<p>New merger has been worked on by VP which fixes the timewarp issues and MBS integration.</p>
<p>Currently no WAVE capture is supported, VP will re-add WAVE histogramming for startup testing.</p>
<p>10.05.2019 - Pulser walkthrough<br />
-> Pulser rate 50 Hz<br />
-> 1 minute per 0.1 V (0.1 to 1 V)<br />
-> extra time on 1 V</p>
<p>With this 95% of channels calibrate easily (good statistics)<br />
Issue: ~16 channels (most of ASIC3) in FEE10 are horrificly noisy. Not calibrated</p>
<p>Fig 1. Pulser of FEE1 (no DSSD)<br />
Fig 2. Pulser of FEE9 (DSSD)<br />
Fig 3&4. Pulser of FEE10 noisy channels</p>
<p>Future TODO: Will investigate WAVE data and look if issue can be found.</p>
<p>20.05.2019 - Alpha walkthrough<br />
-> Pulser off<br />
-> FEE10ASIC3 has readout off & discriminator masked<br />
-> Slow threshold 0x64<br />
-> Fast threshold 0xff<br />
-> HEC threshold 0x2</p>
<p>File is nyx/gamma/nhubbard/AIDA/alpha_bg_200519_</p>
<p>Rate is approx. 1MB/s still of WR timestamp data.</p>
<p>(NB, MIDAS Alpha walkthrough before beamtime I see no alpha events in!)</p>
<p>Fig 5: Temps<br />
Fig 6: Stats<br />
Fig 7: Merger Stats<br />
Fig 8: MBS Stats</p> |