10.30 : Turn off AIDA FEE64s
Prepare a ground cable for snout - M10 terminal on one end for copper bar. Will affix with Cu tape for now (no free screws)
Plan for today:
Remove extraneous ground cables
Check ground of all FEE64s esp. 05 and 07 - include on FEE64 side.
14:42 - Done all grounds seem snug, extra ground cables removed. Try power on and check
Try powering just DSSD1 FEE64s
- No change (aida01 125k, aida02,03,04 - 400k)
Try grounding snout
14:59 Connection to snout very bad as tape does not fix well to thick copper in braid. nO difference either way.
Probe PSU output with Battery DSO if available
- See figure 2
Try shuffling FEE64 power allocation
- 15:32 - Now as 1 X 3 X 2 X 4 X
5 X 7 X 6 X 8 X
(Also FEEs on own pair)
No difference to rates
Multimeter voltages for last socket of PSU1 (paired with aida04):
1 : 6.02 V
2: 6.02 V
3: 6.02 V
4: -6.44 V
5: 7.74 V
Similar on PSU2
Voltage between right (GND) pin 5 and 1 (pin 5 is COM) is -0.4 V, similar if pin 4 is COM. Pin1-3 are 0 V when paired