Message ID: 396     Entry time: Wed Feb 16 10:32:52 2022
Author: PJCS 
Subject: AIDA software changes and some suggestions 

The Pi console monitor program now outputs a full date/time to file for each line of report.

The System Wide Checks has been upgraded to include a check of the PLL lock monitor counters. A baseline is taken when the software starts, or at the users command, then subsequent operation of the command compares the current counter value with the baseline. There are two PLLs on the pcb, LMK3200, and the remainder are in the FPGA. Should there be a disruption in the external clock source to the FEE64 then it is possible the Lock signal from one or more of the PLLs will go false to indicate the PLL is not locked to the input frequency. This transition is counted in the FPGA. If the clock source recovers then this is the only way to understand that a hiatus has occurred.

Noted this morning that the Options file sizes are different and there is no common update date across the 16. I will further improve this function to try and indicate differences ... if required ?

aida07 ADCs will not calibrate. I have attempted to understand why but I have not seen this behaviour before. I suggest, if this is a problem, that a power-cycle be carried out  and then the module is replaced if no improvement is noted.

Merger message logging. I have transferred across my version of the New Merger to the npg folder. /home/npg/Patrick/NewMerger. It runs from the command  /home/npg/Patrick/NewMerger/MergeServer/bin64/run and is currently set for 16 links. The only changes to the NewMerger code have been made in the message.c file. The rest is untouched.

This version will create a log file directory in /MIDAS/log/Merge_Logs. A new directory structure is created here each time the New Merger is started. The directory is named using the date and a number which refers to the number of times the New Merger has been started on that date.  ( /MIDAS/log/Merge_Logs/16_02_22_5 )

Within this directory are text files storing the messages from each of the processes in the New Merger system. The link file messages are stored in a sub-directory as they are currently named by the process number and not the link number. (/MIDAS/log/Merge_Logs/16_02_22_5/links/Link_1529.txt )

The purpose of this change is to be able to correlate error messages reported from the FEE64 consoles with information from the Merger processes.

The system is currently running  with this software for the next fortnight.

ELOG V3.1.4-unknown