In no particular order
1) CAEN 83xx series NIM bin (Ortec 533A output noise issue)
observe +/- 6V, 12V, 24V lines with/without load
try new CAEN NIM bin and/or NIM bin of different type
2) Measure actual voltages at FEE64 power connector input
OH suggests fab of power adaptor for safe observation - contact EW
3) rev B adaptor PCB
invert 125 way ERNI - check for mech conflicts
paired HV input (avoid Lemo-00 T pieces)
consider isolating test/HV Lemo-00 shells from PCB ground (loop elimination)
straight jumpers
shrouded Samtec headers - consider mech issues/consequences of using eject clips too
re-visit HV filtering & separate trace ground
4) isolation transformer
as practical matter may be necessary to operate all platform from isolation transformer
consider hire of appropriate unit
need method to measure isolation - will require permit to work or equiv
5) investigate S4 area ac mains
NH discussing with GSI electricians
6) Systematic measurement of AIDA PSU noise
Spec linear AIDA FEE64 PSU
7) Redesign of snout
Return to 1mm welded box Al for lower stage of snout for added rigidity
8) Revisit calculation of cable lengths. Particularly for the triple