to file R33_34

      Data forwarding to MBS ok

      AIDA ASIC settings ok

02:11 beam off

02:13 attempted to recalibrate aida07 and aida09 in FADC Align and Control - calibration still fails 

02:32 beam back - writing to file R33_48

04:30 DESPEC having issues with Go4 crashing

      ucesb reports AIDA/FATIMA/bplast timewarp events

      System wide checks:

      Clock error:
      FEE64 module aida09 global clocks failed, 6
      Clock status test result: Passed 11, Failed 1

      FEE64 module aida07 failed
      FEE64 module aida09 failed
      Calibration test result: Passed 10, Failed 2

      White Rabbit:
       Base 		Current 	Difference
       aida07 fault 	 0xcdd1 : 	 0xcdd2 : 	 1  
      White Rabbit error counter test result: Passed 11, Failed 1

      Understand the status reports as follows:-
      Status bit 3 : White Rabbit decoder detected an error in the received data
      Status bit 2 : Firmware registered WR error, no reload of Timestamp
      Status bit 0 : White Rabbit decoder reports uncertain of Timestamp information from WR

      FEE64 Temperatures ok - attachment 7

      Good event statistics ok - attachment 8

      detector bias and leakage currents ok - attachment 9

04:52 analyzer output for R33_113 - attachment 10

      no timewarps

      aida06 dead time? (ignore idle time and rates)

05:02 Merger 5M data items/s

      TapeServer 17 MB/s

05:15 DESPEC believe issue with bplast TAMEX causing ucesb issues/Go4 crash

      They disable bplast and FATIMA TAMEX histograms in their online analysis - ucesb/go4 much more stable now

05:25 rates spectra - attachment 11

05:29 error message in MBS relay terminal - otherwise data forwarding to MBS ok - attachment 12

06:29 system wide checks:

      Clock error:
      FEE64 module aida09 global clocks failed, 6
      Clock status test result: Passed 11, Failed 1

      FEE64 module aida07 failed
      FEE64 module aida09 failed
      Calibration test result: Passed 10, Failed 2

      White Rabbit:
                         Base 		Current 	Difference
      aida05 fault 	 0x7a56 : 	 0x7a58 : 	 2  
      aida06 fault 	 0x65bb : 	 0x65bd : 	 2  
      aida07 fault 	 0xcdd1 : 	 0xcdd4 : 	 3  
      aida08 fault 	 0x2ab3 : 	 0x2ab5 : 	 2  
      White Rabbit error counter test result: Passed 8, Failed 4

      Understand the status reports as follows:-
      Status bit 3 : White Rabbit decoder detected an error in the received data
      Status bit 2 : Firmware registered WR error, no reload of Timestamp
      Status bit 0 : White Rabbit decoder reports uncertain of Timestamp information from WR

      rest ok

06:32 FEE64 Temperatures ok - attachment 13

      Good event statistics ok - attachment 14

      detector bias and leakage currents ok - attachment 15

06:41 Merger 5.1M data items/s

      TapeServer 17 MB/s

      Data forwarding to MBS ok

08:54 restart MBS relay, requested by NH



Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2021-03-11_23-14-57_-_1.png  158 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2021-03-11_23-15-31.png  120 kB  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2021-03-11_23-16-08.png  46 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2021-03-12_00-55-09.png  159 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 12 00:56:44 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 5: Screenshot_from_2021-03-12_00-55-35.png  119 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 12 00:56:44 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 6: Screenshot_from_2021-03-12_00-58-59.png  47 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 12 01:00:31 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 7: Screenshot_from_2021-03-12_03-35-47.png  157 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 12 03:40:32 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 8: Screenshot_from_2021-03-12_03-36-35.png  120 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 12 03:40:32 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 9: Screenshot_from_2021-03-12_03-37-20.png  46 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 12 03:40:32 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 10: R33_113  10 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 12 03:50:38 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
 *** TDR format 3.3.0 analyser - TD - January 2019
 *** ERROR: READ I/O error:       5002
                   blocks:      32000
          ADC data format:  260049813 ( 2219319.2 Hz)
        Other data format:    1870189 (   15960.6 Hz)
 Sample trace data format:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
         Undefined format:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
   Other data format type:      PAUSE:      20863 (     178.0 Hz)
                               RESUME:      20864 (     178.1 Hz)
                              SYNC100:        437 (       3.7 Hz)
                              WR48-63:        437 (       3.7 Hz)
                           FEE64 disc:     442392 (    3775.5 Hz)
                             MBS info:    1385196 (   11821.6 Hz)
                           Other info:          0 (       0.0 Hz)

   ADC data range bit set:      32687 (     279.0 Hz)

                Timewarps:        ADC:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                                PAUSE:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                               RESUME:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                              SYNC100:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                              WR48-63:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                           FEE64 disc:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                             MBS info:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                            Undefined:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                         Sample trace:          0 (       0.0 Hz)

 *** Timestamp elapsed time:      117.175 s
 FEE  elapsed dead time(s) elapsed idle time(s)
  1               49.525              113.280
  2               56.916              110.595
  3               47.492              115.964
  4               57.911              115.427
  5                7.968              116.501
  6       1615384952.728              108.448
  7               42.814              114.622
  8               80.186              113.011
  9               88.924               96.905
 10               21.378              111.132
 11               73.040              114.354
 12                0.000                0.000
 13                0.000                0.000
 14                0.000                0.000
 15                0.000                0.000
 16                0.000                0.000
 17                0.000                0.000
 18                0.000                0.000
 19                0.000                0.000
 20                0.000                0.000
 21                0.000                0.000
 22                0.000                0.000
 23                0.000                0.000
 24                0.000                0.000
 25                0.000                0.000
 26                0.000                0.000
 27                0.000                0.000
 28                0.000                0.000
 29                0.000                0.000
 30                0.000                0.000
 31                0.000                0.000
 32                0.000                0.000

 *** Statistics
 FEE  ADC Data Other Data     Sample  Undefined      Pause     Resume    SYNC100    WR48-63       Disc        MBS      Other   HEC Data
  0   22118772      49791          0          0      18934      18933         32         32      11506        354          0       4012
  1   22984048      20152          0          0        166        167         43         43      19337        396          0       5880
  2   20394651     783427          0          0        163        164         37         37     255035     527991          0       3363
  3   22242991     614086          0          0        167        167         40         40       2080     611592          0        620
  4   21439332      55343          0          0        169        170         49         49       8463      46443          0       2902
  5   16079204     115814          0          0        279        279         29         29      22786      92412          0       7566
  6   22040349     143536          0          0        183        183         31         31     102212      40896          0       2700
  7   22240015      67179          0          0        150        150         58         58       1651      65112          0        545
  8   21453279       3177          0          0        179        179         23         23       2773          0          0        850
  9   22650021       4350          0          0        185        184         20         20       3941          0          0       1026
 10   24195088      12236          0          0        107        107         38         38      11946          0          0       3047
 11   22212063       1098          0          0        181        181         37         37        662          0          0        176
 12          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 13          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 14          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 15          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 16          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 17          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 18          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 19          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 20          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 21          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 22          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 23          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 24          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 25          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 26          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 27          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 28          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 29          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 30          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 31          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 32          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0

 *** Timewarps
 FEE       ADC      Pause     Resume    SYNC100    WR48-63       Disc        MBS  Undefined    Samples
  0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  1          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  2          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  3          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  4          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  5          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  6          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  7          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  8          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  9          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 10          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 11          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 12          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 13          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 14          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 15          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 16          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 17          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 18          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 19          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 20          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 21          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 22          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 23          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 24          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 25          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 26          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 27          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 28          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 29          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 30          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 31          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 32          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0

 *** Program elapsed time:17230.426s (    1.857 blocks/s,   0.116 Mb/s)
Attachment 11: Screenshot_from_2021-03-12_04-23-51.png  214 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 12 04:24:49 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 12: Screenshot_from_2021-03-12_04-29-06.png  157 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 12 04:30:26 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 13: Screenshot_from_2021-03-12_05-34-02.png  159 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 12 05:35:32 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 14: Screenshot_from_2021-03-12_05-34-28_-_1.png  121 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 12 05:35:32 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 15: Screenshot_from_2021-03-12_05-34-51.png  47 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 12 05:35:32 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
ELOG V3.1.4-unknown