Message ID: 386     Entry time: Thu Oct 21 09:08:41 2021
Author: OH 
Subject: MIDAS start up messages 
Attachment 1: 8015Startup.txt  1 kB  Uploaded Thu Oct 21 10:08:47 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
tidy up
tclsh8.5: no process killed

System identified is CPU x86_64; Platform is unix; OS is Linux and Version is 2.6.32-696.el6.x86_64
Environment selected is CPU x64_64; Platform unix; OS Linux64 and Operating System Linux64
PATH = /MIDAS/bin_Linux64:/MIDAS/TclHttpd/Linux64:/MIDAS/Linux/bin64:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/npg/bin
Computer Name = aidas-gsi; Temp Directory = /tmp/tcl6376
package limit is not available: can't find package limit
Running with default file descriptor limit
package setuid is not available: can't find package setuid
Could not change to user 50 group 50: not owner
/debug user "debug" password "kr.j1xicijsz"
httpd started on port 8015

Custom startup from /MIDAS/config/TclHttpd/aidas-gsi@8015/startup.tcl
created namespace ::AIDA
loading tcl/AIDARunControl.tcl for namespace ::
RunControlClient provided
RunControlClient loaded
Completed custom startup from /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/AIDA/RunControl/stats.defn.tcl

Attachment 2: 8115startup  1 kB  Uploaded Thu Oct 21 10:08:47 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
tidy up
tclsh8.5_copy2: no process killed

System identified is CPU x86_64; Platform is unix; OS is Linux and Version is 2.6.32-696.el6.x86_64
Environment selected is CPU x64_64; Platform unix; OS Linux64 and Operating System Linux64
PATH = /MIDAS/bin_Linux64:/MIDAS/TclHttpd/Linux64:/MIDAS/Linux/bin64:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/npg/bin
Computer Name = aidas-gsi; Temp Directory = /tmp/tcl24260
package limit is not available: can't find package limit
Running with default file descriptor limit
package setuid is not available: can't find package setuid
Could not change to user 50 group 50: not owner
/debug user "debug" password "qhsbwphtgqqo"
httpd started on port 8115

Custom startup from /MIDAS/config/TclHttpd/aidas-gsi@8115/startup.tcl
Loaded MemSasAccess
loading tcl/NewMergerControl.tcl for namespace ::
DefineMessage unknown
Run Control Server Implementation for MERGE
RunControlServer loaded
loading Html/RunControl/implementation.tcl
/MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/RunControl/common.tcl returned z=1 and couldn't read file "/MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/RunControl/common.tcl": no such file or directory
ReadRegister failed: Name=NetVar.EXEC.ID; Code= 0x10004; Info= Register name does not exist
Created UI registers
RunControl loaded
loading Html/NewMerger/RunControl/implementation.tcl for namespace ::
ReadRegister failed: Name=NetVar.MERGE.ID; Code= 0x10004; Info= Register name does not exist
Created UI registers
NewMerge Control loaded
Completed custom startup from /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/NewMerger/RunControl/stats.defn.tcl

Attachment 3: tapestart.txt  6 kB  Uploaded Thu Oct 21 10:08:54 2021  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 4: mergerstart.txt  17 kB  Uploaded Thu Oct 21 10:09:02 2021  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 5: datarelay.txt  1 kB  Uploaded Thu Oct 21 10:09:12 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Tidy up
DataRelayMBS: no process killed
Starting Data Relay to MBS

Setting Overlap Mode 0
Setting Blocking Mode 0
Setting nice 1
Setting Endian 1
Setting Transfer Mode 4
Setting Transfer Block Size 65536
TCP transfer library version 4.0
0: TCP socket send buffer was 16384 - now 249856
0: TCP socket receive buffer was 87380 - now 249856
0: TCP socket created OK - now connecting to x86l-94 port 6500
Transfer Error - : Connection refused
Error 111
0: connect() failed:
Installing signal handlers for MBS connection
Unable to set signal handler for 9
Unable to set signal handler for 19
Unable to set signal handler for 32
Unable to set signal handler for 33
sigtrap 0
sigtrap 0
TCP transfer library version 4.0
0: TCP socket send buffer was 16384 - now 249856
0: TCP socket receive buffer was 87380 - now 249856
0: TCP socket created OK - now connecting to x86l-94 port 6500
Transfer Error - : Connection refused
Error 111
0: connect() failed:
Sent Start to MBS with code=-1
sigtrap 0
dataSpy Shared buffer area 0 (/SHM_110205) located at 0x6a586000
dataSpy Current age 0 index 0
Spy open = 0
ELOG V3.1.4-unknown