Message ID: 525     Entry time: Mon Feb 26 13:17:51 2024
Author: TD 
Subject: Offline analysis of DEC23/R9_6 
First pass analysis of data file /TapeData/DEC23/R9_6

 *** TDR format 3.3.0 analyser - TD - May 2021
 *** ERROR: READ I/O error:       5002
                   blocks:      32000
          ADC data format:  234532726 (   99567.1 Hz)
        Other data format:   27387282 (   11626.8 Hz)
 Sample trace data format:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
         Undefined format:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
   Other data format type:      PAUSE:         53 (       0.0 Hz)
                               RESUME:         53 (       0.0 Hz)
                              SYNC100:      40775 (      17.3 Hz)
                              WR48-63:      40775 (      17.3 Hz)
                           FEE64 disc:    2928025 (    1243.0 Hz)
                             MBS info:   24377601 (   10349.1 Hz)
                           Other info:          0 (       0.0 Hz)

   ADC data range bit set:     287073 (     121.9 Hz)

                Timewarps:        ADC:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                                PAUSE:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                               RESUME:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                              SYNC100:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                              WR48-63:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                           FEE64 disc:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                             MBS info:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                            Undefined:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                         Sample trace:          0 (       0.0 Hz)

 *** Timestamp elapsed time:     2355.524 s

 *** Statistics
 FEE  ADC Data Other Data     Sample  Undefined      Pause     Resume    SYNC100    WR48-63       Disc        MBS      Other   HEC Data
  0   59013868     372005          0          0         20         20       9888       9888     281563      70626          0      55467
  1   31445079    1098714          0          0          2          2       5017       5017     243009     845667          0      38876
  2   22895499   11841669          0          0          1          1       5294       5294     482655   11348424          0      42748
  3   18228498   11705354          0          0          0          0       3913       3913     416619   11280909          0      78526
  4   25500772    1237178          0          0          3          3       4320       4320     396557     831975          0      28918
  5          4          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  6   15933921     394210          0          0          0          0       2560       2560     389090          0          0      11489
  7   61515085     738152          0          0         27         27       9783       9783     718532          0          0      31049

FEE64 configuration


- aida06 not connected to DSSSD ( cabling broken  - will be replaced later this week )

- LEC ( 20MeV FSR ) data ADC offset corrected 
   ADC offsets available for 489 of 512 channels and are included in the analysis - 23 strips for which no ADC offsets could be calculated ( usually because there was 
pulser data ) are not included in analysis 
- LEC ( 20MeV FSR ) front-back strip energy difference cut +/- 50 channels ( c. +/- 280keV )
- HEC ( 2GeV FSR ) front-back strip energy difference cut +/-200 channels ( c. +/- 1120MeV )

- LEC ADC data: 13 < channel < 188 ( c. 73-1053keV )
- HEC ADC data: > 13 channels ( c. 73MeV )
- FEE64 hardware thresholds: LEC c. 100keV, HEC c. 200MeV 

Attachments 1 & 2 - per pixel HEC-LEC event time difference spectra - 4.096us/channel

Attachments 3 & 4 - per pixel HEC-LEC event time difference spectra - 65.536us/channel

Attachment 5 - DSSSD x-y hit pattern: HEC-LEC event time difference < 4.3s
 Majority of events associated with 'hot' p+n junction strips - few plausible decay candidate events - as expected.
 z-scale - semi-logarithmic - scattered events are single counts ( blue )
 1 count => rate ~ 1/2355s ~ 0.0004Hz, the great majority of pixels have zero counts

Attachment 6 - LEC ( decay ) and HEC ( implant ) events - 262.144us/channel ( 65536 channels = 17.2s ) 

HEC implants channels 12000-25000 = 216 counts => HEC rate ( in spill ) 63.4Hz
LEC decays channels 12000-25000 = 3865 counts => LEC rate ( in spill ) 1134.1Hz
LEC decays channels 25000-38000 = 2790 counts => LEC rate ( inter spill ) 818.7Hz

Attachment 7 - per pixel HEC-HEC event time difference spectra - 4.096us/channel

Attachment 8 - per pixel LEC-LEC event time difference spectra - 4.096us/channel

Attachment 9 - variables.dat
This is a ( Fortran ) Namelist I/O data file containing of the ADC offsets, FEE64 configuration, LEC and HEC energy difference windows 

The ADC offset channel number is calculated as

channel = channel_ident + ( module * 64 ) where module = 0-7 corresponding to AIDA FEE64s aida01-aida08

and is used as follows

ADC data = INT ( RSHIFT( ABS( 32768 - data( i ) ), 3 ) - offset( i ) + 0.5 )

where data(i) is the ADC data item for channel i, offset(i) is the ADC offset for channel i

An ADC offset of -9999 means there was no pulser data for this channel in data files R5 and R11.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2024-03-01_11-41-11.png  31 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 1 12:25:44 2024  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2024-03-01_11-41-30.png  31 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 1 12:25:44 2024  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2024-03-01_11-42-06.png  31 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 1 12:25:44 2024  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2024-03-01_11-42-22.png  32 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 1 12:25:44 2024  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 5: Screenshot_from_2024-03-01_11-43-13.png  44 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 1 12:25:44 2024  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 6: Screenshot_from_2024-03-01_11-44-33.png  40 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 1 12:25:44 2024  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 7: Screenshot_from_2024-03-01_11-38-52.png  34 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 1 12:25:44 2024  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 8: Screenshot_from_2024-03-01_11-40-37.png  30 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 1 12:25:44 2024  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 9: variables.dat  13 kB  Uploaded Tue Mar 5 15:47:27 2024  | Hide | Hide all
  offset(   0) =    10.71
  offset(   1) =    14.56
  offset(   2) =   -13.88
  offset(   3) =    -9.85
  offset(   4) =   -18.84
  offset(   5) =    -3.41
  offset(   6) =    24.00
  offset(   7) =    23.10
  offset(   8) =    -2.39
  offset(   9) =   -15.90
  offset(  10) =    25.89
  offset(  11) =   -55.27
  offset(  12) =     6.39
  offset(  13) =   -31.83
  offset(  14) =     7.94
  offset(  15) =     7.69
  offset(  16) =     3.46
  offset(  17) =    -3.12
  offset(  18) =    16.24
  offset(  19) =    -6.69
  offset(  20) =    18.42
  offset(  21) = -9999.99
  offset(  22) =   -22.39
  offset(  23) =     1.94
  offset(  24) =   -11.29
  offset(  25) =    -5.55
  offset(  26) =     7.88
  offset(  27) =    -4.32
  offset(  28) =    -7.79
  offset(  29) =   -13.60
  offset(  30) =     2.61
  offset(  31) =    14.95
  offset(  32) =     4.43
  offset(  33) = -9999.99
  offset(  34) =    -6.61
  offset(  35) =   -22.58
  offset(  36) = -9999.99
  offset(  37) =    11.90
  offset(  38) = -9999.99
  offset(  39) =    -1.80
  offset(  40) =   -26.27
  offset(  41) = -9999.99
  offset(  42) =    -1.99
  offset(  43) =    -3.66
  offset(  44) = -9999.99
  offset(  45) =     7.10
  offset(  46) =    -0.31
  offset(  47) =    26.80
  offset(  48) =   -16.60
  offset(  49) = -9999.99
  offset(  50) =    -9.08
  offset(  51) =   -10.53
  offset(  52) =   -28.24
  offset(  53) =    13.09
  offset(  54) =   -12.42
  offset(  55) =   -22.52
  offset(  56) =     3.27
  offset(  57) =   -26.47
  offset(  58) =     7.17
  offset(  59) =     5.31
  offset(  60) =   -29.79
  offset(  61) =    19.75
  offset(  62) =     2.12
  offset(  63) =   -22.37
  offset(  64) =     3.02
  offset(  65) =     1.74
  offset(  66) =    23.39
  offset(  67) =    43.87
  offset(  68) =   -15.18
  offset(  69) =    11.78
  offset(  70) =   -14.59
  offset(  71) =     1.89
  offset(  72) =   -15.75
  offset(  73) =    25.22
  offset(  74) =     7.83
  offset(  75) = -9999.99
  offset(  76) =     6.46
  offset(  77) =    12.32
  offset(  78) =     7.61
  offset(  79) =   -11.58
  offset(  80) =    14.92
  offset(  81) =    -5.12
  offset(  82) = -9999.99
  offset(  83) =    13.14
  offset(  84) =   -13.39
  offset(  85) =    29.08
  offset(  86) =     9.65
  offset(  87) =     5.07
  offset(  88) =   -29.50
  offset(  89) = -9999.99
  offset(  90) =   -32.90
  offset(  91) =    -1.58
  offset(  92) =    10.27
  offset(  93) =    10.60
  offset(  94) =     6.11
  offset(  95) =   -17.37
  offset(  96) = -9999.99
  offset(  97) =   -15.29
  offset(  98) =     5.60
  offset(  99) =    18.18
  offset( 100) =     6.95
  offset( 101) =    34.63
  offset( 102) =    24.44
  offset( 103) = -9999.99
  offset( 104) =    10.31
  offset( 105) =     2.06
  offset( 106) =    24.74
  offset( 107) =    14.27
  offset( 108) =    -2.56
  offset( 109) =    -3.93
  offset( 110) = -9999.99
  offset( 111) =     8.74
  offset( 112) =    10.62
  offset( 113) =     8.13
  offset( 114) =    -9.11
  offset( 115) =    28.90
  offset( 116) =   -22.43
  offset( 117) =    15.39
  offset( 118) =     8.35
  offset( 119) = -9999.99
  offset( 120) =    23.88
  offset( 121) =    -8.30
  offset( 122) = -9999.99
  offset( 123) =   -22.34
  offset( 124) =    -3.13
  offset( 125) = -9999.99
  offset( 126) = -9999.99
  offset( 127) = -9999.99
  offset( 128) =    -5.53
  offset( 129) =    13.01
  offset( 130) =     4.93
  offset( 131) =    -6.37
  offset( 132) =   -14.43
  offset( 133) =    -1.17
  offset( 134) =   -13.50
  offset( 135) =   -29.29
  offset( 136) =     0.38
  offset( 137) =    -2.31
  offset( 138) =    17.01
  offset( 139) =   -28.94
  offset( 140) =    -9.94
  offset( 141) =    10.87
  offset( 142) =    -6.41
  offset( 143) =   -10.41
  offset( 144) =    13.21
  offset( 145) =    10.55
  offset( 146) =   -16.63
  offset( 147) =    -9.88
  offset( 148) =     3.68
  offset( 149) =   -13.44
  offset( 150) =    16.01
  offset( 151) =    -0.66
  offset( 152) =    -4.78
  offset( 153) =     3.88
  offset( 154) =     1.75
  offset( 155) =    14.87
  offset( 156) =    14.93
  offset( 157) = -9999.99
  offset( 158) =    -1.27
  offset( 159) =    11.46
  offset( 160) =     1.60
  offset( 161) =   -17.07
  offset( 162) = -9999.99
  offset( 163) =    -7.67
  offset( 164) =     6.72
  offset( 165) =   -14.06
  offset( 166) =   -13.29
  offset( 167) =    -5.26
  offset( 168) =     9.71
  offset( 169) =   -26.00
  offset( 170) =   -13.22
  offset( 171) =     1.65
  offset( 172) =   -16.16
  offset( 173) =    16.84
  offset( 174) =    10.04
  offset( 175) =   -13.46
  offset( 176) =   -11.55
  offset( 177) =    18.48
  offset( 178) =    26.41
  offset( 179) =    26.68
  offset( 180) =    52.12
  offset( 181) =    -4.79
  offset( 182) =    15.28
  offset( 183) =     7.10
  offset( 184) =    14.26
  offset( 185) =    12.19
  offset( 186) =   -11.96
  offset( 187) =    12.95
  offset( 188) =   -14.44
  offset( 189) =    -0.90
  offset( 190) =     8.53
  offset( 191) =     5.83
  offset( 192) =    14.00
  offset( 193) =    23.65
  offset( 194) =    45.50
  offset( 195) =    19.86
  offset( 196) =    20.01
  offset( 197) =    -5.01
  offset( 198) =    10.92
  offset( 199) =    10.42
  offset( 200) =   -23.83
  offset( 201) =    -8.06
  offset( 202) =    -1.51
  offset( 203) =    11.88
  offset( 204) =   -17.23
  offset( 205) =    22.72
  offset( 206) =   -15.70
  offset( 207) =    69.14
  offset( 208) =   -31.45
  offset( 209) =     4.00
  offset( 210) =     3.27
  offset( 211) =    -1.41
  offset( 212) =    17.72
  offset( 213) =    -9.82
  offset( 214) =    42.36
  offset( 215) =   -14.39
  offset( 216) =   -10.26
  offset( 217) =    16.12
  offset( 218) =   -13.05
  offset( 219) =    32.84
  offset( 220) =     8.33
  offset( 221) =   -31.72
  offset( 222) =    -6.97
  offset( 223) =     9.41
  offset( 224) =    13.02
  offset( 225) =    -4.24
  offset( 226) =     2.84
  offset( 227) =    19.86
  offset( 228) =     1.54
  offset( 229) =    -1.36
  offset( 230) =    -4.71
  offset( 231) =    -8.29
  offset( 232) =    17.26
  offset( 233) =   -27.21
  offset( 234) =     0.91
  offset( 235) =     0.88
  offset( 236) =    25.52
  offset( 237) =    -5.75
  offset( 238) =   -14.34
  offset( 239) =    -1.61
  offset( 240) =     3.03
  offset( 241) =    16.54
  offset( 242) =    -5.54
  offset( 243) =   -18.73
  offset( 244) =     9.95
  offset( 245) =     7.49
  offset( 246) =     6.72
  offset( 247) =   -10.82
  offset( 248) =    22.57
  offset( 249) =    25.84
  offset( 250) =    24.76
  offset( 251) =     9.43
  offset( 252) =    -5.13
  offset( 253) =     6.02
  offset( 254) =     1.75
  offset( 255) =    38.44
  offset( 256) = -9999.99
  offset( 257) =     4.87
  offset( 258) = -9999.99
  offset( 259) =   -22.56
  offset( 260) =     8.35
  offset( 261) =     3.63
  offset( 262) =   -21.39
  offset( 263) =    17.77
  offset( 264) =    -5.50
  offset( 265) =    -3.87
  offset( 266) =     1.14
  offset( 267) =    -1.08
  offset( 268) =     9.44
  offset( 269) =     1.99
  offset( 270) =    -5.29
  offset( 271) =    12.22
  offset( 272) =     4.93
  offset( 273) =    -0.64
  offset( 274) =    22.92
  offset( 275) =   -18.21
  offset( 276) =     0.20
  offset( 277) =    -6.97
  offset( 278) =    14.96
  offset( 279) =    14.56
  offset( 280) =    14.59
  offset( 281) =    -5.61
  offset( 282) =    15.35
  offset( 283) =   -22.48
  offset( 284) =     9.83
  offset( 285) =    19.83
  offset( 286) =   -20.28
  offset( 287) =    27.19
  offset( 288) =    11.79
  offset( 289) =    -8.16
  offset( 290) =    81.33
  offset( 291) =    -4.18
  offset( 292) =   -12.11
  offset( 293) =    -1.70
  offset( 294) =   -12.91
  offset( 295) =     1.57
  offset( 296) =   -12.75
  offset( 297) =   -23.81
  offset( 298) =     4.09
... 227 more lines ...
ELOG V3.1.4-unknown