Message ID: 402     Entry time: Fri Mar 4 08:40:36 2022
Author: OH, NH 
Subject: AIDA Noise and grounding tests 3rd March - Results 

Grounding implemented

  • Each FEE given direct connection to heavy duty earth bar via adaptor board lemo ground
  • Earth bars are then connected to platform ground on AIDA frame
  • Photo of grounding - attachment 1
  • Improvements not as large as expected from previous experience though
    • Particularly in the n+n side where widths still appear awful
  • While implementing the grounding it was noticed the ground lemo socket on FEE7 was damaged and no longer gripped onto a lemo cable
    • It was noted that it would need changing at some point but continued with it for the time being
  • Jumper configuration was n+n LK1-4 all on, p+n LK2-4 all on

p+n widths

FEE Width
9 147
1 116
10 92
11 77
3 128
12 72
13 75
5 59
14 75
15 80
7 150
16 75
  • Compared to the width with no grounding the FEEs for the first DSSD (First 6) range from no change to slightly worse
  • 1.8.L spectra - attachment 3

n+n widths

  • Widths still very large
  • Width for 8 is around 500
  • 1.8.L attachment 2

Additional info

  • Statistics - attachment 4

Jumper optimisation

  • Went to our previously found optimal jumper configuration for the trips
  • n+n LK1 only
  • p+n LK 2 and 4 on all FEE
  • p+n LK3 on non isolated cables (PCB ground on lower middle cable and n+n side bias on top middle cable)
  • While changing the jumpers we also swapped out the damaged adaptor board on aida07 for a new one
  • Saw an improvement for most FEEs
FEE Width
9 134
1 83
10 80
11 68
3 60
12 60
13 71
5 60
14 75
15 82
7 97
16 77
  • Unfortunately saw no improvement for the n+n
  • We event tested having the pulser only going into a single FEE (aida08)
  • Still have a width of 622 for that FEE
  • To compare FEEs we have layout 1 - attachment 5
  • Layouot 1 on a common timescale - attachment 6
    • Note that the rate is typically dominated by a single strip or a couple of strips within a FEE
    • Many channels are just showing the pulser rate 25Hz
  • p+n  1.8.L attachment 7
  • p+n waveforms attachment 8
  • n+n waveforms attachment 9
  • Testing the noise on the n+n strips we observe noise with slow comparator set to 200 (2MeV)
  • Meanwhile the p+n strips are silent at 0x64 for the most part.
  • DAQ left running overnight with 0x64 on ASIC settings to see if we observe any alphas

Plan for the day

  • Test daisy chaining the n+n across to the other n+n strips
    • Currently the n+n braid is only plugged into either aida06 or aida08 (depending on DSSD)
    • All of the jumpers are however grounded
    • Will still test
    • May investigate also trying this on LK3 on adaptors for aida01 and aida03
  • Observe the output of the new sum inverter on the scope to check for variation in amplitude
Attachment 1: PXL_20220303_104253926.jpg  3.115 MB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 2: 220303_1310_nn_18l.png  177 kB  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 3: 220303_1313_pn_18L.png  169 kB  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 4: 220303_1313_stats.png  81 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 5: 220303_1438_layout1.png  190 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 6: 220303_1439_layout1common.png  158 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 7: 220303_1446_pn_18L.png  220 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 8: 220303_1452_pn_waveform.png  224 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 9: 220303_1453_nn_waveforms.png  198 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
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