The water issue has been resolved - merely incorrect temperature guages (replaced). Water is 20 C as required.
S4 conditions at 13:12 CEST
26.5 C / 47.2 % / Td = 14.3 C
Based on email by TD doing the following procedure to ensure FEEs are OK after water issue
1) disconnect the power cables of *all* FEE64s at the FEE64 PSUs
2) re-connect power cable, power-up and check/test the FEE64s
*one at a time* until stable operatinmg temperature is achieved
... say 30mins?
13:34 CEST: All be FEE1 unplugged. Powering on!
Vertex temp read slightly warm (67 C) so powered off. Waiting for a while for water to circulate since off for a while...
15:01 CEST: FEE1 Powered on again, Vertex reading 67 C again but it's stable and slowly going down. Watching and seeing but I think it's OK.
15:35 CEST: FEE1 has been stable around 67 C all the time. Other temps fine. Presuming this isn't a major concern. (Perhaps related to reasonably warm/humid conditions?)
15:47 CEST: FEE2 Powered on.
16:02 CEST: Temperature stable, not exceeded 60 C.
16:07 CEST: FEE3 Powered On.
16:17 CEST: Temperature stable, peaked at 58.44 C
16:21 CEST: FEE4 Powered On.
16:40 CEST: Both FPGA and ASIC reading warm: 65.5 C and 58 C. Seeming to not be rising anymore.
16:41 CEST: FEE5 Powered On.
16:53 CEST: Temperature stable, at 64 C
16:56 CEST: FEE6 Powered On.
17:12 CEST: FPGA temp is ok but ASIC warm. Tmax ASIC = 56.88, FPGA = 55.38, PSU = 27.44
17:15 Turning FEEs and Water off for the weekend
Will test 7-12 on Monday.
Might be cooler in S4.
Cooling seems to be working but temps hotter than before.