Changed /MIDAS/Linux/startup/NewMerger
Change parameters -i and -l in master64 to 16 for 16 FEEs
Update NewMerger Options LinksAvailable to 16, LinksInUse to 1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%
Fix NetVar RunOptions 1 (was 0)
Restart Merger HTTPd, Tape, Merger, MBS Spy
16 Links green and status going, all good?
Bias DSSSDs and turn data transfer on
Merger connected, shows rate and updates... no rate in Tape Server?
.. Oops forget to turn on Output to data storage in merger!
Rate in tape server and to MBS: 7 MB/s
Merger, Tape and MBS working with 16 FEEs |