Message ID: 323     Entry time: Tue May 18 06:50:53 2021
Author: OH, PP 
Subject: Tuesday 18th May 08:00 - 16:00 
08:00 OH Takes over

      Statistics still look good from yesterday. Rate is still down.
      Dead time in FEEs 2 and 4 is 2.04%

      System wide checks clock ok
		 Base 		Current 	Difference
aida05 fault 	 0x4da : 	 0x500 : 	 38  
White Rabbit error counter test result: Passed 15, Failed 1

Understand the status reports as follows:-
Status bit 3 : White Rabbit decoder detected an error in the received data
Status bit 2 : Firmware registered WR error, no reload of Timestamp
Status bit 0 : White Rabbit decoder reports uncertain of Timestamp information from WR

      *Baseline reset*
      FPGA check ok
      Stats - attachment 1
      Temp - attachment 2
      Bias - attachment 3

08:11 With the decreased noise I am investigating whether we can lower the thresholds on DSSD2 y strips.
      I have set them to 0x19 on ASICS 1-3 and 0x64 on ASIC4
      The results of the test appear to indicate that it is the network link that we are saturating causing dead time
***	Before		                  After	
FEE	DT (s)  Dead time %	           DT (s)	Dead time %
0	0.013	0.004184451	           0.026	0.010025681
1	6.352	2.04458693	           4.097	1.57981599
2	0.295	0.09495484	           0.292	0.112596112
3	6.349	2.043621288	           8.255	3.183153771
4	0.021	0.006759497	           0.03	        0.011568094
5	0.285	0.091736032	           3.388	1.306423377
6	0.02	0.006437616	           0.149	0.057454865
7	1.219	0.392372712	           2.133	0.822491459
8	1.137	0.365978485	           0.457	0.176220627
9	0	0	                       0	0
10	1.633	0.525631369	           1.545	0.595756823
11	0.061	0.01963473	           0.166	0.064010118
12	0.059	0.018990968	           0.085	0.032776265
13	0	0	                       0	0
14	0.016	0.005150093	           0.023	0.008868872
15	0.282	0.09077039	           0.168	0.064781324

      Note that the dead time for FEE6 and 8 remains fairly low but the dead time for FEE4 has increased

09:00 They are stopping the run to decrease the bias on the bPlast detector
09:25 No noticable change in AIDA
      They will now begin to change the spill structure.

09:46 While they are optimising the 1s spill structure raised the thresholds of FEE6 and 8 back to 0x20. Will start from here when optimising the thresholds post spill change

10:21 Beam is back on AIDA

10:39 System wide checks. 
- ADC calibration check failed (this is anticipated because waveforms are off). 
- 1 Failed test in White Rabbit:
		 Base 		Current 	Difference
aida05 fault 	 0x500 : 	 0x506 : 	 6  
White Rabbit error counter test result: Passed 15, Failed 1

Understand the status reports as follows:-
Status bit 3 : White Rabbit decoder detected an error in the received data
Status bit 2 : Firmware registered WR error, no reload of Timestamp
Status bit 0 : White Rabbit decoder reports uncertain of Timestamp information from WR
- All other systems passed

      Stats - attachment 4
      Temp - attachment 5
      Bias - attachment 6

12:46 System wide checks
- ADC calibration check failed (this is anticipated because waveforms are off). 
- 1 Failed test in White Rabbit:
		 Base 		Current 	Difference
aida05 fault 	 0x500 : 	 0x50b : 	 11  
White Rabbit error counter test result: Passed 15, Failed 1

Understand the status reports as follows:-
Status bit 3 : White Rabbit decoder detected an error in the received data
Status bit 2 : Firmware registered WR error, no reload of Timestamp
Status bit 0 : White Rabbit decoder reports uncertain of Timestamp information from WR
- All other systems passed

14:36 System wide checks
- ADC calibration check failed (this is anticipated because waveforms are off). 
- 1 Failed test in White Rabbit:
		 Base 		Current 	Difference
aida05 fault 	 0x500 : 	 0x50f : 	 15  
White Rabbit error counter test result: Passed 15, Failed 1

Understand the status reports as follows:-
Status bit 3 : White Rabbit decoder detected an error in the received data
Status bit 2 : Firmware registered WR error, no reload of Timestamp
Status bit 0 : White Rabbit decoder reports uncertain of Timestamp information from WR
- All other systems passed
Attachment 1: 210518_0757_Stats.png  74 kB  Uploaded Tue May 18 07:59:49 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 2: 210518_0758_Temp.png  109 kB  Uploaded Tue May 18 07:59:49 2021  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 3: 210518_0759_Bias.png  5 kB  Uploaded Tue May 18 07:59:49 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 4: 210518_1059_Stats.png  74 kB  Uploaded Tue May 18 11:04:09 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 5: 210518_1100_Temp.png  109 kB  Uploaded Tue May 18 11:04:09 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 6: 210518_1101_Bias.png  6 kB  Uploaded Tue May 18 11:04:09 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
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