09.30: AIDA still running, not writing to file
Still running ok
No water leaks
09.45: FEE64 temperatures ok (attachment 1)
Good event statistics ok (attachment 2)
10.00: Results of System Wide Checks
ADC Calibration check (attachment 3)
Clock Status (attachment 4)
Sync error counter (attachment 5)
White Rabbit Decoder status (attachment 7)
Memory Information (attachment 8)
10.30: Clock ReSync performed (attachment 6)
Start writing to file TapeData/NULL/R7_0
11.50: DAQ stopped, TapeServer stopped
TapeServer restarted, DAQ restarted
Writing to file TapeData/NULL/R9_0 with Clock ReSync at start.
Wasn't writing to disk, restarting (DAQ stop, TapeServer stop, TapeServer start TO DISK, DAQ Start)
Writing to file TapeData/NULL/R10_0
12.04: DAQ stopped, TapeServer stopped, merger stopped
FEE64 power relay switched off
Raspberry PIs switched off and disconnected
water cooler stopped
Mains IEC cables removed from relay