Some additional checks
- check 'top hat' electrical isolators are correctly installed at each of the 4x mounting points of the AIDA snout assembly
- check snout is electrically isolated with respect to AIDA support assembly/stand, bPlas PCBs/cabling/ground/drain wires and BB7
- check LK1 installed aida02 or aida04 *and* aida06 or aida08 ( I assume these are the n+n Ohmic FEE64s? )
- check LK3 installed bottom, middle p+n junction FEE64s ( i.e. LK3 installed on 2 of 16 FEE64 adaptor PCBs )
- check FEE64 power cables are paired correctly, e.g. aida02 & aida04, aida01 & aida03 etc. Remember that the numbering of the power cables at the FEE64 PSUs may no longer correspond to which FEE64 is actually connected to that cable
- check test and test - cable daisy chains are removed
- check ground cabling attachment to Lemo 00.250 connectors is tight - they have tendency to loosen with handling