Runs are in /TapeData/BGAPR22 located on 8TB disk "SecondDrive" (N.B. 2A experiment is using ThirdDrive)
Old runs and test files were removed from disk. Left is an unknown S481 folder (fibre implant test?) and Patrick
chown to npg:npg as uid changed from old SL6 to CentOS 7
Bias DSSDs, leakage current higher than before (maybe the sheet isn't covering the snout)
Pulser set to OFF
ASIC Thresholds 0x64, rates mostly 0 (good)
Edge strips on aida02 and aida06 show non zero, and lots in aida04 asic 1 are high, will recheck connector tomorrow in hope
Connecting to merger and rate is 60k items/sec with random jumps to 400k items/sec
Start xfer to tape server: Rate approx 100 KB/s (360 MB per hour, 2.88 GB per 8 hours)
19:51 - Will leave overnight running to collect alpha
Fri 29 Apr
14:38 - Run paused for MBS tests with FRS
16:50 - Resume alpha collection over weekend
Pulser OFF, 0x64 thresholds |