All seems ok (apart for my virgin network connection usually quite reliable but not so tonight !?!).
Statistics seems ok.
Temperatures appears stable
Leakage current ok.
System Wide Checks:
Clock check: Passed= 14: - Failed=: 0
ADC calibration check:
FEE64 module aida01 failed
FEE64 module aida04 failed
FEE64 module aida06 failed
FEE64 module aida13 failed
Calibration test result: Passed=10 ; Failed= 4
If any modules fail calibration , check the clock status and open the FADC Align and Control browser page to rerun calibration for that module -> DID THAT BUT NO CHANGES
White rabbit decode status: Passed=14 ; Failed=0
FPGA timestamp check: Passed=14 ; Failed=0
Memory information: Page loading failed with the error message below:
Got the error Server Internal Error
while trying to obtain /AIDA/Check/Check.tml.
could not read "/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida01/tmp/mybuddy.txt": no such file or directory while executing "file size $mybuddy " (procedure "do_collect_info" line 16) invoked from within "do_collect_info " ("COLLECTINFO" arm line 1) invoked from within "switch -glob $w { RESET {set started 0} CLEAR {EmptyLog} ELOG {PrintLog} ..." (procedure "do_click" line 23) invoked from within "do_click" invoked from within "if {$started != 0} { variable JS "" variable LogFlag if {$LogFlag == 1} {InsertLog "Last Updated: [clock format [clock seconds] -form..." (file "Check.tcl" line 8) invoked from within "source Check.tcl" (in namespace eval "::Check" script line 6) invoked from within "namespace eval Check { global env source [file join $env(MIDASBASE) TclHttpd tcl Common common.tcl] source [file join $env(MIDASB..." invoked from within "subst { [Doc_Dynamic] <! [global Httpd; upvar #0 Httpd[set Httpd(currentSocket)] data; set ClientIPAddress $data(ipaddr); set MyInfo $data(self)] >..." ("uplevel" body line 1) invoked from within "uplevel #0 [list subst $script]" (procedure "SubstFile" line 12) invoked from within "SubstFile /home/npg/MIDAS_Releases/23Jan19/MIDAS_200119/TclHttpd/Html/AIDA/Check/Check.tml {}" ("uplevel" body line 1) invoked from within "uplevel 1 [list SubstFile $path $interp]" (procedure "Subst_File" line 7) invoked from within "Subst_File $template $interp" invoked from within "TemplateInstantiate $sock $path {} $suffix {} $Template(templateInterp)" (procedure "Doc_application/x-tcl-template" line 9) invoked from within "$cmd $path $suffix $sock" (procedure "Doc_Handle" line 20) invoked from within "Doc_Handle $prefix $path $suffix $sock" (procedure "DocDomain" line 44) invoked from within "DocDomain / /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html sock8 AIDA/Check/Check.tml" ("eval" body line 1) invoked from within "eval $Url(command,$prefix) [list $sock $suffix]" |